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Posts posted by Skol303

  1. It'd have to be Cliff for me as a preference, simple because of his originality at the time (mid '80s) and his central role in the band's early success.

    But Rob T is a great bass player too. I've been following him since his days in Suicidal Tendencies. Nice bloke by all accounts; he helped to restore one of Jaco's basses and return it to the Pastorius family.

    I'm not such a fan of Jason, but I do have one of his plectrums at home (somewhere?!) if any fans here are interested in paying ca$h for it :)

    As an aside - if anyone's interested - I actually have a 'remix' of Cliff Burton's classic bass solo on SoundCloud. Most of you will hate it for being an unmusical wall of noise... the rest of you will hate it for being a sacrilegious reworking of a classic! Those remaining might just like it... (hi mom!):


  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1374526' date='Sep 15 2011, 03:21 PM']Hello mate

    Yes I do :) Although I'm not in the band.

    Krupa and Sheema are full time members of TGU and I work with them on their solo projects, and other TGU projects. I play with Tim and Hami a lot, he is a stunning drummer with the most incredible timing! Tim is also a fantastic musician and producer.[/quote]

    Ha ha, brilliant!! I'm a fan of Transglobal; seen them live a number of times :)

    All credit to you there mate. Those are some great musicians you're hanging with.

    Gotta love Basschat for this sort of thing!

  3. [quote name='Hamster' post='1374391' date='Sep 15 2011, 01:15 PM']I blame these buggers for pointless arguments! - If only they did Top Trumps bass players, all this would be settled!!


    You might be onto something here! A Top Trumps 'battle of the bands' (or bass-players) would be a great idea... I'm off to the Patents Office, see ya! :)

  4. [quote name='silddx' post='1373944' date='Sep 15 2011, 12:06 AM']Sheema[/quote]

    I don't suppose you've had anything to do with Transglobal Underground, have you?

    No reason for asking other than curiosity, as I understand that Sheema used to - or maybe still does - play sitar as part of that outfit.

  5. Really like these tracks and they're very much up my proverbial street music-wise... the more eclectic electronic stuff in particular.

    As Shep mentioned, some of them might have legs commercially, so could be worth a punt. I'd also try them out on other forums relevant to the genres in question, just to check whether they're "down with the kids" :)

    Makes me realise that I really should get round to finishing off the numerous 'half-baked' projects I have at home and upload them somewhere... a job for a rainy weekend I reckon!

    Anyway, keep us posted if you add any more.

  6. Good work!

    Can't think of anything else to add that hasn't been said already... I'd perhaps up the bass a wee bit, but then I tend to do that with [i]everything[/i] out of sheer bass-bias, so probably best ignoring that idea :)

    Keep 'em coming.

  7. Be careful of those levels when recording! Especially if you're looking for the fat, fretless vibe: it currently sounds like you're overdriving the amp, or using a fuzz pedal. Which might be the sound you're looking for, but I suspect it's because you're recording at a level way beyond the ideal and clipping the signal.

    The solution here is to "keep out of the red and in the green!" (which sounds like the catchphrase from Bullseye, but that could just be me...).

  8. Just a quick tip: I'd recommend recording your sessions direct from a mixing desk (or audio interface), as the 'live' sound gets washed out when recorded via a mic.

    It'd make a huge difference IMHO!

    Hope that helps.

  9. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='1372377' date='Sep 13 2011, 07:24 PM']What's the point of this recording forum. You hardly get any comments to help! Surely defeating the purpose of a forum![/quote]

    ^ This is typical of most 'comment on my song' forums, to be honest. I think people are either worried about causing upset with critical feedback; or are perhaps more interested in having people comment on their own music, than commenting on others. Or perhaps they just can't be a$$ed?! :) Don't take it personally whichever is the case.

    As for your track, the song itself is good but it's arguably let down by the mix. No big deal, as this can obviously be fixed! I'm no expert in that regard - I'm just a happy hobbyist when it comes to mixing - but as others have mentioned, it needs more clarity and balance between the different elements of the song. The guitars in particular need taming (typically!) and the vocal bringing forward.

    As an aside, your band name - The Producers - made me think of The Editors. Don't know if that means anything, just passing on feedback.

