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Posts posted by sk8

  1. Anyone seen the new American Standard Series?


    didn't see much on the fender website. Looks like the S1 switching might have gone

  2. [quote name='sam_' post='121170' date='Jan 15 2008, 10:49 PM']i'll take a look at the line 6, shame i can't try them out before i take the dive :)[/quote]
    i used the Line 6 albit on the Lowdown amp but i was very impressed with it. was gutted when the second crapped out on me (the amp that is). Was going to but the bass floor pod but started down the seperate pedal roots

  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-PRO-FBV-SHORTBOARD_W0QQitemZ300189366761QQihZ020QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Line-6-Bass-POD-XT-P...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]

    is this price realistic?

  4. I've sold my muff and want a blowtorch so this will have to go

    It’s a Daphon pedal, built like a tank with a strong metal housing and is a great overdrive. This twist is it has had a monte alums mod (check out his website) so it is now more akin to a TS808 tubescreamer for basically no money. Most importantly it now has a blue LED and we all know these are the best :)

    It is really smooth and has great response across its range.

    I’m after £30 inc P&P which for a Tubescreamer is no money

    If you want to try some dirt this is agood option

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