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Posts posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Rumble' post='1153719' date='Mar 8 2011, 01:01 PM']Thanks for the suggestions chaps.

    Having done a little experimentation at home with a small peavey combo, I don't think it's the LMII. It does sound a bit like the VLE has been cranked up a notch, but I pretty much always have both the filters fully off.

    In terms of the bass, the D and G sound pretty good, it's just the E and A so it might be a string issue. I might also try just popping the original Fender PUPs back in.[/quote]

    Good call on the string thing. I cant think of an expert reason why - but none the less you might be getting what would normally be "excessive" treble through headphones that has meant you havnt noticed your strings are dead? Just a thought!

  2. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1153653' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:12 PM']Is you cabinet 4 or 8 ohm? I know Markbass amps seem to just open up much better at 4 ohms. Sometimes they can, but not often, sound a little congested at 8 ohms. Depends on the cabinet as well though.

    It tends to be, what you put in, you get out.[/quote]


    And as pointed out, the VLE and VPF knobs are flat when set fully anticlockwise. NOT at 12 o'clock.

    Good luck!

  3. Chris,

    I found that the HS Bongo I had seemed to tick all the boxes you asked about tonally. The single coil in the neck position was really quite "woody" (how I describe a nice P tone!) so my vote would be for a stingray HS - If it was woody on the bongo I imagine it to be woodier on the ray! :)

  4. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1149632' date='Mar 4 2011, 04:27 PM']Great idea and thanks but i wont be going. Im away all sat on a gig (long distance wedding) and will need to catch up with the family stuff on the sunday.
    To be honest im not really into going to shows, i get board very easily unless there are loads of scantily clad women around ;-)

    No, you lot in thongs and a BC T-shirt doesn't count :)[/quote]

    Not even dood? I hear he has buns of steel you lnow...

  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1149613' date='Mar 4 2011, 04:12 PM']Super jealous of the London Bass Show. I was 100% going, then I realised I just don't have the spare money and time at the moment. Meh! Enjoy! :)[/quote]

    Don't worry, its looking like I'm going to have to wear my basschat tee, the less people that see that the better! :)

  6. I'm really very impressed to see chris down there doing his thing. I'm always skeptical with basses nade in the far east then being "setup" in the US or whatever I'm inclined to think it normally means a grunt at the factory has opened it and made sure the neck hasn't snapped!. At the end of the day the proofs in the pudding but much respect to mr may for doing things properly

  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='1149561' date='Mar 4 2011, 03:32 PM']Hmmm. Ive just checked the Soundslive website and they are doing the old Ray34 for almost £80 less than the Bass merchant.
    Considering the CA is supposed to cost almost the same as the older model i think we will see it cheaper once it becomes more readily available.

    The question is can i wait that long lol.

    I must admit to wandering in to the "real" MM Classic section and did like the look of some of those but with the wider neck and higher price tag i know what ill be getting.[/quote]

    If I do manage to get the readies together I might ask darren if he could get it to the bass guitar show in london next weekend dave, if your going down your welcome to spend some time with it :)

  8. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1149544' date='Mar 4 2011, 03:17 PM']£745...hmm, compared to a normal EBMM Classic thats almost £1000 cheaper...so not toooo bad.[/quote]

    Thatnkyou for giving me a good way of justfying it!! Haha. I'm very close to putting my order in with darren. I might even be super cheeky and make an "alteration" to the headstock! :)

  9. [quote name='gafbass02' post='1102540' date='Jan 25 2011, 06:48 PM']Anyone know when 'n where these are/will be available?[/quote]

    I e-mailed Darren at the bass merchant a few days and he said they where now in stock and could be had in a few days.

    the bad part? £745...

  10. I'm sure they exist, but I've honestly never met a cover band that is full of genuine people. There is such an air of superiority surrounding all the people I've met. Even the bands I've auditioned for playing covers have been so far up their own backsides a sneeze could be fatal.

    Anyway, maybe think about getting together an original band with some mates, just for a laugh? :)

  11. [quote name='icastle' post='1145742' date='Mar 1 2011, 01:56 PM']I always attack it from the other direction.

    I'll already know the internet price and add the P&P to that figure - I tell them what that price is and let them know that if they can get close to it they might have a sale.
    I also tell them that I know they have overheads so I'm prepared to be a little bit flexible on how close they can get.

    If they quibble then I walk.[/quote]

    I was in Dawsons the other day and I had a go on the new Fender American Special Jazz they had in there. Lovely bass it was as well! I asked them what the best price they could do it for would be and the guy said he couldnt move on Fenders as they made so little money on them, the only reason they stocked them was so that people would take them seriously because "everyone wants a Fender". Is there any truth in this do you think?

    He was a nice chap otherwise and I dont think he was being a douche!

  12. [quote name='Beedster' post='1145265' date='Feb 28 2011, 11:46 PM']"This item is in stock in our Canterbury shop. Please contact the shop before travelling to avoid disappointment".

    What? The disappointment of seeing it?

    "Our Secondhand instruments come with a six month guarantee. If the instrument develops any new problems within this time, you can bring it back to us for a free repair"

    Would you really notice any new problems over and above those it already has?[/quote]

    Someone should buy it and do the decent thing of making into a steinberger a-like. For mercy!

  13. [quote name='eude' post='1139793' date='Feb 24 2011, 11:54 AM']They're doing a 2X10 Combo with a 300W version of the Terror Bass built in.
    Might fit the bill nicely, will certainly give you the grindy tone you're after, however it has been called a bit of a one trick pony, so best to give one a shot first.

    Also, you can probably pick up a MarkBass LittleMark and an Aguilar GS112 or DB112 within your budget, probably have to go secondhand though, unless you go for the LittleMark250.


    That looks like it could be a great studio alternative to a huge ampeg rig...

  14. Christ. This is quite something Artisan! What a deal!

    The Wenge necks on these are something else. I should know, Not only did I have one on a Cort C4LTD but I had one made to the same spec on a custom build not long after.

    Anyone who needs a new bass on a budget would be a fool for passing this up.

  15. [quote name='vsmith1' post='1138576' date='Feb 23 2011, 01:58 PM']I've just heard that the ship from the east with the Aspirations has arrived. They are to be set up up Chris before being sent out to dealers.

    Eek - I really like the look of the Contemporary J - in blue with the block inlays - or am I being seduced by mere looks rather than sounds?[/quote]

    only time will tell! :)

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