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Posts posted by sk8

  1. Okay so at the start of practice was thinking if didn't have the volume BUT turning the gain up to 5 and the volume down on the back to 1 I was too loud for practice!

    No loss of bass, plenty on tap. I used the top right input Fir channel 2 dimed the mids, cut the treble and I was rocking. On 4 on the gain there wasn't a huge amount of breakup.

    All in all really pleased and the trouser slapping bass was lovely in the mix.

  2. Okay to sounds

    Had a quick 15 minute noodle with it. Volume on the back on 1. Glassy über clean this ain't going to be. Using the four inputs you can elicit a huge variety of tones. Some more aggressive and mid range heavy, others baddy and vintage.
    This breaks up earlier than my orange AD200b did but not much. Think the poweramp tubes add distortion too.
    I like that I can just out a noisy in front and get killer OD.

    Practice tomorrow so let's see how it sits in a mix

  3. Some pics of the finish




  4. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1486120007' post='3229359']
    I won't lie- I'm on tenterhooks! :blink:

    How is the quality of the finish? I can't work out whether I dig the colour scheme or not, and part of me wonders about stripping and painting the box black. I'd have to be convinced I was keeping it though, as that would probably render it unsellable!

    It's okay for the money. I'll take some pics. It's not top notch but let's not forget the price point

  5. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1486056567' post='3228907']
    Cool, well let us know when you get the chance!

    What cab will you be running it through? Think you mentioned a 1x15 further up...

    Yeah custom Purple Chili v115


    It's a bit narrow though compared to the amp :lol:

  6. It's arrived



  7. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1485958213' post='3228009'] Aside from the tweaks, I think this is basically a Marshall Super Lead. I get the impression that the 150 watts is the marketing department deciding to use a slightly different scale to the usual measurements. Sure, an EQ in the loop will make it a bit more flexible, but I'd suggest that if you'd be happy using a Super Lead or Super Bass then this amp will be just the ticket- if you are after anything other than that, today's market is a big place and there are much more effective amps for basically any function beyond that roaring ol' school Marshall tone. General consensus is that the simple 100 watter is loud as hell though, if not clean or particularly deep in the low end. [/quote]

    I happily role of 80hz and below so I'm thinking I'm not going to be too bothered.

    Definitely more effective amps but not at this price point I don't believe; well not new!

  8. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1485890718' post='3227568']
    I'd be interested to hear how well it holds together at volume.
    I do like a bit of tube warmth but only really a little bit of hair.
    Obviously as a guitar amp this will be designed to break up into full distortion when driven but would 150W give enough headroom to keep things at least fairly clean sounding at gig volume if needed or would we be talking full on Lemmy levels of distortion at bedroom levels?

    Reading up it would appear the auto biasing feature runs the tubes a bit cooler, giving more clean headroom in theory.....

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