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Posts posted by timmyo

  1. Hello - I'm a guitarist (yeah yeah, boo hiss :) ) trying one more dabble with bass (last time I bought one to do this I promptly got swamped in band rehearsals on the guitar, but that's under control now and I've picked up a cheap bass again)

    Anyway - obviously I have some degree of left hand coordination (although a virtuoso I aint !) but I'd like to start as I mean to go on in terms of technique (you know, avoid the pitfalls of self-teaching which I fell in to with guitar).

    I've picked up Ed Friedland's 'Blues Bass' book (as that's the first sort of thing I thought I'd have a go at) and while I can ahck through some of the examples I can feel that my technique is all over the place - particularly the right hand (I play guitar with a plectrum but want to play bass with fingers where appropriate)

    Is there an oft-recommended basic technique book/regimen I can pick up ? I looked through my local shop yesterday and most books seem to say "hold it like this, ok - jazz/blues/scales/whatever time!"

    I did spot the 3-in-1 Hal Leonard/Ed Friedland book but (and I'm aware this might sound lame) I was put off by the notation only. I'm not going to be in any situations that require me to read, so it strikes me as one more thing to slow down the practice session. I'm open to being persuaded on that - but it'd need to be bloomin good persuasion. Anything similar that does not rely on reading the dots ?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions,



  2. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='282100' date='Sep 11 2008, 07:34 PM']How's your fretwork? Mine was a bit dodgy high on the G[/quote]

    No problems with that.

    There's some fret wear on the E and A below the 7th fret, but apart form that the neck is good

  3. fret asked this for me (I don't think each of us knew the other was a member here :) )

    I bought it cash for £160 - I'm no expert (I play the guitar normally) but it works (the vol pot crackle is actually jack socket crackle - only when you wiggle - I'll re-solder it) is light as a feather and to my uneducated hands plays very very easily.

    The P pickups seems a bit quieter than the J pickup - is that to be expected ?

    Anyway - it's nice - it'll do me fine.


    [b]**edit**[/b] - it says made in Japan on it - are all the Lytes Jap ?

  4. [quote name='Lenny B' post='102986' date='Dec 11 2007, 11:06 PM']Looks great - I've a blonde Sheraton and you've given me some ideas for it (especially removing the varnish!)...[/quote]

    start with 00 steel wool - don't worry if it looks pants - rub hard - then move on to 0000 - it will look slightly less pants - rub even harder - then (the 'secret' step) move on to car 'swirl remover'. If you end up too shiny again, go back to the 0000

    It's hard work !

  5. Price includes personal delivery to Henley On Thames :) (I work in Slough)

    Yeah the pickups are excellent - I have 57s in my LP and I love them there too.

    imho the hardware change also made a big impact - there's a louder and more resonant unplugged sound now that comes across amplified too.

    I will go through the whole process again when funds permit (although it was a godawful lot of work refinishing it ! ) but right now, funds dictate otherwise :ph34r:


  6. Epiphone Sheraton II which I did some upgrades on in summary:

    Hardware replaced with Tone Pros bridge and tailpiece (Nickel)
    Pickups replaced with Gibson ( a Burtsbucker #1 and Classic 57) (Nickel)
    All pots and switches replaced : CTS pots, Orange drop caps, Gibson switch
    Push/Push switch added for out-of-phase in middle position
    Tuners (Grovers) gold plating removed to reveal natural nickel finish

    The result of this was to make a decent guitar sound great. No idea which of the individual changes had the most impact but an impact it has had! Also the look (replacing the gold prts with Nickel) has de-blinged the standard Sheraton look (much for the better imo)

    The other (big) thing I did was to totally de-bling the super-thick and shiny finish by removing it with steel wool! It now has a matt patina that I absolutely love, and which may also have contributed to the opening up of the sound (it's a much louder guitar unplugged now too - probably also down to the hardware)

    £450 + actual shipping inc hard case

    (Good deal references available)

  7. Hi folks,

    bought this bass from another forumite here just a couple of months ago. I prompty got recruited in to a covers band playing guitar and that is now taking all my time (and pedal money :) ) so I'm putting this back up for sale.

    It's in PERFECT shop-wall condition (the first owner bought it as a backup and never used it) and comes with a soft gig-bag.

    P/J pickups 2 volumes, and 3 band active EQ and Dunlop straplocks

    A billy-bargain at £250 + p&p at cost (please NB that if I were to ship it I'd not do so in the soft case - we'd need to tak about maybe me buying you a cheaphard-case and including in the deal, or obviously there is the option to meet in person. I'm in Swindon but travel the M4 (London direction) almost every day and have family in Gloucester and Straford-u-Avon and Aylesbury)

    Pics (click for bigger versions) :




  8. [quote name='Stuart Clayton' post='62867' date='Sep 19 2007, 10:14 PM']The Irish bass player in question is Dave Marks - great player, and he's on this forum from time to time.


    That's the chap. He was outstanding all through the JWT set, but during this the audience just shut up and listened (as you can probably hear) before erupting :huh:

    Oh, and I suppose you're the chap who wrote this book <taps book on desk> ? :) ta

  9. In that case:

    Recording 1 : Stu Hamm doing a solo bass guest spot with the John Wheatcroft trio (30 MB mp3) : [url="http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/390399_kdiuc/stuhamm.mp3"]stuhamm.mp3[/url]

    Recording 2 : John Wheatcroft's bassist playing a frankly stunning solo set culminating in some live looping (15 MB mp3) : [url="http://www.hotlinkfiles.com/files/390479_gkjqp/amazingbass.mp3"]amazingbass.mp3[/url]


  10. I was lucky enough to spend 2 weeks at the International Guitar Festival in Bath this year as crew. One night there was a performance by the John Wheatcroft Trio & Special Guest the special guest being Stu Hamm (who was teaching for one of the weeks)

    John's bassist (don't recall his name, an Irish chap I think) played an amazing bass solo piece (culminating in a solo 'Message In A Bottle' done KT Tunstall-style with loopers and pitch shifters - it was something to behold)

    Stu looked a bit stressed waiting to go on then played a couple of solo pieces himself before John and the boys played on.

    Now, I've no idea what the score is with copyright of this sort of recording (done from the desk) so didn't want to link to it without checking.

    I suppose I'd better ask if anyone's in the slightest bit interested too ? :)

  11. Still throwing around the practice amp -v- 'proper' amp argument in my head. I'd like to think I'll be playing with others before very long in some capacity (even if only jamming/rehearsing) so might go straight to something that would let me do that.

    I've seen a s/h Hartke 2115 - couldn't find any info on these in a forum search so wondering if anyone had anything to say about them ?



  12. I'm a guitarist migrating to bass so I'd call myself a beginner and want a few lessons to get me going in the right direction. I live in Swindon and am currently working 3-4 days/week in Slough (I know, I know . . . sucks to be me ) so either location or suitably convenient on the way home (in which case obviously evenings only).

    If in Swindon could be daytime on days I work from home, or at a push a Slough lunchtime.

    Any suggestions ?

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