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teen t-shirt

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Posts posted by teen t-shirt

  1. my first and worst....

    was infront of 800 people that all knew me and i knew them that didn't help...

    all i did was take my self to the bathroom bout ten minutes before hand and after well ya know.... :)

    i just wet my face down and just did some breathing infront of the mirror focused my self and went on...

    the crowd loved us... had some hickups with the microphone tho which threw me off a bit

    :huh: since then gone down a treat everytime...


  2. +100

    to everything said above...

    i found my groove with a solid drummer at the college i go to.... and thankfully my younger brother plays rhythm guitar pretty well and i do vocals.... so we got some covers going and we're all pretty tuned to each other which allows to enjoy the experience more... not really played live much but just the feeling of locking and going is fantastic....

    definatly find your self a band... or form your own... must have some mates that play other instruments....

    just enjoy your self thats the reason i picked up the bass not because no one else would do it because i wanted to and now after a year and a half i'm still developing basic techniques and loving playing... also if your sick of mp3 tracks get your self a music program and write your own stuff.... i'm doing that now... difficult and interesting experience....

    definate eye opener...


  3. Hi there.......

    16 year old male......

    been playing for coming on a year and half now....
    and after a year and a half have now found my official bass face!

    favourite bassists are: Flea, Tye Zamora, Mike Dirnt and John Entwhistle...

    i would say i have thoroughly established my self as a rock/punk bassist and on occasion will do the odd song which requires a lower tempo and harmonies... mostly use my fingers but if a song needs it or sounds better will resort to using a pick (will have to buy loads though as my sofa tends to eat them)

    Personally i prefer to stick to main riffs with perhaps a little bit of experimentation but not to much from the horses mouth... structure and holding the song together is what i aim for..... and keeping a guitarist my vocals and a lazy drummer in time..... :)

    so thats me..... oh and i play 4 string (fender p copy but am mothing away very quickly from the stereotype punk bassist who always plays bludey Precisions and am in the process of buying a Ibanez GSR200) have dabbled with a 5 string as well....


  4. following from the success of the Best of 80's and 70's threads i thought well why not do one for this era...

    i'll start it i personally love Mike Dirnt's style i don't know if he's neccaserily a nice guy, but i love his simple yet solid lines....

    let it roll people........


  5. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='142938' date='Feb 19 2008, 10:37 AM']Got a gig this friday

    unfortunatley i aint playing bass in it i'm singing but still it's a gig....

    anyone got any tips as it's the bands first gig it's at our school, we're doing a half an hour set it's my second performance singing.....

    any tips would be welcome then i'll let you know how it went....


    heya guys just to let you know...

    the gig went swimingly we were asked for an encore and thankfully had something prepared.

    it's been announced we are now the "school band" so any concerts any occasions we will be asked to play at them...

    not much but it'll get me used to band life and if i wanna take it further i'll have some experience at least....

    cheers for the advice by the way i did it all, planned my speaking we rolled into each song with out twiddling or anything and the feeling of everyone singing red hot chilli peppers by the way back at me and the band was brilliant

    will let you know when the next one is....

    P.s any ideas for new material would be brillian we do a range of stuff from the chilli's to eric clapton...


    P.s.s will upload some pics when i get em...

  6. Got a gig this friday

    unfortunatley i aint playing bass in it i'm singing but still it's a gig....

    anyone got any tips as it's the bands first gig it's at our school, we're doing a half an hour set it's my second performance singing.....

    any tips would be welcome then i'll let you know how it went....


  7. i will certainly have a look into these musicians but the main reason for my view is that jazz just aint my sort of music....

    i know i know people say that every kind of music is a sub genre of jazz, but i believe that jazz is meant for some and not neccaserily for others....

    thats just the way the cookie crumbles...... and thats the way ah ha ah ha i like it.........

    lol Bilbo i agree with your views i perhaps just don't agree on the same level as you....


    sorry this post was intended instead of my last one.... ooops, but yeah i love floyd pepper too mainly for the large ginger tash tho :huh:

  8. i'll just add in my 2 cents here.......

    "cough clears throat"

    i personally dislike jazz due to my opinion or mainly because of the way i lik to play my music.....

    i prefer a certain structure to my music the music i play has to have some form to it some kind of structure to it, a pattern if u wish....

    how ever i'm just putting in my bit after reading through the 5 pages of replies, and if you wish to listen, play and or enjoy any form of jazz thats down to you and your oppinion i for one can't stand it simply because 'most' of the time there is no structure no knowing of whats coming next and i prefer to know whats coming next.....

    just to quote some one a few pages back......
    'I just wanted to make sure you weren't saying that the fast show sketch caused the stereotype'

    is it bad i haven't seen the fast show sketch or infact mighty boosh?????


  9. been playing bassn for about 7-8 months now and i am currently sort of in a band at school but we only play in school occasions and have just recently found a singer after my failed attempts to play and sing after no set up time or nothing no practice with the mic it was dreadfull.

    but i mostly play bass to just chill out after a long day at school i go back to house turn it up and play through an hours worth of material that i know just to unwind honestly i aint popular with the opther guys in the boarding house but there are 3 other bassits at school asnd thankgod i live next to one some one actually appreciates ma playing......... lol

    peace out........

  10. i'll admit that sort of stuff must take ages to learn and a lot of skill to do but that sport of stuff don't appeal....

    i personally play bass to do the low ntes underpinning songs keeping it together if i wanted t do some wierd high noted "showing off" i'd play guitar.....

    sorry if i up set anyone but thats my view n that whole type of playing....

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