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Posts posted by Tradfusion

  1. Just made an ebay purchase today on a Bag End S15-D 1x15 cab. I know these are very common in the States and get great reviews which is why I took the chance...at $299 in mint cond it seemed an OK price. Just wondering if any basschatters are using these or has anyone anything to say about them good or bad...not too much bad since I now own it !! :)

  2. The nicest flats in the world if you can get used to the slightly lighter gauge and more flexable feel are the Thomastik Infeld Jazz Flats. These strings are the dogs bo***cks if you are after smooth playing with warmth and punch in gob fulls...they even slap OK! Bernard Edwards used flats on his Stingray for all that classic Chic funk...the TI's on a Ray are fabulous, punchy and warm and funkkkkyyyy. Same applies to most any P bass or Fretless bass. I use them on everything I have with the exception of my Status S2 headless classic which I cant get them for and its my slap & pop machine so it has rounds on...try them out guys, you will be amazed at how these things will work wonders on your tone.... :)

  3. As a wedding veteran of many thousands of gigs over the last 20 years the first thing I would tell budding wedding bands is to fully understand the task in front of you. The guests are not long after finishing a 4 or 5 course meal with wine etc so they are full and bloated and looking for fresh air, a fag etc etc. The last thing on their minds at this point is dancing! The bride and groom are a bit uptight because they still have to do their first dance and want to get it over with as quickly as possible. Dont leave them too long on their own, about half way through the first dance call the bridesmaids/groomsmen out to join them and always do a second or even third slow song or waltz. The Dean Martin song " Amore" is in waltz time and can be a great one as a second dance, usually all the oldies will hit the floor and fill it up nicely...try to keep them there once you have them out!
    Have lots of sets and medlys strung together, as already mentioned momentum is the name of the game here and you are better to keep the floor full while you have it full rather than having to work hard to get people back out onto it. You can generally tell by looking when people are starting to wilt and ususally 4 or 5 songs strung together is enough before pausing and hitting them with something a bit different. A set or two of waltzes is a must, same goes for Jives and Rock & Roll etc. It doesnt matter what fancy chops you have or what you play in your pub gigs, weddings are a different animal completely and you have to keep a few different age groups happy and dancing....thats your job as the wedding band and it can be a bloody tough one too if you have a dry crowd who just are'nt up for it. Of course they will be pissed enough later on to go beserk when the DJ kicks into an Abba set but dont get too hung up about it because its just par for the course.
    Expect the unexpected, loooooong delays are normal, pissed uncles turning up at the stage with harmonicas or button accordians are normal, same goes for the dreaded singing auntie who cannot keep in tune or time to save her life...
    [b]BIG TIP [/b]Grab the bride before it kicks off and tell her to find her bouquet and leave it up at the stage beside the band. Hopefully she will be throwing it later on and if you can convince the couple to go for the whole "groom takes garter off brides leg with teeth" routine as well then you are looking at at least half an hour of time wasting during which you are not flat out bursting blood vessels trying to keep people on the floor. If you time it so that this bouquet/garter game is roughly 45mins before you finish, then its much easier to get the floor packed for the big finale as you now have the bride and groom in the same place for the first time in about 2 hours and you [b]KEEP[/b]them on the floor by getting everybody else out so surround them in a circle and hit them with your best finisher upper tunes...a few of our greatest hits include : Brown Eyed Girl, Sweet Home Alabama, Video Killed the Radiostar, 500 Miles and Hit the Road Jack as the last one..., the impression you leave people with is the one they are most likely to remember ! :)

  4. [b]Love Games [/b]- Level 42 ....how may of us who grew up in the early 80's has'nt tried slapping that line at some point !!

    also now that I'm here...

    Get Here - Olita Adams ( Pino Palladino on super sexy smoooooth fat fretless )

    Women - Paul Young ( terible song but worth buying the album just to hear Pino's beautiful fretless Stingray fill in the middle )

    Panther - Marcus Miller ( instrumental )

    Forget Me Nots - Patrice Rushen ( Freddie Washington on bass )

    Peg - Steely Dan ( Chuck Rainey )

    Aeroplane - Chilli Peppers ( Flea with a slap tone to die for )

    Sons of Pioneers - Japan ( Mick Karn )

    Big Sleep - Simple Minds ( Derek Forbes )

  5. I came across her by accident on youtube while trying to find something else. I have to be honest and admit that whatever clip I was watching she was in the distance and I didnt even know it was a SHE. I guess the name Tal is kinda neutral. Anyway it was the tone and groove that caught my ear and I think she must be one of the tastiest players I've heard for a while, male or female....That being said on closer inspection she is very cute indeed, just an added bonus !!

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