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Posts posted by cheddatom

  1. I played guitar since I was 8, and I still love to play. I mainly write music/songs on guitar too. I play the bass 'cos it's what I wanted to do in a band situation. I feel I have much more control over the band's whole sound, and i'm very much into rythm, and percussion, which you can do quite nicely on an acoustic guitar, but gets lots in the mix of a band on electric. With the bass, you're always playing rythms and grooves, and I personally have a very percussive style.

    So, yeh, basically i'm another guitarist who's mate wanted them to play bass in a band and now i'm hooked!

  2. I have the B2.1U

    I use the "distortion" patch I think, with very low gain setting for a nice OD sound. Then I copy this to most of my patches, and play with the phaser, wah, delay, and synth.

    Two particular patches I always use at gigs are OD>pedal wah>delay and OD>Phaser.

    Obviously, i'm not using the right names for the Zoom modules, but...... My main peice of advice would be to play with it yourself. You're obviously getting used to practicing with changing the sounds and making new ones, just keep doing that and you'll end up knowing the sound you're after, and knowing how to get that sound.

  3. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='52797' date='Aug 30 2007, 02:20 PM']that's it - Hope Street. I remember one of the shops had a load of old pony in it, another shop had a couple of interesting bits, including 2 tele basses and one of them had the most bizarre selection of stuff in it I'd ever seen - I think that was Route 66. He even had some route 66 branded guitars that looked a bit mad and had presumably been sat in the shop for 20 years.[/quote]
    Heh, yeh, I think they're still there! He never has what you need, just everything else.

  4. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='52736' date='Aug 30 2007, 12:39 PM']SC it is then - I was hoping there might be one or two little independents worth looking at.
    i'm out for the day and it's a bit dull when you're on your own :)
    i might go through stoke on the way and have a look at the shops in hanley (there are 4 or 5 on the same street, but i can't remember the street!) and then come back through the peak district and see if there is owt round there. I know there's somebody with a shop in Ashbourne anyway[/quote]

    Hah, Stoke! That's where i'm from :-/ There are a few shops on Hope street, but, they're not doing very well. Rythm House has some interesting basses and amps, but, it's a small place and does everything. The other shops on the same street are route 66 which may have a random beauty, but has probably gone bust since I was last there, and Kays music, which has a nice selection of bass amps upstairs. There was another couple of music shops in Hanley, but they're closed now. The sound control on the other side of Hanley is allright.

  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='51802' date='Aug 28 2007, 04:08 PM']not actually tried it no, but i thought it had the same problem as the whammy 2 and bass whammy, that stupid input gain thing that most of the time made notes decay dissapointingly quickly?[/quote]

    I wouldn't know about that issue. Care to expand/give me a link? It's a bit dodgy is the way the gain pot reacts with my compressors. I can't quite understand it. Apart from that, it has a fatter tone, and tracks easily as well as the WH-4 I think. Only a very slight difference though.

  6. [quote name='BassManKev' post='50901' date='Aug 26 2007, 01:55 PM']dont bother with the whammy 2 or the xp100, they arnt very good compared to the original and 4

    iv had the original and 4th, the original was definaty better sounding, was alot warmer and tracked and sustained far far better. but if you dont use the harmonies much and you just want one to mess around with the whammy functions, then the 4 will do fine. i sold my 4 for £120, and my original for £300[/quote]

    Have you tried the XP-100? It sounds better than the WH-4 IMO.

  7. [quote name='G-bitch' post='50057' date='Aug 24 2007, 12:13 PM']Some seriously nice looking boards going on here. There are also some which appear to be practically unusable to my eyes; cheddatom, that all looks like you need to be crawling around on your knees to use it - is it work in progress? Also some without any kind of true bypass system in place - which is ok with a few high end pedals, but once you've a couple of boss buffers in the mix your clean sound is fooked![/quote]

    Heh, you should hear my clean sound, and then tell me it's fooked!

    It's always a work in progress. I neither have the money, time, nor motivation to stick all my pedals down. I have them set up at practice, then just squash the flightcase lid on there. When I get to a gig, I take the lid off and sort out whatever has moved, which is never much.

    I don't crawl around at all really, occasionally i'll bend down, to switch my dano pedal for example, which has a crap footswitch.

    I regularly gig with around 20 pedals, at least 16 of which are essential for my band's sound. It may look like chaos, but, listen to the music (no-logo.co.uk)! There is some order.

  8. I'm not sure if this is particularly useful but......

    I have a HH 2 x 12" guitar combo that is amazingly loud (don't know it's watt rating) and has a gorgeous "toppy" or "jazzy" sound for bass. If you could find one of them, it'd be perfect. You won't beleive the sheer volume you can get from one of these, and it has no problem keeping up with the low end either (including low A on the 6 string).

  9. I have a Peavey 1 x 15 combo, it could be TNT 150, i'm not sure. I use the crossover though, which is not the most common feature on amps. With the 1 x 15 and my johnson 2 x 12 guitar combo, I have an great sounding, and loud rig. With my Trace 1 x 18 1 x 10 exstension cab plugged into the back of the peavey as well, I have an amazing sound, and plenty of headroom.

