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teen t-shirt

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Posts posted by teen t-shirt

  1. i personally would feel more comfortable buying a bass second hand... any instrument infact second hand...

    knowing it had been gigged because i would know well if it's still in shape enough to be sold after gigging then i know it's pretty solid and it aint gonna fall to bits on me on stage...

    just my 2 pence...

  2. if breaking two E strings in the last week counts as a bad habit then yeah i should burn in hell or something for that one...


    my only other bad habit is i play faster and get a harder sound with my fingers than i do with a pick...


    (broke the two e-strings while playing fingerstyle)

    oops :huh:

  3. mixed feelings about the performance on monday...

    wore my kilt and that went down a storm... plenty of people cheering and singing along...

    how ever at the start the mic didn't work and didn't cut in till the 2nd part of the first verse

    and about 30 seconds before the end of the song my E string sought of snapped but when looking at it, it was stretched at the bridge... i was only playing fingerstyle, for a rock song... but we won 30 quid each for performing one song so didn't do to bad to say...

    ooops... but not all is lost because this was only a run through on the better to come cos on thursday we're doing our full half an hour set and the parents will be there so should be a good evening...

    as long as i don't break nothing...


    no pictures as yet... :)

  4. First gig of the year this coming sunday...

    it's a talent show thing in my school theres 30 seperate acts and we're opening the second half, with Funeral For a Friend's - into oblivion...

    i'm hoping all goes well and that we get a bit of cash out of it...

    will post some pictures when i get them...

    if you wanna see what the bands doing at the minute you can check the website...



    i'll let you know how it went on monday...

  5. Amen!! Dave_Bass5

    i completely agree with your last statement...

    if your happy doing what your doing then no matter what it is "integrity" shouldn't get in the way...

    i'd be happy playing anything because of my love for bass i'll take any excuse to play on my own to a backing track or live...

    but then thats just my oppinion...

  6. People people...

    can we not just go out there and entertain people with our bass playing and have a laugh no matter what we're playing...
    the fact that your out there in the first place even if you say you don't like playing certain songs or music fact is your doing it so there must have been something that made you want to...

    what happened to music just being played... not judged for what genre or wether it's "bubblegum" or not...

    well theres my 2 cents...


  7. Just quote my self here...

    "You guys are A-Holes... Mine makes me want to vomit... i can't wait to get my ibanez...

    i'm stuck with a crappy Fender P (copy) the thing is falling to bits on me... wires have come away from the volume and tone pots, and even if it was working i still wouldn't get an OH YES because the tone on it is crappy which makes it sound wirey and un-bass like...

    i get more pleasure from playing the schools bass...

    not a happy bass bunny right now... :)"

    well after much needed open bass surgery i found my problem why i was getting a crappy sound it's cos my tone control had no wire running to it...

    so after some make shift repairs which as of at the moment holding together yes i can thoroughly say my bass does now deliver that "OH YESSS" feeling...

    (even contemplating not selling it now)

    (:huh: funny how a little soldering can fix everything and make it better :huh:)

  8. [quote name='Tinman' post='209608' date='May 30 2008, 02:04 PM']I think there's always going to be a certain amount of prostitution when playing in a covers band. There are tracks that I play with the band I'm in, that I'd really rather not play but the punters love them and the other band members like doing them, so who am I to argue.[/quote]

    "Too bombay a travelling circus came, they brought and intellignt elephant and nellie was her name...

    oooooooooo00000000OOOOOOOO Nellie the elephant packed her trunk and said good bye to the circus...."

    your fave aint it pete...

    along with of course franz ferdinand's "take me out"
    but in all honestly pete you are a awesome basist even if you do have the habit of trying to play lead... just wish my piece of crap would work so i could show you what i've learnt...

    Oh sorry were the rest of you talking about something...


