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Posts posted by Tdw

  1. I gig in london a fair bit, and in my experience theres pretty much always a house rig which is pretty usable, i tend to take a head even if ive been informed that backline is provided. We tend to go by car/van and i wouldnt want to take any giggable bass rig on the tube.

  2. Interesting post, its my personal opinion that you get a slightly different timbre depending on which finger you use, could just be the fact that each finger contacts the string in a slightly different place, i often use one finger to play a fairly easy line where consistency of tone (or possibly attack) is important. I think that in terms of sound rather than ease of playing one finger can actually be better.

  3. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1372259' date='Sep 13 2011, 06:25 PM']Lots of children play violin,they dont start out with fretted ones.Fretless is no harder,it's just different.[/quote]

    I think it is harder you have to do everything that you do on a fretted plus the fingering must be much more exact to be playing in tune, theres a huge margin of error permissable on fretted as opposed to fretless.

  4. I think watt for watt a valve amp is in practice maybe 25%(ish) louder, due to the usable as opossed to unusually nasty distorsion charachteristics which enable you to use a somewhat overdriven sound where you would have to back off a solid state amp. Having said that i dont think 120 watts would be enough for the band you describe.

  5. [quote name='Musicman20' post='979147' date='Oct 6 2010, 09:56 AM']I had one of these years back. I thought it was quite a 'trebly' sound. I couldnt beleive it was just a 1x10 (plus horn?).

    I managed to trade it for a decent value and not lose too much. I did like it, but realised it wasnt really capable of keeping up with an entire loud band.

    Good combo though, my first 'real' high quality amp/combo.[/quote]

    Mine has no horn just single 10 , maybe the trebleyness was caused by the horn, i imagine a horn would be more useful on this kind of combo than on most cabs.

  6. I own a blx 130 combo and another (more expensive) way to improve it alot is to add a 2 x 10 cab, as you say the blx ported cab acts kind of like a sub with good bass responce in a small box but with poor higher frequency sound, but when combined with a 2 x 10 you get the full output and a pretty good system for small or quiet gigs. Obviously wont work with blx 80 - no ext speaker facility.

  7. On the subject of gauges, the kubicki strings sold on the website are only 45 gauge, somewhere else on the website it also says that a slightly heavier gauge string is required for the x factor because of the 32" scale. So it looks like kubicki recomend 45 gauge.

  8. Thanks for the replys ,im afriad its not for sale schnozzalee but you should get one anyway they sound great! thanks to jase the bass and mike brooks for the suggestions, now i know elites, picatos and super slinkys will fit it should be easy to get strings for it. :)

  9. the scale length on the low string is 36" as pointed out by chris2112, i measured the length of the strings on my other basses the rotosound 66s and the elite players werent quite long enough but i think the elite stadiums were just about there, i might order some if no one has any more suggestions. :)

  10. I would like to restring my kubicki x factor but dont want to order strings from kubicki in america, so i was wondering if any x factor owners could let me know of any types of string which are compatible with the extended e(d) string system on the bass and are available through normal channels in the uk? Presumably i want extra long strings of some sort?

  11. as many have said your basically at the mercy of the soundman, it depends on how much volume is put out through the bass amp and how much is put through the pa, but at a bigish gig your amp is basically a monitor. you can send a post or pre eq signal but the soundman will still add or subtract what frequencies he thinks is right.

  12. Hi bramley apple, I think in this situation you first have to work out which parts of your system work properly, maybe try your bass , cab and amp with a freinds equipment or something, if you manage to work out (or you already know)that the speaker is causing the fuzz then you could try to get a refund on it. Id also check all the jack sockets are firmly screwed in and all that boring stuff. I suppose it could aslo be possible that the "fuzz" is caused by something in the room vibrating sympathetically although i doubt it. Hope thats some help.

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