  10. [quote name='Johnston' post='1368127' date='Sep 9 2011, 09:57 PM']Is Wooten wearing a mini skirt :)[/quote]

    I was just thinking the same thing!

    A miniskirt and leggings by the look of it.

    Well, I guess it's a unique [i]look[/i] if nothing else :)

  11. ^ I remember watching that episode of Horizon when it was shown on the telly :)

    Blew my head at the time... Some amazing findings; really made me think and see the world differently. Well, for a few days at least!

  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='1367389' date='Sep 9 2011, 10:30 AM']Lucky guy, nice studio, and nice way to make a living![/quote]

    ^ Not 'arf! :)

    I really liked his spring reverb thingy... never seen one of those before, but then my experience of studios is limited.

    He comes across very well though - I liked it when he described heavily compressed tracks as being like 'rectangles', very true (although I prefer the term "a string of sausages" myself!).

  13. Must say I've been guilty of squishing dynamics to death in order to up the 'loudness'... but it's a bad habit I'm starting to break!

    I think it [i]can[/i] apply to certain genres of music in a positive way, but I totally agree that it can ruin most music.

    If anyone's interested, I've recently been listening to an interview with the German mastering guru Rob Babicz who has some wise words on this subject (and plenty else for that matter). It's in German with subtitles, but it's only 15 mins long and includes gratuitous footage of his very unique and custom-made studio gear... in case that sort of thing makes you drool, as it does me :)

    Here's the link:


  14. A tip from my limited experience of pub gigs as a wee lad...

    Remember that the role of the pub has changed - at least for you - on the night of the gig!

    Ie. it's no longer a place to get bladdered and should be treated with all the sobriety of a workplace. Well, a workplace that allows for a few ales at lunchtime perhaps :)

    Oh yeah and never [i]ever[/i] let the singer get his hands on amyl nitrite (or other psychoactives) prior to going on stage. It's a long story, but suffice to say it doesn't end well. Especially when the paramedics turn up! :)

  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='1363148' date='Sep 5 2011, 05:44 PM']If any of the parts were recorded starting from somewhere other different from the rest of the tracks ("we'll just need to record the choruses on this track, one at a time, I'll give you a four bar count in, ok?") then you need to render the tracks to stems.[/quote]

    ^ Yep, this is exactly the case with this particular track.

    [quote name='51m0n' post='1363148' date='Sep 5 2011, 05:44 PM']...Reaper (I know, but bare with me I use it a lot!) lets you render all the selectted tracks in a project to whatever bit depth output and sample rate you like. Best bet is retain the samplerate and bit depth and render as wavs.

    This way your mayte doesnt need to line anything up as all the tracks start at 0:00:00 in the project.[/quote]

    ^ Ha ha! Well... you'll be happy to know that this particular track [u]was[/u] originally produced using Reaper (I still use it whenever I want access to VSTs, as I'm normally a slave to Propellerhead...). So I had a quick shufty at the render options and there it is - a simple click and I was able to render each track as a stem, starting at 00:00.

    Cheers 51m0n! :) This has saved my mate a lot of time and made me look like I know what I'm doing (well, at least in my mate's opinion... shhhh).

  16. ^ Cheers folks.

    Seems I'm probably over-complicating this, and that the easiest solution would be to just pass on the original .wav files... should have thought of that myself!! :)

    Ta very much for the advice as always.

  17. [quote name='MB1' post='1361768' date='Sep 4 2011, 02:01 PM']MB1. :)
    Not forgetting the long established small family firm known as" Johnny Roadhouse Music" whose emporium of delights is on Oxford road Manchester.
    ask for Danny :)[/quote]

    ^ That's precisely who/where I bought my bass from :lol:

  18. A (hopefully!) quick question for those in the know...

    I'm looking to export/render the individual channels of a track as 'stems' for someone else to remix.

    Should I...

    A. Export each channel exactly as it stands within the mix? Or...

    B. Standardise the volume of each channel by boosting the db of quieter instruments before creating the stems? - eg. export each channel at as close to zero db as possible (as if they'd been normalised).

    PS: this isn't a commercial job or anything... Just an old track that a friend of mine wants to tinker with.

    Any advice gratefully received! :)

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