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Posts posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='The Funk' post='18225' date='Jun 15 2007, 12:48 PM']So, we're agreed?

    1. If you can 'feel' it, you won't be counting it.
    2. If you can't 'feel' it, you have to count it.
    3. If you have to count it, you count with the accent/drop/kick on the 3.
    4. The reason you count it so that the accent is on the 3 is that we have passed a resolution on these bass forums declaring so.[/quote]

    Ha ha
    Yea man, We ruuule

  2. [quote name='BOD2' post='17800' date='Jun 14 2007, 07:14 PM']The Behringer one could probably be made to work but, as obbm says, the cabling would be a nightmare.

    You could use two of the Boss FS5L switches and make up a "Y-cable" which effectivley changes what was your stereo jack into two mono jacks.

    OldGit's Matrix FSL-2 looks promising (although I can't find any detailed info about it) but it looks to be the right sort of thing.

    Likewise the Marshall footswitch shown also looks promising (the LEDs must be battery powered).

    Other than that I could post a circuit diagram (would have to be tomorrow now) showing what you'd need to do to make one but it would probably end up costing just as much as the Matrix FSL-2.

    Lots of options there :huh:[/quote]

    Thats OBBM's Matrix rather than mine ... in that he has one and recommends them.

    The Marshall pedal LEDs are powered by something in the amp that squirts some sort of power down the cable...
    I'd like to know if the Mark Bass LMK can do the same trick but I'd need to find someone who has both :)

  3. [quote name='Painless' post='17825' date='Jun 14 2007, 08:07 PM']Firstly I want to say thanks to everyone for their input, you've all given me plenty to ponder over.

    If I do purchase, it will probably be online from musiciansfriend as they seem to offer the best discount I've seen so far, unless anyone else knows better? I think I would rather go for a new unit than a used one.

    +1 to the point of getting out and trying some combo's in the shops, I just need to find one around here that actually knows that bass exists and devotes more than one dusty corner to it. The stores I've been to around here so far just only seem to concentrate on guitar equipment and not bass. There ought to be a word for that.... basscistism?


    Ah well as you are in the US... The Peavey BAM 210 is on sale there at one of the big onlines for $599 or so. At that price it's an absolute steal ...
    You may have to google for a few hours to find it as some stores are still selling them for 1200 dollars but I definately saw it last week, just can't find it again ..

  4. [quote name='Muppet' post='17751' date='Jun 14 2007, 05:58 PM']It doesn't work in proper English, Old Bean. EZ is pronouced Eee Zed.... :)[/quote]

    Ah but he's in Tasmania .......

  5. [quote name='obbm' post='17487' date='Jun 14 2007, 11:35 AM']Ashdown ABM requires latching switches which connect the signalling wires to ground so there are no volts available down the cable to drive LEDs. I use one of these:

    Latching switches, LEDS, battery inside, Ring/tip/sleeve jack socket. Not made any more but they do come up on ebay from time to time.[/quote]

    They have them

    It's abroad but they ship to the Uk,
    About 40 Euro inc shipping

  6. Yeah thought it was not obvious.
    I think the Rocktron RFS-2 will do my job for me if I can find one in the UK ..

  7. How about this?
    I can't quite work out if it will do the switching job
    Dave can you translate the spec int yes or no?

  8. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='17401' date='Jun 14 2007, 10:11 AM']quite possibly
    although i might just go and get one of these and stick a stereo jack on it[/quote]

    I guess one of those with a battery to power the LEDs if needed would do it.
    It's already got a stereo jack ...

    "If you you an LED you'll need to power it. You can power the LED from a 9V battery but you'll need to find space to fit the battery. Alternatively you could power it from a 9V dc power supply if there is already one on your pedal board. In this case you'd need to fit a socket to take the power plug."

    in the past I've attached an external 9v battery clip to gadgets where there's not been enough room inside ..

  9. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='17398' date='Jun 14 2007, 10:03 AM']the ABM's as has been said elsewhere do have a warm sound, if you are looking for something a bit more edgey then have a look at the MAG range (yes i know i bought one so i should be happy with it :) )
    when i was looking at amps i was very keen on the rumble but was worried by the 100watt max (think it was the one with the 15" driver) but liked the sound and they are very expensive for what you get IMHO. i got as good if not better sounds out of the mag and there seems to be more available sounds in it too and a 307watt 210 combo for 300 quid can't be beat really.

    but like they say it may not be for you but defo worth a listen.[/quote]

    Mike has a point - 100 watts isn't really enough to play in a club with a drummer and a couple of guitars ..
    you may - just - get away with it if you add another speaker cab to shift more air but a safer bet would be something that has 300 watts to start with.

    Anyway the rule with anything like this is to take your bass down to "Sound Control" or your local music store on a Wednesday morning and just play through as many different makes and speaker config combos you can find.
    Then you'll have a better idea of the makes and speaker sizes you like...
    Then look through the for sale bit here and post a wanted ad .. and EBay etc ...

  10. [quote name='BigRedX' post='17383' date='Jun 14 2007, 09:46 AM']Will Boss FS5L (latching footswitches with status LEDs) not do what you want?[/quote]

    Marshall do a bunch too, nice and cheap, but there's no mention of what powers the LEDs

  11. I too would like one of these.
    I'm LED (ho ho) to believe that the MarkBass LMK footswitch has LEDs to indicate function so that may work for you. However it's getting one for reasonable money that's difficult.
    Having said that I can't see any in the pictures ...

