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Posts posted by CPBass

  1. A Student union gig and topping the bill. Geared up, managed to keep the drummer sober and off to the stage we went. Id just gone and bought a Trantec system and as we had a bigish stage thought Id try it. Wandered and ran about which seemed to have gone well so instead of being happy with that. I thought Id go into the audience for a look at the ladies Id spotted giving it large to us. Walked down the steps and around the PA, floor was beer soaked and down I went like a sack of sh*te. Right on top of my beloved Pre Ernie ball Stingray. Band carried on thank god but needless to say I limped back on stage and endeavoured to get back in tune, no serious damage except to my ego. Never used it again. Have laughed about it a few times though. The gig was a storm actually.


  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='390352' date='Jan 24 2009, 01:18 PM']Other than for basses, I've never been charged by customs or Royal Mail for stuff I've bought from the USA, including several expensive bridges and a body.[/quote]

    Oh jeez, I wish, Ive been hit 4 times for pedals and once for a lead ffs. They say the checks are random but I seem to get caught up in their daft system. Must be the Welsh border customs lol

  3. [quote name='Beedster' post='390236' date='Jan 24 2009, 10:22 AM']Plenty of BADASS IIIs in the USA at present, and usually still work out cheaper than buying from the UK



    Indeed, I had seen them but I always seem to get slammed by Customs on recent USA purchases and Royal Mail add another £8 just to 'handle' it. Just aint worth it with the weak quid etc. Ive given up on buying statside until things improve.

    As I said earlier ive ordered the HMV which looks very chunky and well made. How it sounds remains to be seen.

    Cheers for the heads up


  4. Hi Folks,

    Wanting to upgrade the bridge on my MIA Jazz. She has thro body stringing so the 2 options seem to be the new HMV by Fender or the Badass III. Anyone have any thoughts on the pro's and cons of either? The next upgrade will be a John East J Retro so Id like my choice to work well with that.

    Its quite difficult to make a decision without hearing both so any input would be great



  5. [quote name='overwater#1' post='382659' date='Jan 16 2009, 05:18 PM']Sorry Col, would still like this mate.. but i've decided now to go for the bass I need, and have been saving up for.. Hence why I cannot afford this.. and that fact i've decided to go for something slightly more expensive. Little things need to be cut out, such as drinking larger amounts of alcohol on occasions! :P and purchasing items I don't 'really' need!
    I hope it sells soon though, and you get a good price for it! Its definitely a decent item!

    Btw, I exchanged several messages with Col, probably being a pain in the arse, and he's been a fantastic guy, so no one should question buying this!! I wish I could! ;)

    Best wishes, Matt[/quote]

    No worries Matt,

    I totally understand mate, it is a "non essential" item. Just a word of advice. Be careful about cutting the lager out, its that what makes us the stuff of legend!!! Drink on.

    Good luck with the new bass, and if your ever putting the Wal on the market..........fat chance eh?

    Cheers for the kind words btw


  6. Hey Ashok,

    No offence meant mate, it did indeed take some bottle and you have conducted yourself impeccably.

    "He who dares wins"

    I just had to have a dig. Although, I was laughing whilst replying.

    Just a heads up for ya, the Biyang range of pedals on Ebay are a givaway for what you spalsh out. Nice n cheap and usable.

    Good luck in your quest for the elusive tone.


  7. I had one of these first off and Its great to see one again.

    Mine was a dog though as I hadnt yet learned that basses could be "set up". The neck was so concave I could put my hand between the fingerboard and strings at the 7th fret (slight exaggeration) didnt half strengthen my fingers up though. Wish Id kept it and sorted the neck out.

    A good buy for someone, really solid basses.

  8. Oh dear........we have a live one!!! ;)

    Thanks for the Warwick Tayste, just wish Id asked sooner.

    Now Id like a Markbass 3x10 combo with 2x10 ext cab (matching of course) My Ashdown is good but all I can do is turn it up or down and the Eq is bitch to twiddle to get the right sound. Life is hard at times innit!!!


  9. Ive seen it all now!!!

    If anyone has a Warwick Stryker Ziricote knocking about doing nothing I would be more than willing to accomodate it. I'll even pay for the postage n stuff.


  10. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='378062' date='Jan 12 2009, 06:25 PM']Hello all,

    I've had a chat with Ped today about his thoughts on an idea I had as a selling ploy, and thankfully, his thoughts were positive.

    Bearing in mind that we're in desperate times financially, I thought I'd put this out to everybody as a feeler, and if there are enough positive replies, let's make it happen.

    What I suggested is this.........

    I have my 1991 Warwick Thumb 5 NT which I am offering up [b]FOR RAFFLE[/b], not for sale. I have owned this bass from new, so feel free to ask any questions.

    In the present climate, I think this could be the way forward for selling basses on here, especially the high enders which are beautiful basses, but as cash is sparse, there seem to be no takers. I know there are some basses on here I would definitely chance £10 on. Ped himself has already said that if this takes off, there is an opening for a new forum (see below).

    So, I have put a value of £1000 on my Warwick. Now obviously, in the current market I know the number of people prepared to lay that out are very small, but I really would rather hang on to it until things are better financially, than let it go undervalued.

    With this in mind, what I'm looking for is 100 'registers of interest' at £10 each. NO TRANSACTION WILL TAKE PLACE AT THIS STAGE - IT'S PURELY TO REGISTER INTEREST, as in, "put me down for 1 ticket @ £10". You know the sort of thing. There is nothing to stop anyone purchasing more than one ticket to increase their chances. I'll keep a running total and keep posting it, and if it reaches 100, it'll happen.

    The payments (should this become definite) would come to myself, and I would receive my valuation of £1000. Anything over and above £1000 would go to a charity of the winner's choice, and of course I would request a receipt from the charity as proof of payment.

    The list of names, together with the number of tickets purchased per person will go to Ped, so I can be cleared of anything that doesn't appear impartial. Ped has already confirmed he would not register any interest so as to remain impartial, and he will draw the winning ticket.

    So cheers all, let me know.

    All the best,


    Please count me in

    Put me down for 1 ticket @ £10

    great idea


  11. A feeler really,

    An incredible pedal with an awesome spectrum of o/d - distortion sounds further enhanced with the Blend facility. This really is the Dogs Boxxcks. My overdrive / distortion needs are being met by my Microbass DI.

    The pedal is in excellent condition and works perfectly but aint getting used. Value wise Id say she's worth about £100.



  12. [quote name='Basszilla' post='368916' date='Jan 2 2009, 10:22 PM']Nope, and it's back up for sale if anyone wants it. 90 squids delivered[/quote]

    If my John Entwistle signed pic sells I'll take it off your hands. Just what Im looking for if you fancy a trade gimme a nod.


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