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LukeFRC last won the day on December 17 2020

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  1. Sublimination of photos on aluminum plates - anyone on here do that? 

    I'm having trouble finding a supplier for a project

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    2. LukeFRC


      It's really interesting area - depending on how they do it- there's a few like this, the big commercial players have big commercial structures and tooling costs etc .... whereas the cost of entry to the bottom of the market is relatively low for a solvent ink printer,  heat press and the materials - so it's something other people should be able to do... but they are in a "we sell pre-done things on eBay at low prices" mindset and while could do it, sometimes lack the technical knowledge. 

      My next thought is brushed aluminium look stickers which probably would be enough for me

    3. Passinwind


      I had some plastic faux brushed stainless steel logo badges UV printed by my semi-local guy in Portland Oregon who does effects enclosures, amp fascia plates, etc. I think he can do laser etching on aluminum too. These cost about $9 USD each, shipping included:



    4. LukeFRC


      @Passinwind they look nice. Subliminated aluminium should be easy! 

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