    Dave, could you knock some up?

  12. [quote name='ste_m3' post='17232' date='Jun 13 2007, 09:53 PM']i wasnt dreaming... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=619"]Ashdown Combos[/url]

    Theyll eat any of the aforementioned :)[/quote]

    Well some of us just don't like them ...
    Never could get a good sound out of mine ...

  13. [quote name='acidbass' post='16019' date='Jun 12 2007, 02:55 AM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut88RYybqiA"]Linky Linky[/url]

    As OG says, the review in BP Mag was also very good, I think Ed Friedland did it too.[/quote]

    Hey good link. There's some very good other videos on there - reviews and lessons.

  14. I'm not sure it was this model of combo but Bassguitar mag reviewed one of the Fender Bass combos - it had modeling, drum machine, practice looping etc - and thay absolutely loved it.
    Let me know if you want me to dig the review out.

  15. [quote name='Rich' post='15453' date='Jun 11 2007, 10:12 AM']The only P-style bass I've ever enjoyed playing is Si Oldgit's gorgeous Shuker P-5... other than that, they simply aren't my cup of Lapsang.[/quote]

    Well since you've brought the subject up.
    My Shuker P5 neck is not really very much like the contemporary 4 string Fender. It's a five, of course, and it's very wide. I like like that. It's based on teh Ibanez BTB neck profile - ie very shallow. That may be why Rich likes it ..

    In a bit of mutual appreciation, I really like Rich's Shuker jazz V but in general there are too may pickps and too many knobs on a Jazz for me, when I want to sound liek a fender, its a P I am looking for. That skinny jazz neck is just not wide enough for my fingers which are long and fat :)

    I've always felt at home on P basses - US ones, MIJ ones I even had a JV series Squier - that was nice to play too.
    In the 70's I had the holy grail of P-basses, a real 62. ( for 10 years or so) It had the very shallow profile neck. The 1980's MIJ 62 RI was extremely good as well and stunningly close to the real one.

    I like the sound, of course, er which sound ? well I like all of the very varied sounds it can make that have been mentioned before. Brilliant for reggae too, just roll all the treble off and pluck them up by fret 20 .

    I'm bemused by this talk of not being able to get the action down low .. I can't do it cos I don't fettle well, but I know a man who does and he's always managed to get mine down really low and with just enough fret rattle to sound right, even with my preference for rediculously light weight strings :huh:

    So .. A great general purpose bass. I don't think they are the ultimate bass for a lot of people but they are generally a lot better than "good enough" for a most musical situations.

  16. [quote name='acidbass' post='13742' date='Jun 7 2007, 06:56 PM']Lol, good luck getting one, I've made a few seperate enquiries to be told the same each time - "I no longer make basses to order, and have none in the production pipeline for at least 6 months"


    Well I'm sure you know that my mate Jon Shuker will knock you one up if you ask him nicely ...

  17. [quote name='Davemarks' post='15357' date='Jun 10 2007, 11:46 PM']Can't believe I forgot to mention this - the term 'one drop' actually refers to the fact that there is one kick drum played in each bar. That would be the kick which falls each time on beat 3.[/quote]

    Yeah, I know :)

  18. [quote name='BassBod' post='14775' date='Jun 9 2007, 07:57 PM']Ahhhh....Druidstone. Done a couple of gigs there over the years. Lovely bar. Enjoy...man.


    Yeah We have a band weekend there each year .. that's good but I have to drive there and back on the same day tomorrow :) So little chance for much bar or food enjoyment, sadly
    Atmosphere and beach will be good though :huh:

  19. [quote name='mr_russ' post='14564' date='Jun 9 2007, 11:32 AM']ps- Bernie Goodfellow's workmanship is fantastic- he lent me a spitfire 5 for a week, I couldn't fault the build quality but it wasn't the sound in my head[/quote]

    Ah well at least you know what you [i]don't[/i] want .. :)

  20. [quote name='mr_russ' post='14562' date='Jun 9 2007, 11:29 AM']Nice ;D I'm really only after a nice light piece of swamp ash for this one- so hopefully I'm safe!

    The hardest part is working out how I want the neck-

    I live in Brighton so a trek up to sheffield is quite a slog- I can't really afford to take the time off work to go up either, this is the main thing holding me back.[/quote]

    "Nice ;D I'm really only after a nice light piece of swamp ash for this one- so hopefully I'm safe!"
    yeah they all say that ... then the enter the Wood Store ... and suddenly things get a whole lot more complicated

    "I can't really afford to take the time off work to go up either,"
    No problem, He will meet you there on a Saturday, Sunday too I think ..

    You see there's no escape. :)

    Best thing to do is to call him up in teh week and have a chat. He really is nice and there's no hard sell or anything, just good, helpful advice

  21. Wonderbrass community jazz outfit, "The biggest, boldest funky jazz band in Wales"
    Druidston magic hippy hotel place, near Haverfordwest, West Wales
    Sunday 10th June 4PM - 7 PM

    I'm depping on bass with the band I usually play baritone sax with :)
    My [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/pbassgal.htm"]Jon Shuker 5 String Precision[/url] will be there too if you want to have a look and a go ..


    (worth the click just to experience a seriously hippy website)

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