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Roland Rock

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Posts posted by Roland Rock

  1. [quote name='algmusic' post='1156612' date='Mar 10 2011, 01:54 PM']correct me if i'm wrong. This an audition to play in a festival that they charge £58 and £33 for day tickets to the punters and the band get F*ck all.

    I have two words for that :-)[/quote]

    Two words that rhyme with 'duck fat'? :)
    From Doddy's reply above, it seems they pay decent money for bigger bands, but seem to take advantage of less established bands

  2. [quote name='ead' post='1156192' date='Mar 10 2011, 08:04 AM']There has been a really interesting series of articles on this topic in BGM recently - called something like "But this one goes to 11". Worth checking out as it will definitely inform your choices.

    If you don't buy it PM me and I'll scan and e-mail them for you.[/quote]

    [url="http://barefacedbass.com/bgm-columns.htm"]These articles[/url] are online on the Barefaced Bass site, courtesy of Alex C

  3. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1156020' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:53 PM']I think a lot of stuff from China & Indonesia is really good these days. Some players will turn their noses up because it's not USA made leaving great bargains for the rest of us. I played a great Aria Mosrite copy recently and I am also thinking of the cheap Hofner stuff that comes from China[/quote]

    Hey BB,

    Was the Aria you tried the [url="http://www.ariausa.com/basses/dmb380.html"]DMB[/url]?
    I really like the look of it, and for £185, looks a bargain

  4. [quote name='dbass' post='1153444' date='Mar 8 2011, 09:52 AM']Was this festival by any chance "Glastonbudget" ?

    You can PM me if you want but we had exactly the same experience.[/quote]

    Yup - I snuck the link into the OP - interested to hear your experiences - will PM you

  5. [quote name='JTUK' post='1155438' date='Mar 9 2011, 03:28 PM']By that stretch, I am not too fussed about cover bands who try and play the original as is...so it figures that I am not that great on
    tribute bands who try and do the same thing.
    It is kind of like..has that player got something to say or is he is just spewing out someone elses line as close as he can technically get..with no soul or thought there at all, then I can give that take a miss.[/quote]

    When playing with my current (tribute) band, I play with as much soul and feeling as I did when playing in an originals band. Just because I didn't write the bassline, doesn't mean I can't play it with feeling.
    I agree with Bassicinstinct - it's the quality that matters. To use Bilbo's analogy, I'd rather watch many Alan Partridge repeats than watch one new episode of Snog, Marry Avoid.

  6. [quote name='Toasted' post='1153643' date='Mar 8 2011, 12:09 PM']Bassic cables from forumite OBBM. I dont know why anyone would buy anything else.


    + Another

    As soon as I plugged in with the Bassic ones, the signal from the bass increased considerably to the extent that, for the first time, I had to turn my bass down as it was overdriving the preamp too much. Well built and good service too.

  7. Totally fair. Three main reasons:

    1: They changed the audition schedule around at the last minute to a time that was very inconvenient for several of the members.
    2: Some said they didn't want to play unless it was with me on bass (nice to feel valued for once!).
    3: Some were never happy about the lack of money.

  8. Have a great one, let us know how you got on. No matter how you fare at the audition, this will be the starting point to getting your confidence back, and the beginning of a new love affair with playing in bands.
    Good luck

  9. I had a very similar problem with my 100W valve head. Not loud enough for a rock band situation.
    I took it in to my local guy (I'm lucky enough to live very near a very good valve guy, John Chambers). Here's the Techy bit from John's post mortem:

    "This unit had been sold to Chris as a 100 watt head, but even with the 560 volts HT potential and tetrode connected, they were in cathode (self) bias. Running them like this as a pair, there is absolutely no chance of getting 100 watts! Once I had got the amp back to life, she was doing exactly 50 watts RMS, which is absolutely correct and spot-on with the original GEC specifications for running them under these conditions. I now phoned Chris and brought him right-up-to-date. I told him I could make the amp better by running the KT88’s in fixed bias and with a few tweaks. He gave me a free hand to do whatever was necessary"

    "After all the work and modifications, and with all the conditions and specifications being within the original GEC data sheets for 100 watts from two tubes, she is now doing exactly 96 watts RMS"

    As previous posts have stated, the result is not an enormous boost to the volume, but without doubt noticable, and it now can sit nicely with the rest of the band, and cope with medium venues (I mike up or DI for bigger venues)

    Also, I had always thought that my bass had low output, not hot enough to really drive the preamp, and this didn't help with the volume issue. Got myself some new cables (OBBM) and the signal from the bass has boosted considerably. Just a related issue, although I understand that you have no problems pushing the amp into overdrive.

  10. BCer Grand Wazoo has just bought one:


    Perhaps he might know of some decent recordings, or maybe have done some himself..

  11. Good fun last night at the Vic Bikers' Pub, Coalville. Seems some other BCers have been there too - I spotted a Dressed to Kill poster on the wall.

    Slightly odd setup, with us on the 'main stage' and two other bands on the 'small stage' and a very fulstered soundguy.
    The first band, Federal Black 40 were especially good - both visually and musically - I can see them going places.

    Probably the youngest crowd we've played, and they seemed a bit bemused at first, but soon got into it - full singalongs and dancing towards the end. Great.

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