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Posts posted by Tradfusion

  1. [quote name='DDR' timestamp='1493892140' post='3291539'] RE-RESURRECT pt 2 Hello! Anyone got a hold of one of these and care to say something about them? I have a Kala "Rumble".... not good enough for acoustic situations. Am looking online but can't find anything (fretted) and the Shortbass website doesn't have a contact button... Anyone got the 'Basic" model? I am wondering what the difference can be between that and the new one that isn't yet available... [/quote]

    I own the 'basic' model which is a Shortbass one12. I love mine and gig it regularly in a 'mostly' unplugged trad/folk session, i.e. fiddle, button accordian, flute, banjo and percussion unamplified and just myself and an acoustic guitarist plugged in.. The Shortbass has a very nice acoustic tone but would not be loud enough to play in a noisy pub session environment unamplified, so I use a small Phil Jones combo and just enough volume to allow the bass to sit into the mix with everything else... There are no controls on the bass and like any acoustic instrument you need to keep an eye on feedback, its not really a problem at very low volume but a volume control would have been very handy... anyway you dont get one so it is what it is...

    The bass itself has a very pleasant warm rich tone which is mostly due to the custom Aquila strings and it did not take me long to adjust to the super short scale which is great fun to play and it is a feather to carry and transport... comes with its own really nice padded gigbag too... I own several basses and have used most of them in this particular session and the other musicians unanimously prefer the tone of the Shortbass over all the others, it just sounds right for the music we play (Trad Irish mostly)

    Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions I might be able to answer for you...

    Cheers Dave

  2. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1493164616' post='3286220']
    Lined for me, but only because I play a lot of stuff in the high register where intonation becomes really tricky. It's tough even with the lines. Up to the 12th fret i'd be ok with unlined.

    I agree that above the 12th lines make it a bit easier... its a pity more bass manufacturers dont use the small dot system you get on the NS electric uprights.. far more discreet than full lines on a plain board and definitely helps with dodgy intonation when playing up the dusty end... I've noticed a few of the more expensive fretless basses using this method of marking the notes lately and it looks alot cooler than full lines... in fact from a distance it hard to tell that the board isn't plain...

  3. I use one of these as my main head... I've used several cabs with it, at the moment its a Phil Jones C4 but it sounds great no matter what I connect it to... warm, punchy, tons of headroom and if you play fretless its got a nice push pull feature to boost those mids and that function works great too... hard to fault it for the small money I paid for it.. it certainly pips my two previous heads a Markbass LMII and a TC RH450 in terms of all round ability :)

  4. [quote name='PawelG' timestamp='1489105096' post='3254489']
    I wonder how many hours of playing is required to go through a pickguard like that!

    Good luck with the sale.

    Thanks... yeah whoever he was he really liked to dig in... it wasn't me anyway, never used a pick in my life :)

  5. I know I'll regret this but needs must... 74 sunburst alder bodied Precision with lots of player wear so this is not a collector bass, it is however the best sounding and playing Precision that I have played during my 30 years as a musician. I bought this bass from Brian Barrett in Thelowend bass shop in the US about 10-12 years ago, the shop is still there online and I'm sure many of the old sweats will know of it... the bass was obviously well used over the years and is (genuinely) road worn but when he vouched for its awesome tone and feel he wasn't wrong!

    The first big plus is that this bass weighs in at a touch under 8lbs on a fairly accurate scales so as 70s Precisions go its a featherweight. The light alder body is really quite special. The neck is arrow straight with working truss rod and it has a beautiful dark rosewood board and decent frets with lot of life left in them. The bass arrived to me with an amazing set up, nice low action and the intonation is absolutely spot on so I have never needed to adjust it since... it came strung with a set of Black Diamond strings which are quite worn but sound great with tons of warmth but still have plenty of sparkle left in them so once again I left well enough alone...

    The pickup is a passive basslines set which were in the bass when I bought it, I'm not sure when they were installed but the tone is phat, warm and punchy... pure vintage P Bass... the guard is a replacement and has a deep gouge over the pickup made by a previous owner who obviously played with a pick... the bridge is a replacement but has been on the bass for many years... the pots and wiring etc are original as far as I know and there is an extra bit of routing in the control cavity and a battery compartment on the back of the body from what must have been an experiment with an active pickup at some stage many moons ago...

    I think I have covered everything... the main thing is this is a fantastic piece of vintage Fender that sounds and plays like a dream and would suit a gigging/recording musician who is willing to sacrifice some originality for awesome tone and total comfort. The reason for selling is to purchase a rather expensive upright so I'm not really interested in trades. I live in Ireland but am willing to look into shipping to the UK or Europe for the right buyer. I'm asking £1250 for this lovely instrument. I am happy to answer any questions if I can :)

  6. I tried a few Uke basses including Kalas and didn't like them very much for most of the reasons already mentioned above... what I did end up with is a Shortbass one which is made by the Italian string company Aguila... link here... http://www.shortbassone.com/?cat=4&lang=en Mine is the Shortbass one 12 which is the smaller of the two models they produce... this is in a different league to the Uke basses in terms of playability, I know I love my one... price wise theres not alot between them and Uke basses though I admit I got mine used and it was a bit of a bargain... lovely fun little instrument though :)

  7. This looks like a cool cab for the money (about 380 quid) [url="http://www.handbox.pl/Kolumna-Basowa-3-x-10-p115.html"]http://www.handbox.p...-x-10-p115.html[/url] I remember playing through a friends Epifani 3x10 years ago and it sounded really punchy... He had a poweramp/preamp set up though so probably went down to 2ohms though I couldnt swear on it... Would a regular 4ohm min amp head run into trouble driving this load?

