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Matt P

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Posts posted by Matt P

  1. what a dilemma! as a 77 p-bass owner i'd stick with the fender, i actually got my natural 77 in trade for a black 78 (identical to the one you have) and it was a beaut (i wanted the natural one as it was my dream bass and had a certain mojo), the guy i traded with has a large collection of basses with a sadowsky 5 string in there. i'd say that having played them both, if i was allowed just one bass (for whatever reason) i'd go with the precision, but i wouldn't pass up the chance to add a sadowsky to the collection one day.

  2. My modded (by someone else) '77 Precision, taking a well earned rest on my bed (soft toys not shown). my other bass is having a holiday with a friend (yamaha rbx765a)
    basses are frowned on in our living room so hide upstairs where it is safe.
    apologies for the slightly fuzzy picture, i was shaking with joy when i took the picture, still can't believe she's mine.

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