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Posts posted by OldGit

  1. [quote name='Finbar' post='27979' date='Jul 6 2007, 04:41 PM']Well before I had any idea how long it would take, I was guessing on something like 5 months or so? So anything around that wouldn't bug me too much. Spreading payments out over more time also eases my wallet pains :huh:

    I would like to see him make some kind of start though :) But as he's busy, and I haven't given him a penny yet, I'm not too concerned. He's just supposed to be sourcing out a bass to draw round at the moment.

    From what I can tell, it seems to be waiting for third parties that slows the build time down, like pickup manufacturers.

    LEDs are probably going on the list of things to slap on the bass, but probably side ones. Don't want to be TOO flashy :huh:[/quote]

    Yeah as Rich said the other day they are like lekkie windows and air con in your car..
    before you get them you think they are just nice extras, once you get them there's no way you're going back...
    Side led's make a huge difference to how nice it is to play now.. .

    +1 on front ones being too flash ...

  2. [quote name='Tinman' post='27870' date='Jul 6 2007, 12:26 PM']I think you may want to talk to johngh and OldGit on that score :) but like you say you don't miss it.[/quote]

    Actually there's a whole special feeling around the build process and antici................................................pation.

    It's rather like foreplay :huh:

    Rather like new babies the worst bit is the 2nd week after it's delivered, once all the ooooh and aaaah at the pictures has died down and you have it and it's fab but there's a lot less chat about finished basses than just about to be finished ones so it's a tad like a post gig adrenaline downer .. or it was for me.. I wasn't disappointed but I was very much aware that this was a new and different phase ...

    So make sure you have a bass bash ot gig or something to take it to about 2 weeks after delivery so other players players can say "oooooooh and aaaaah "again :huh:

    LEDs are good for getting civilians to say oooh aaaah as Mark King knows all too well ... :huh:

  3. [quote name='Tinman' post='27826' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:08 AM']Doesn't seem to have mate. I guess you must have jogged his memory about mine (joke)
    Judging by the posts on here I'd say he has at least another 4 on the go since I went to see him, so he must be incredibly busy.[/quote]

    He he yeah ... Good news, well if you are not in a hurry anyway :)

  4. [quote name='Tinman' post='27769' date='Jul 6 2007, 09:07 AM']I think you may be right my friend. It's come a fair way since you went to see Jon, don't you think?[/quote]

    Oh Yes When I asked Jon to get your stuff out for me to take some pics he said "Pete's bass? That's just a pile of sticks right now"
    The damp hasn't slowed him much, obviously ...

  5. [quote name='P-T-P' post='27359' date='Jul 5 2007, 11:22 AM']But by my reckoning, a bass would be too large to send using this service which has a size restriction of 610mm x 460mm x 460mm.

    All the more confusing since a couple of weeks ago I sent a bass case using this service while yesterday I sent another bass case and was denied this service. According to the woman who served me there have been no recent changes in the size restrictions.[/quote]

    Well it was a Hohner cricket bat but yes, apparently it is still too big to send using that service :)
    Strange eh?

  6. Well an update is in order.

    Postwatch were toothless and just got the same reply, rolled over and said "sorry but that's what royal mail said ... "

    So I looked further into it and I now have an apology to make to Parcel Force:

    [b]"Sorry Parcel Force. Your restrictions on wrapping and insuring basses may be hidden well and stupid but ... it wan't you that killed this bass ... it was Royal Mail."[/b]

    The bass wasn't sent by Parcel Force after all .. It was sent Royal Mail Special Delivery Next Day "for valuable items"

    The plot thickens ... especially as the guidance for packing guitars referred to in the rejection letter is on the Parcel Force website and not on the Royal Mail Special Delivery Next Day Wrapping Guidance web page (or, indeed, anywhere on paper in a Post Office or on the Royal Mail website itself...


  7. [quote name='The Funk' post='26473' date='Jul 3 2007, 12:54 PM']Yeah, that makes sense.

    I'm having dangerous thoughts... what if we held the festival at the Vibe Bar and 93 Feet East - they're on opposite sides of the same road in a trendy part of London. As far as I know, they've never had a music festival there.[/quote]

    London eh?
    that big smelly place with no parking/gridlock/conjestion charges/ huge hotel bills?