  9. [quote name='bass player spinn' post='209324' date='May 30 2008, 03:02 AM']dude. ur 16 and u play gigs.. man lucky.... to bad im 15 and i play gigs...ha. anyways what kinda gigs do u play? oh I always.....hmmm what do i do before a gig... nothing really. course i only play infront of about 40 people and sing. not to bad. played infront of 400 and sang once.. church... gotta love those encouraging people. well gl hf[/quote]

    good on you chap... what gigs do i do??

    just ones at school with my band for now... theres normally an average of about 5-600 people at everyone...
    we've got two perfromances coming up after the half term...

    Gonna be Brilliant...

    i love performing one of the main reasons i feel people should play any instrument not just bass


  10. i was in the same situation your in for my first time...

    all you need to do is relax and loosen up... become limber and flexible and enjoy it for goodness sakes...
    if your all sh*t up about it you'll worry, panic and then you might ruin it for your self...

    just take it easy...

    if the nerves are there i find that if i go to the bathroom just before... don't neccaserily need to go...
    but i stare at my self in the mirror splash my face and then go out there and kick some ass...

    don't do it for the crowd do it for self...

    ha listen to me i'm 16 and i'm sounding like my dad... :$ oh god i should be worried shouldn't i...


  11. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='208738' date='May 29 2008, 12:12 PM']Crikey Moses - until reading this thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20145"]all the Fender fans on basschat[/url] had be GASing for a P, but now I've been completely put off! :) Thanks for saving me some money :huh:[/quote]

    just providing a service... :huh:

    no but seriously i have no problem with other people liking fenders or the various "copies" i just personally hate them and hate the fact that right now i'm stuck with one... :huh: :huh: :huh:

  12. [quote name='MB1' post='208718' date='May 29 2008, 11:48 AM']MB1. :huh:
    Look on the bright side,once youve got your ibanez,your p copy should burn heartily for at least 2 hours! :huh:
    Things Can only get better![/quote]

    i was actually thinking of giving it back to the sh*t hole that i bought it from in the first place... bludey cash converters

    they lied to me!!! :) :huh: :huh:

  13. i have to say i'm with the anti-fender members among us...

    i've had mine for about a year... and well it's falling to bits...

    yes it sits well but because of the weight of the thing i've suffered so much pain...

    but i've kept going... it is only my first bass they'll be plenty more...

    but in future i think the majority will be of the ibanez or vintage esque basses...


  14. You guys are A-Holes... Mine makes me want to vomit... i can't wait to get my ibanez...

    i'm stuck with a crappy Fender P (copy) the thing is falling to bits on me... wires have come away from the volume and tone pots, and even if it was working i still wouldn't get an OH YES because the tone on it is crappy which makes it sound wirey and un-bass like...

    i get more pleasure from playing the schools bass...

    not a happy bass bunny right now... ::):

  15. My first and so far only band...

    we go by the name of Sumotitsarocka! (thats said all as one mouthfull)

    basically we're a 3 peice Me (Teen T-shirt) on bass and vocals (the vocals are shall we say under construction)
    My 13 year old (guitar wizz so he thinks) brother on Lead Guitar...
    And my mate Andy is our resident tub thumper...

    Basically at the minute we're doing covers of stuff from funeral for a friend to red hot chilli peppers...

    how ever we do have one piece of original work which was written by my dad but addapted and changed by myself...

    we started out in the 07 just for a laugh there was a music contest coming up in our school and it was actually my brothers idea to form the band... luckily it was that summer that i'd decided to learn the bass... well i had nothing better to do and it was better than listening to my brother playing all the time...

    but after the success of the competition... we decided to take it further and we now have a set of about half an hour... and after our first proper gig we're hoping to build on that and maybe make it an hour so we can put on a proper performance.... so anyway yeah Sumotitsarocka...


  16. any idea of when and where the next one is so i can get to it... i would probably do with seeing how the bass is supposed to be played by real bassists... i swear all i do is imitate one...

    it's probably already said but i can't be arsed to read back through... forgotten anyway...


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