  8. TKS S112 1x12 bass cab, 250w 8ohms non tweeter version, mint condition with very little use, fitted TKS cover included, Custom red front panel and vintage tweed grille.. looks and sounds stunning, punchy warm and tight bass tone, feather light at 10kg... I'm looking for £300, the cab is like brand new... unfortunately not being used and I need the money :mellow: located in Ireland so add 25 quid for shipping to the UK...

    [attachment=226444:TKS S112.jpg] [attachment=226445:TKS S112 back.jpg] [attachment=226446:TKS panel.jpg] [attachment=226447:TKS cover.jpg]

  9. I own one that is 24 years old this year so I'm sure its the MK1 and I cant comment of the newer ones... mine has done thousands of gigs and never missed a beat... still sounds great with any bass, electric or upright as long as you use it sensibly and dont expect too much... for acoustic or low volume gigs the combo itself is more than enough but for louder gigs you can disable the internal speaker and drive either one 4ohm or a pair of 8ohm cabs using the head alone... a very handy feature that was ahead of its time back when I bought it... for 150w into 4ohms that head really packs a punch and has the classic GK tone in spades... These days I only use it for smaller acoustic gigs but it spent many years as my main gigging amp... all in all it is probably the most useful piece of bass gear I've bought in the past 25 years :)

  10. Since the amp heads appear to be very high quality chances are the other products are as well... Heres a nice looking Handbox combo for just over 300 Euro or about 260 quid sterling... 1x12 with tweeter, 250w and a nice little kick stand... http://www.kami.sklep.pl/hand_box_fortec_312-96055i it doesnt have a speaker out though, 4ohm rating... not heavy either only 15kg...pretty good value if you compare it to whats available from all the usual suspects... :)

  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1436286683' post='2816763']
    They've just uploaded a vid of a shortscale Elwood...


    That short scale sounds glorious, of course Adrian is a wonderful player which doesnt hurt ;) ... The stock pickups sound great to me, can any Maruszczyk owners tell me if tonally is there much difference between those and the Delanos or Haeussel pickups in a live gig situation? (hard to tell from the video clips)... very tempted to order one of these to be honest :rolleyes:

  12. I recently bought a pair of used Eden EX112 8ohm cabs and unfortunately one of the cabs arrived with a damaged speaker so I need to replace it. The original Eden speakers are the 'wizzer' type and are quite toppy to allow for the lack of a tweeter in the really small box.. playing the working cab I feel there is enough top in that already that I dont particularly need a second wizzer type so I'm looking for a decent regular 12" driver rated at least 300w, it doesnt have to be any particular brand just something someone has bought and is happy with the sound of... I dont really want to spend too much on it if possible so it doesnt have to be really high end... any suggestions much appreciated and a link to where you got it would be great.. :)

  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1443531467' post='2875573']
    +1 I love 8x10 cabs but know from experience what a pain in the arse they can be. I suppose my journey has been about finding that sound and power in a practical package (regardless of speaker size) and I think I'm close to it.

    I agree a good stack of 10s is hard to beat for tone and punch but too impractical for most of us to even consider... I think 12s are so popular nowadays because they are that in-between speaker size that seems to cover alot of ground gig wise for the average gigging bassist who uses his own family saloon or hatchback to get to gigs... many 2x10 cabs (but not all) tend to fall just that bit short of covering louder gigs whereas a 2x12 will probably get you there most of the time... a 4x10 will probably equal or out-gun a 2x12 but its usually bigger and heavier and we have become obsessed with lightweight and smaller cabs in recent years... same goes for other drivers like 5s and 8s etc, you need quite alot of them to shift the same amount of air as a couple of decent 12s so size and weight again becomes an issue.. 15s are generally bigger and heavier and have become a bit uncool lately too so the 12 will remain king of the bass speakers for the time being at least (IMO) :)

  14. I had one of these too and loved the tone but only ever played it through a tiny GK 12MBX extension cab for really small gigs.. I ended up selling it when I bought a TC rig (which is now gone too :rolleyes: ) and missed it almost immediately... Has anyone compared one of these alongside an MB500 in terms of the ability to move air on a loudish gig with decent cab (s)?... from what Mark says above when he tried his MB200 with his bigger cabs is sounds like there might not be a huge amount in it?

  15. Well one of the 23 made it to Sligo :D My main bass for most of my electric gigs, seriously great instrument in every way, sweet neck and action and the combination of Fralins and the East pre gives huge tonal range... to be honest the passive setting is so nice I rarely use the pre-amp... I'd nearly buy a second just to have it... ;)

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