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Posts posted by AntLockyer

  1. I do have a couple of things to try and get me through that issue. Quite a few from a book called "Making Music: 74 Creative Strategies for Electronic Music Producers". One thing I am going to try is to get 20 or so break beats recorded one day. I can then use them for the basis of whatever I'm working on and replay them once I've got the full track mapped out.

  2. Thanks. One of the issues with working on my own us that I'm not much of a completer full of ideas and initial enthusiasm but have hundreds of unfinished things. I'm going to try and deal with this in a couple of ways. One is going to be posting regular updates so that I'm held accountable :)

  3. Well after my 9 hour drive yesterday I gave it a lot of thought. I'm going to aim to record an album as much as I can on my own although I do know a few great musicians who I could ask for help on some tracks. and then if I can get it together with some other guys go and gig that material.

    I think the appeal here is greater than you think. I know Cory Henry is a super hero but his funk/jazz band have sold out venues all over the world.

  4. I want to be in an old school funk/soul band. Meters, Vulfpeck, Tower of Power, KC Roberts, Daptones kind of thing.

    I'm trying to decide what the best way to go about this is. When I look at Vulfpeck I can't help think that they spend a heck of a lot of time together jamming on those tunes and record a lot of stuff. My personal circumstances probably wouldn't allow that given we'd have to all get into a studio all day and pay for it.

    I do however have my own studio and can play a little bit of drums and guitar and am going to put a bit of work in on the keys too. I also spend the majority of my time in there as I use it as my office so in between meetings etc. I can have a play and use my unwinding time to write songs. https://soundcloud.com/antlockyer/first-time quick example of my noodling, first thing I knocked together to hear what the space sounded like.

    So do I write an albums worth of songs, playing all the parts to the best of my ability and then use that demo to get guys to record and play them live (with better solos and performances) or advertise now for guys and write good songs as a group?

    I'm leaning towards to former but am concerned then I become the band leader rather than it being a collective effort and that the creativity will be all mine and I'll run out of talent :)

  5. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1450456022' post='2933045']
    It helps if your drummer can keep time.
    Accelerating rolls so that we always get to the 1 a fraction early often makes the bass sound sloppy - it's not as predictable as it sounds.

    I play with a lot of different guys and find myself using my eyes as much as my ears sometimes, seeing the stick about to hit the 4 in a fill really helps keep it together.

    so many times we've heard compliments about how tight the rhythm section were, yet we were only tight to each other, if you put a click to it you'd see how far out of time we really were.

  6. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1450774631' post='2935625']
    At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man (especially this close to the season of goodwill) how about trying a forum search - this subject has been covered several times, once pretty recently: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/274641-god-help-me-think-im-starting-to-like-jazz/page__hl__jazz"]http://basschat.co.u.../page__hl__jazz[/url] which includes a link to Bilbo's God, I Love Jazz.

    You sound like a grumpy old man. I'm happy for a new thread to happen, happy to participate and read it. Even if I wasn't it isn't causing anyone any harm other than maybe costing an extra 0.0001p in server space.

  7. http://www.bassology.net/lessons/lesson3.html

    I'm a big fan of Anthony's teaching methods. This lesson is something I've been working on for the last few days and has helped me on many levels.

    I used to struggle to remember what chords I was supposed to play, I'd learned parrot fashion that II V I in C major was Dmin7, G7, Cmaj7 etc.

    Now having this different scale shape (not the easiest to play if you just wanted to play the scale) plus all the shapes within and just remembering the major minor minor major major minor diminished means I can reliably know where on the neck (in that 1 position) the chord tones are without having to know all the notes in it or how to get them.

    Some might think that is a short cut and pattern based stuff is stupid but honestly it is in my fingers and requires no thought. I don't think it is a substitution for knowing the actual notes but it is a short cut to playing unconsciously.

  8. I was sat in my studio practicing. Plugged into an amp on the other side of the desk I never use. For distracted doing something else for 5 minutes then got up to put the bass away. If I Was plugged into my normal amp and lead I could have got all the way across. Lesson learned and no wood damage.

    The wife heard me from the house though and came to investigate. "That's not your 62 is it? A newer one so replaceable."

    Smart girl, but also tells me she has no idea what basses I own apart from one mwahaha

  9. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1450436886' post='2932751']

    Met another bass playing Lockyer recently, over in Fareham - any relation?

    Not that I'm aware of, my dad is from Christchurch though so maybe.

  10. Hello. Had my first rehearsal for a couple of months last night (I moved house, band leader's wife had a baby). The room we had in the studio had a stage so we setup as if we were at a gig and played. After playing like this for a couple of songs and really listening I felt my standard setup just wasn't really cutting through. So I opened the tone control wide open and turned up a little bit (for a bit more dynamic ability).

    What a difference, now I'm running my EBS Reidmar into a Genz Benz 2x12 with the amp flat and my 62 P bass with TI flats wide open on both controls.

    We are a 3 piece band and I'd been thinking about some sort of effect pedal to fill out the sound, now I think it sits just right. Would never have thought about doing this previously, fresh ears were the answer I think.

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