    So, yeh, I rate Peavey very highly, especially if you don't have much cash. I can only afford cheap gear, but i'd have to do a hell of a lot of searching to replace this with something better.

  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='47020' date='Aug 17 2007, 11:03 PM']You all need to go out and buy a Danelectro French Toast for Muse sounds[/quote]
    Very good suggestion!!! Seriously.

    I used to use my ODB-3 for a slightly dirty gritty Showbiz like tone. On low gain settings, it's a very useful pedal. It has a mix function, so you don't have to loose any low end.

    Now, for those Showbiz kind of sounds, I mix clean, and low gain OD on my Zoom B2.1U through an LS-2. When I want extra low end power, I kick in the ODB-3 on the clean channel. When I want extra fuzz or just dirty gain, I use another patch on the Zoom, or my Ibanes SS10.

    If I want a very mental high gain distortion, or a synthy type distortion, I use my French toast. It does both very well.

    I think the DHA pedals look good, and I wish I could afford one, but, you can probably get the sounds you're after for less money.

    Another point is that you don't necessarily need two sounds, because of the difference in sound on your strings. Maybe you need some multi-band compression!

  11. [quote name='presoulnation' post='49491' date='Aug 23 2007, 12:55 PM']Well having done a few years on the metal scene, which is home to some of the most talentless bobbins in the world (almost on a par with indie), I would actually prefer to listen to a bad covers band. That is mainly because I haven't been exposed to that many bad covers bands and at least if they aren't playing that well, they may be playing a tune i like so I can draw some kind of satisfaction. I blame all the crap bands I have played with for the amount of time I have spent stoned off my box on stage. S**t band comes on......bugger this I am going to sit inthe car and have a smoke or two. Come back for the next band.....oh they sound like a bag of dead cats too.....outside we go again......vicious circle :)[/quote]

    Heh, that's what I meant when I said I would "wait outside" while the crap band plays!

  12. [quote name='3V17C' post='49462' date='Aug 23 2007, 12:23 PM']i'm afraid that these days i have pretty much zero tolerance for poor bands whatever they are playing. i'll always give them the benefit of the doubt but if, after a couple of songs, its obvious things aren't going to improve then i'm outta there! it always amazes me how many bands could potentially be quite good but are let down by just one individual member (often the drummer) - makes me wonder if they actually [i]listen[/i] to what each other are doing - surely [i]someone[/i] must realise!

    i am of course, old and cynical....

    having said that, if a band is good i will watch and learn even if its a genre of music i'm not into, i can appreciate good playing/good songs etc.

    I totally agree with everything you've said there. I play a lot of gigs in my band, all original stuff, and so I come into contact with a lot of these poor bands. Sometimes, if I see potential, i'll try to give some advice, but most of the time I go and wait outside until we have to play. Listening to a crap support act can put you in the wrong state of mind for playing too.

    I'm not old or cynical though.

  13. [quote name='Clunge' post='49041' date='Aug 22 2007, 04:28 PM']I have an OC-3 and as much as I like the sound I get from it when mixed with a bit of fuzz, I can't help but notice it does suck quite a bit of life out of my tone.

    I was just wondering if the OC-2 would be a better bet or a completely different octaver would be worth looking into.[/quote]

    There's no difference in tone really. Apparently the EBS one is good. I like my OC-2!

  14. I A/Bd my guitarist's WH4 and my XP-100. Not much difference in tracking, although the XP seems to be a bit better, but that could be because the XP has a slightly better tone, less "nasaly".

    I wouldn't know about the WH1.

  15. This thread is really cool! So many different kinds of bassists!

    I'm 22, been playing bass about 7 years. I played guitar since I was 8 though, and this helped me a lot. I've only ever played bass in a 3 peice band, I play guitar, or very occasionally acoustic bass at home.

    I play 6 strings in the band, and gig with 20 pedals and a bi-amp rig. I don't use many "effects" but a lot of "tones" if you know what I mean? I also play a lot of 4 and 5 string barre chords. These two techniques are meant to fill out the band's sound.

    I'm not very good at bass really, but, just do what I think is necessary for the songs we're working on. It's all original stuff, and we each give equal input to the songs. Sometimes I slap, and sometimes I tap. Sometimes I pick (with a thumb pick) really fast and play power chords, or just make mad noises!

    Mostly, like everyone else, what I enjoy most is holding down a tight, finger-style groove with my drummer.

    The only influence I would name really is Les, and that was more of a "you can do what ever you want" influence, rather than technique.

  16. Like some-one said above, if your tuner is just receiving hum, it'll display G or G# ish. There must be a problem with the input. Open it and check for a bad joint on the input socket.

  17. Hello!

    This is my first post. I just found the board today whilst messing around on the net. There are some pretty cool boards on this thread! I do know a couple of the members from the muse board I think. Anyway, I thought I would post my rig!

    If you want to hear it in action, check no-logo.co.uk

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