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KK Jale

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Posts posted by KK Jale

  1. Zoomed through it slightly pishedly after last night's gig.

    Paloma and Sheeran... I'm not a fan of either. Fast forward, fast forward.
    Nutini is pretty awesome and I would love to see him live but I can't help thinking that it's a triumph of arranging over actual content.
    Wilko - marvellous as ever to see him and NW-R. I thought the drummer was a bit pants, but hey-ho.
    Ronnie Spector is slightly worrying, but she's 71 for gawd's sake. I rather enjoyed it, and Be My Baby is one of the top 10 singles of all time (so shoot me).
    Ms Stone... no. I find it all very overblown and fake I'm afraid. But I liked her, um, dress. Oops.
    William Bell: top man. Bravo.
    Top prize: Boz Scaggs. Just how flipping great is Lido Shuffle?

    Then I went to bed.

  2. If I played with a pick in a loud, loud band, I'd consider a spare bass always...

    Equally, on any massive gig or any pro tour (pffff! As if), then for sure.

    But that's not my level, so I take strings, at least two spare leads (one 20-footer) and a preamp/DI stuffed in my amp carry box.

    Haven't needed any of them in years, but IMO it pays to be on the slightly fanatical side about leads and jack sockets, which I am :unsure:

  3. Nor have I! But original JV tuners should be nickel, no?

    Top, eBay bass; bottom, one of mine. Very different lighting, obviously...


  4. Tuner corrosion typical IMO. String tree and strap buttons matching. Lo-res pics could hide faint grain on body. Cutaway has router hump, lip shape is perfect. Shiny neck plate... not impossible, I could snap mine to look the same, and the font is spot on. Guard looks 83-ish.

    I don't see anything really wrong, Schaller and pickup aside.

  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. How long have you been playing your instrument? [b]40 years... ish. [/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Do you use an electronic tuner? If yes which model? [b]Sonic Research ST200, Boss TU12 for back up[/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Do you tune by ear or electronic tuner? [b]Both[/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. If by ear how do you go about? [b]On guitar, usually by comparing simple chords; bass, just kinda playing root/7th fret octaves. If trying to be accurate with guitar, I use a version of this method - [/b][/font][/color][b]http://www.ryanguitars.com/GuitarTech-Tuning.html [/b]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. Are you always 100% happy with your tuning? [b]Not always[/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. Why are you not happy with your tuning? [b]Generally not happy only on acoustics with intonation problems[/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. What disturbs you about the electronic tuner [b]Nothing much... apart from the danger of reliance[/b][/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8. Do you know how to tune by ear? [/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]9. What is your preferred tuning method? [b]Live, electronic. Home, ear. [/b][/font][/color]

  6. [quote name='datainadequate' timestamp='1417004639' post='2615924']
    ...especially to hear that the LR Baggs might have some downsides.

    Hmm, I may have been a touch harsh.

    I do like the M1 for solo stuff. Once though I was in a trio and the other guitarist had a Rare Earth bucker, and eight out of 10 times in walk-up situations - open mics, folk nights, never a soundcheck, that stuff - he kicked my arse. I crumbled, and moved over in self-defense.

    M1 possibly has a more silvery, acoustic-ish sound but in those situations the Fishman was just A Bigger Knife (see Croc Dundee).

  7. [color=#00000F][font=Merriweather, serif][size=4]
    [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]I've tried a few.[/font][/size][/size][/font][/color][color=#00000F][font=Merriweather, serif][size=4]
    [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Fishman Neo-D – got one for my godson, simple, actually pretty good, scores 7/10 cos it's cheap
    Fishman Rare Earth humbucker – currently have one, a bit expensive and slightly lower-middy but reliable and EQ-able, 8/10. Never tried the single coil
    LR Baggs M1 - available active or passive (latter needs external preamp), toppy, slightly Stratty-sounding to me, picks up soundboard vibration and can click when you hit it with a pick, needs to be hung carefully so pickup sides don't touch soundhole, loved mine at first, don't anymore 6/10
    DiMarzio - mostly not much cop but discontinued DP-139 is ace, 8/10. Angel model maybe worth a look
    Dean Markley - pretty average, 5/10
    Shadow, Seymour Duncan: haven't tried any
    Sunrise – heavy, expensive, needs own preamp, not very acoustic-y, I like 'em but hey... 7/10
    Fishman Blackstack, copy of Sunrise, heavy and electric-sounding 5/10 [/font][/size][/size][/font][/color][color=#00000F][font=Merriweather, serif][size=4]
    [size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Naturally all just my opinion... hope this helps.[/font][/size][/size][/font][/color]

  8. Never seen a hologram at a gig, but I did once go to a very weird Elvis concert/tribute which featured the original band (James Burton etc) plus Elvis on a massive video screen plus his original vocals.

    Hey, I had a free ticket :unsure:

    Kinda a technological precursor to the hologram idea, so maybe relevant to research...

  9. By the way Blue, I find your stated refusal to participate in band funds perplexing. The bands I'm with don't have a fund, but there is a small float (mostly gig money from awkward payment splits kept aside for band emergencies). But if there is a band fund, with an agreed purpose, with a realistic timescale - demo costs, PA upkeep, for instance - what's wrong with that?

  10. I sympathise with some of the original list.

    One problem right now with (both) of the working bands I'm in is… material.

    To be clear, both bands I'm mostly in combine original (very good) songs with carefully selected, fairly obscure covers.

    To my mind, a band that CAN do covers and has one or more songwriters should be generating a fresh 45 minute set EVERY year, minimum. Both for the audience, and the band. But it's not happening.

    I can bring song suggestions to the band, and I do try, but it's always, always down to the singer. I respect that… they have to sing them. I know what that feels like. It's not a job I do nowadays.

    The other problem is the bands I'm in, everybody's genuinely good. They can all busk it, always, perfectly, and with flair. Basically, nobody ever rehearses. But when it comes to the next level, arranging, fine tuning, working out BVs, it almost never happens. In this scene, it's not cool. It's hard to describe the level of skill and cynicism I'm working with.

  11. I'll throw this out actually hoping somebody will correct me.

    Tuners, string tree, strap buttons, knobs, all small screws: nickel.

    Bridge plate, bridge cover, pickup cover, neck plate, neck screws: chrome.

    AFAIK there was quite some variance at Fullerton, but the above tallies with what I've seen and what we've grown used to with the better reissues.

  12. Slight update… thought I'd keep an eye on resonance / dead spot issues, and took careful note before the changeover (just a slight G string 7th fret dead spot).

    With the lighter tuners there don't seem to be any problems up the neck, but the open E feels different and sends a bigger kick through the whole bass.

    Dunno if that'll be a problem plugged in, as my amp is elsewhere at the moment.

  13. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Yes! Once abused by a guitar-picking longhair, now taking brutal revenge. The innocents come to audition bearing Les Pauls and a hopeful smile, but they leave trussed like turkeys in the trunk of a monkeyshit brown Chevrolet, bound for a shallow grave. [/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]But wait! Here comes Vince Bradley, hunky but sensitive true rock believer whose young sister was once cruelly dissed at a My Chemical Romance show, blighting her life forever. Only he can break Giselle's vicious cycle of death and degradation...[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's a screenplay!!! *opens new document*[/font][/color]

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