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Posts posted by lee4

  1. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='352045' date='Dec 11 2008, 06:53 PM']While I was looking on the Dean site I found [url="http://www.bill-lewington.co.uk/Dean/basses/images/large/ZoneBass.jpg"]this[/url] and fell in love a little.[/quote]
    I found that as well....then I had the memory surgically removed!

  2. I work at a timber merchants,and quite a few of my customers are musicians,both amateur and semi-pro.
    So one evening after work,I pulled up at my guitar players house only to find that one of my customers was doing the roof next door.
    Hellos were exchanged,and then I got the "whats in the case?"question.So I told him(it was the Status),and he said"Oh yeah,I used to play.
    I packed it up about 4 years ago".When asked what he used,he sais"A Musicman.But I sold it."
    I was gobsmacked.Sell a MM?The look of regret on his face said it all.He sheepishly admitted that he had to sell it.Had to!A kidney,yes.Or maybe selling your least loved child/sibling/parent for medical experiments.But not a Musicman.
    So,tell me your tales from the ex-players book of excuses.

  3. Good bits
    Happy to play solid 8th notes.
    In time.
    Pick up tunes quick.
    Can take direction/criticism.
    Own transport.
    Will buy a round.
    Can tune the guitar player's gear.
    Happy to stay at the back(thus allowing singers and guitar players to get the kudos.

    Bad bits
    Wrecked back.
    Going grey.
    Occasional flatulance attacks.
    Never happy totally with current rig/basses.
    Can't slap.
    Grumpy wee sh*te.

  4. I used to own a Corvette $$;great sound,I even liked the neck!But two things made me sell it;the shear back bending weight of it(I have a long term lower back problem)and the Just-a-nut III which used to cut my left index finger!

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