  8. [quote name='P-T-P' post='25825' date='Jul 1 2007, 11:27 PM']Yeah, getting on fine. It's not exactly plug and play, but that's okay as I wasn't expecting it to be. Spent a few days messing about with it in a sorta semi-blind fashion, just to see what happens and see what button did what. Read the manual in the meantime and kinda makes sense really. Only slight hitch with it I found is that switching patches mid song doesn't really work because of the ever so slight but there all the same delay which is a bit of a shame but it's not what I got it for in the first place so no big loss.

    The whole create a patch thing is a bit annoying coming from individual pedals, but you'd need to buy (and carry) a couple of dozen pedals to get the same array of sounds under your feet so the patch thing is worth living with IMHO. In the end you've only got to program the patches once and then you're all set, whereas with pedals you have to remember your settings and so on.

    I'm a very happy camper thanks.[/quote]

    Cool .. People are making nice noises about DJ5's over on the Diana concert thread :)

  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='25807' date='Jul 1 2007, 10:47 PM']Yeah, although i get a lift to and from gigs it always involves me getting to my pick up and sometimes a night bus home.
    Bloody lazy drummers.[/quote]

    Yeah ... ours only carries the drums, the Pa and the lights .. Makes me bring my bass gear myself! Selfish, I call it

    Hey Dave maybe it's time for one of these

  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='25769' date='Jul 1 2007, 09:39 PM']I under stand your concerns about the drunks but my priority is transporting it with my suit bag, bass and sometimes camera bag. All on the tube.[/quote]

    On the tube? Ah I see ...

  11. [quote name='P-T-P' post='25600' date='Jul 1 2007, 02:55 PM']Bought Si's BOSS GT6-B earlier this week. Top man who serves a delicious mug of tea (was it Lady Grey, distinct citrusy tang?) and the coffee he and Rich were imbibing smelled preety choice too! Don't let him let you play his Shuker 5 string though as it could pose serious problems for the longterm health of your bank balance![/quote]

    Cheers Pete
    Lady Grey? Nah mate, two bags of PG tips and one of Earl gry :)
    lemon? Oops I must have left some Fairy liquid lemon in the cup :huh:

    I hope you and the GT6B are getting on well

  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='25632' date='Jul 1 2007, 04:13 PM']I really dont like the camera/tool case type boxes.
    I find the soft ones like rucksacks or laptop bags are easier to carry as you dont need a hand to do it.
    Just my thoughts on it.[/quote]

    Doesn't your drummer roadie for you ? :)
    I just worry about the mashing an amp would get in a soft bag if a drunk falls over your gear as you are packing up or if someone runs over it ..
    I'd also be scared a knob or two would get broken off..

    The maplins ones have carry straps...

  13. [quote name='machinehead' post='25602' date='Jul 1 2007, 03:02 PM']Yes, I also used Peavy gear for 15 years or so and didn't know what I was missing. It's reliable gear though - never once let me down.

    The Schroeder 1212L is everything I need and more. My band also notice a huge difference in my sound. Best bit of all is how easy it is to hear yourself.


    Yeah I've used Peavy off and on for 20 years the bass combos seem pretty bullet proof (no joke inplied there, Frank)
    Hearing myself so clearly is a tad worrying as I can't fluff as much as I used to :)

  14. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='12319' date='Jun 5 2007, 09:31 AM']Dave,

    when I had the LMII, I used this - only £10 from BQ and the bubble wrap was free. Twas a perfect fit and had enough room for two cab leads.


    I bough Maplins case but the foam won't leave space for cables so took it back and got the B&Q one and some bubble wrap like Homer. Much better. They are now £16.

    Oh and first proper gig with the Mark Bass LMK + Schroeder 1212L last night. Stunning sound. Even my band noticed ..

    One surprise difference between this and my Peavy gear is that when it got a bit loud at the end it didn't mash up the bass sound and hurt my ears. I could hear it all clearly so it was a lot less physically demanding.
    My ears feel better this morning too.
    It's a hit with me ..

  15. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='25231' date='Jun 30 2007, 10:34 AM']Old Git mentioned he took shots of my Status ,which is having a new top put on , at Jon Shuker's. Here's a pic that he took - many thanks matey.[/quote]

    No problem .. of course on Monday it looked like this ..

  16. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='24889' date='Jun 29 2007, 01:32 PM']That must put you within a spit of the Rock Factory - shame the basses are 2 floors up , we might have copped a water damaged bargain or two!![/quote]

    hey they even stock and appropriately named bass - the Rivertone!

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