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Everything posted by Luulox

  1. will include basic postage price bump
  2. thats the one Kev! It must be a slippery little devil
  3. now reappeared lol. Very strange.
  4. Hi, I had a ad for some bareknuckle jazz pickups in the other stuff section and it seems to have disappeared. Has anyone else had any ads vanish? Cheers Pete
  5. Pair of bareknuckle jazz pick-ups, fantastic tone from these pups [attachment=161777:20140502_104641.jpg] £100 posted Cheers Pete I have found out these are the pe 60 models [url="https://bareknucklepickups.co.uk/main/pickups.php?cat=bass&sub=vintage&pickup=60_hf&series=j_bass"]https://bareknucklep...f&series=j_bass[/url] Will now take £90 posted
  6. Hi guys, thanks very much for all the tips. I will get some pictures up later. I suspect its just a build up of grime over the years so will try a bit of flash Cheers Pete
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1398439780' post='2434160'] ...so currently not the best time to place an order??? [/quote] Could be a good time to sell one though............ Incidentally I just happen to have one I could be tempted to sell Cheers Pete
  8. Hi all, I just acquired a 84-87 E series japanese squire jazz that needs some tidying up and i was thinking of rubbing the neck down as its a bit sticky and such. I was going to use some 0000 wire wool and just wondered if this would have any negative affect on the neck or the value? I'm not planning on taking all the finish off just enough to get rid of the marks and stickiness. Any advice would be great. Cheers Pete
  9. Thanks Kevvo, it is definitely a lovely, playable bass Cheers Pete
  10. [quote name='Luulox' timestamp='1397810379' post='2427535'] bump [/quote]
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