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Posts posted by AnalogBomb

  1. Personally, I always include photo's or if I can't at the time, I'll make sure I get some up ASAP. I'd always be a bit dubious about buying/trading anything without. You can usually tell if an item looks trashed in the photo's - if they seller is reluctant to post any, I wouldn't bother. It's like buying a house or car on good will or someone's say so - you wouldn't do it! I hope!

  2. Hi All,

    I am putting my Ashdown ABM Combo up for sale or trade. It's in good condition but has been giiged. It's also fitted with a 15" Celestion Driver which replaced the previous Blue Line Speaker.

    It's got all of the classic Ashdown features, dialable ER, Sub Octave, Valve Drive and loads of power! I mean, this thing is loud!

    I've just sorta fallen out of love with it and it doesn't deserve to be sat in my spare room! [i][u][b]I'm after [s]£350 (ONO[/s]) £295[/b][/u][/i] cash or I'm definately open to trades for a good head and cab or very good head unit.

    I'm in Leeds and can deliver or meet within a reasonable distance - can ship at buyers expense, but would ideally prefer not to. The amp also comes with a bespoke flight case.

    Cheers for looking.

    Jonny[attachment=122898:photo1.jpg][attachment=122899:photo (2).jpg]

  3. Listen, us bass players are cool. Nothing else. Guitarists are useless, forgetful liabilities, drummers, well don't get me started. Fact is we hold it together from start to finish. Standing at the back dealing out earth shattering tones and groovy bass lines. It's in our blood; we were made to do this. So no wonder people subconsciously know who we are?! Plus I have a beard. Beards are good.

  4. I've been thinking about this topic (great thread by the way) for a while. Now I love playing bass - I play guitar too, but bass just does it for me. this probably has something to do with the fact that the gear is so much cooler - cool amps, powerful amps, beautiful guitars and chicks dig bass players (so I'm told). But something that really gets me down is that for all of the lovely gear out there, there are some real abominations.

    For example, I love Fender/Squier basses, I just love the shape (Jazz in particular and the Jaguar's), I love the classic finish and more to the point, I love the way they sound. Playing my jazz, I can dial up a warm, clunky tone whenever, wherever. I also love the fact the bodies are big too - mainly because, being a gentleman of a more robust frame, they 1) hide my beer belly and 2) don't make me look like I'm playing a bronco or bass designed for a child!

    Which leads me on to my next point:

    I recently visited a local music retailer (which shall remain nameless, but is an anagram of M.P.T) and the guy in the shop was nice and seemed to know his stuff. The problem was he kept asking me to try out things like (and here is where I finally list my point) Ibanez, I think it was an SR range in lavender, I mean lavender, come on, I'm not buying for my nan; and it just screamed 80's hair metal and was a tiny body. I tried Yamaha's same problem and the sound was pretty naff too.

    I also have a severe dislike for anything too metally - BC Rich, Dean, Early 80's stock bodies..... and really high end basses often just stink of over attention! Those Jerzy Dorzd jobs are simply horrid. I mean, you can't fault the craftsmanship that goes into something like that, but I mean, would you play one, in your local? Modulus the same, Zon, I could go on.

    Anyway - I like Fender and don't like small basses or basses that look like they belong in a gallery or expensive furniture shop.

  5. Hi Folks,

    I've been thinking of putting my much loved but under played VM Jazz up for trade (maybe sell). I've had it since 2007 and it's been up and down the country and is in surprisingly good condition!

    I'm not desperate to get rid, but I've recently bought a Modern Player Jazz and I think I might want something a bit different, such as a Epiphone Thunderbird (Pro if possible) or something not Fender/Squier!

    Hit me up of you've got something you'd be keen to trade, might also be interested in an Amp Head too. Would be looking around the £170 mark if I were to sell.

    I'm in Leeds and can travel within a reasonalbe distance.

    Cheers for looking![attachment=122333:photo.JPG]

    PS - sorry for the sideways photo - bloody windows!

  6. This is an interesting topic! I think you could be being a little over cautious, but nothing wrong with covering every angle! I think it would be a good idea to buy a cheapish bass - just for a back up (and peace of mind!). You could always get it modified after, bang some decent pups in there..... If you were in Leeds/Bradford - I'd have lent you one of mine!

  7. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1351505610' post='1851777']
    Yeah, its interesting how unending perfume, hair and body products are deemed essentials! Every man should have a hobby and hobbies are about spending money. You name it fishing, cars, golf. But, woman want you to treat 'them' like hobby, spending all your free time, attention and money on them

    Hell yes. I try to explain to my Mrs that I don't smoke, only drink on weekends (as a rule) and only go out when I've got a gig. So I can afford to spend money on gear! I even try to throw in the old 'I have something to show for my money..'

    Alas, it never works. She did buy a nice pair of shoe boots the other day (£105). But that's different......

  8. [quote name='deefer_dog' timestamp='1347622667' post='1803134']
    I don't, and never will own a 'Fancy' bass. For one, the cost, two, I'm not a fan of most of the designs. I don't play anyway fancy, I use my fingers, and play a bit of slap when called for.

    I'd be much much happier using a middle of the road bass! None of my basses are fancy ( well, fancy as in handmade, hugely expensive ).

    While I respect the craftsmanship, and the playability, they are something which I personally, wouldn't like. My two cents. ( Yup, cents, I'm in Ireland, after all :P )

  9. Liam, I think there is a fine line between being inspired by someone and imitating their sound. You're a bass player in your own right and you will find a sound that works for you. Steve Harris plays a precision, so maybe start there, invest in a good amp and see what happens!?


  10. I'm not gonna beat around the bush here and I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking Squier basses are great!

    I'm not a guy who earns a massive salary ( I do ok, thankfully), I'm lucky enough to work in a job I enjoy (sort of)! But I really think that the range of bass g's available by Squier is astounding! For people on a somewhat limited budget (like me) they provide a range of quality choices.

    Now given you can pick up a Vintage Mod Squier for £280 max and the next stage would be the £400 Fender modern player, I can't see why you would pay the extra? I understand the high end USA models, for quality, but i have a vintage mod Squier bass (jazz) and I've been thinking recently that id like a fender. But then a part of me thinks llook, you're not a pro, you like your Squier, nobody in the audience gives a you know what, so stick with Squier.

    To this end, I am going to spend £280 cash in Leeds on a fretless Squier jazz ( jaco style body!)

    What say you?

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