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Posts posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1137862' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:38 PM']Yep - I was wondering whether it's a problem of aesthetics more than anything else. An expensive bass should have better build quality and therefore one assumes it has better QC looking over it before it leaves the factory. But other than that I dunno if it actually messes up the sound of the bass too much, if at all, unless it's really out of whack...[/quote]

    I suppose it might mess up the string tension a bit, what with the pressure not being dispersed vertically downwards causing it to move sideways slightly, I suppose that would knock the intonation a bit as well. Im clutching at straws a bit there though!

  2. Don't worry Leschirons, I know that if someone sent me that e-mail I'd probably get a little uppety about it (though if I'm honest I probably just wouldnt reply) but the words would be in my head for a while and I'd definitely give it a good thinking over. I'm confident in my abilities and I've played a few festivals - sometimes it makes me feel like im a much better bassist than I am! A few grounding words won't hurt her and hopefully in the long run will actually do her the world of good.

  3. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='1137822' date='Feb 22 2011, 10:12 PM']But then again, does the bass sound suffer from the bridge being slightly misaligned? Is there a point where if starts messing things up? I ask as I imagine the magnetic field of the pickups is spread around to a certain extent. My Squier P/J has a misaligned bridge, but otherwise sounds fine.[/quote]


    Obviously, I expect something to be made properly but if the bass is fine in every other respect, is there anything else it could impact on Letts?

  4. [quote name='endorka' post='1135197' date='Feb 21 2011, 10:35 AM']This and the similar sentiments expressed by others in the thread surprises me.

    From my perspective, these instruments are tools and I would no more consider the visual aesthetics of a bass than I would those of a screwdriver. In most musical situations, the instrument will be heard far more than it will be seen.

    I own several instruments that played and sounded great, but I did not initially like the look of. Over time their appearance grew on me.

    My Black & Decker powered screwdriver looks crap as well.


    I disagree here,

    I know for a fact that if I was playing a bass that looked "metal" in my indie band people would give me that "Eh? Whats going on here?" look and it would take away from them actually listening.

    I know this because I've done it!!

  5. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1135296' date='Feb 21 2011, 11:49 AM']I spoke to Chris May a few weeks ago about something else, and he mentioned these then. I hadn't previously heard of them.

    How much is that Jazz ?[/quote]

    Bass Merchant have it listed at £579.

  6. [quote name='Steve Amadeo' post='1125154' date='Feb 12 2011, 05:05 PM']If the music you play requires the extra low notes, then you need a 5 string. If it doesn't, you don't.

    The position argument is bollocks. Anything you can play in one position on a 5 string you can play on a 4 string if you practise correctly.[/quote]

    Of course you can, but in many instances it would be easier on a 5.

  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='1125118' date='Feb 12 2011, 04:43 PM']If you really want the 4 sound I would say get the 4, I think the SBMM 4 would sound more like an SR4 than my SR5 does if that makes sense? The 5 has a certain something different thats hard to put your finger on, Its still nice but its different to the 4. Obviously If you really really want the sound of an SR4 then get one of them instead :)[/quote]

    Haha, thats what I thought Pete.

    While I'm not a die hard 5 string player I've used them before and had fun. I definitely don't need the 5th string, but there are a few tracks we play where the 5th string would give me greater economy of movement.

  8. 1.


    Do I need a 5 string? not really. Am I more comfortable on a five string? not really. Does the 5 string look cool as f***? Yeah, I think so...

    I definitely want the traditional stingray tone. I think the 4 banger will get me closer to that. what do you think?

  9. [quote name='WalMan' post='1124577' date='Feb 12 2011, 01:38 AM']your vocalist says "I don't know why you bother with all that extra cr@p. I think it sounds great with your bass straight into the amp" GAH!

    Why do we do it to ourselves!? Constantly searching for that elusive sound, buying this, changing that, a tinker here & there, and at the end of the day bass 101 (a bass, a lead & an amp) often does it, and would make life & gigging so much easier.

    Annoying thing is I sometimes agree with him too![/quote]

    My biggest problem tends to be I spend time and money trying to get a perfect old school tone and decide to go simple, then once I've nailed it I convince myself I need something more modern! I Just don't know anymore. I can seriously see myself with an ampeg and P bass one day. Just to be done with it!

  10. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1122371' date='Feb 10 2011, 09:50 AM']beedster - are you not happy with reverb plug-ins? There are some fantastic plug-ins available.

    mythste - I like the multi-band limiter, but the rest was just way too over the top for me. That and it takes up a huge amount of cpu power.[/quote]

    I think I can understand what you mean. The guy at Sandhills told me (and I thoroughly agree) that to get the best sound out of it you need only use 5% of movement on everything - that is to say its a very sensitive piece of software.

    I found that once I'd got the mix right I could use it to just tighten up the lows and make the highs shimmer a little more, though please don't take my word for gospel as I'm a right chancer with these things when it comes to it!

  11. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1121752' date='Feb 9 2011, 07:16 PM']One of my (many) plans is to get an undirectional PA sub to use with my combo just for those shaking sub sounds (considering a self build BFM).

    Another option you could consider if it's just for you is one of those vibrating pads you stand on, tho I think that's cheating everyone else on stage out of the joys of sub. :)[/quote]

    I really want someone to try this purely so they can tell me what on earth its like! It seems great in theory but I don't know, I just can't see it working out so great?

  12. FWIW, I think that a lot of the appeal of the Jaguar bass is the tonal palette of the electronics. If its just the look your after I've no doubt the quality of the Squiers will be ample for most needs but if its the Jaguar tone your after then it's gotta be the Jap Fender for me.

  13. [quote name='gothpugs' post='1122257' date='Feb 10 2011, 05:28 AM']hello from yorkshire, am a completely new player, and just got my first bass.A yamaha rbx170.
    wanting to learn metal/rock style but at the minute am still on plucking exercises! lol
    So... hi![/quote]

    Stick at those exercises and it'll all come together before you know it!


  14. Personally I think you'd be better off selling them both and getting something more suitable! :)

    Out of the two options it's a tough one though. My gut says that the Tecamp might be a better bet, with a nice valvey OD pedal you'd have a great range of tones available but the lack of power would worry me somewhat,

    Good luck!

  15. [quote name='cheddatom' post='1028036' date='Nov 18 2010, 03:22 PM']Really? I hated it!! Did you have any guidance or did you just play?[/quote]

    Just seen this! The engineer at Sandhills Studios in Liverpool uses it and he took me through some of the features. Although there wasnt a huge amount I couldnt work out on my own.

    Can't wait to see the pics Beedster, When do you think you'll be able to start using the damn thing?! :)

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