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Posts posted by Vinny

  1. As for 'off the beaten track' its becoming far too apparent (in this neck of the woods, at least) that they wants what they wants 'cos it's what they wants. We (i.e. blame squarely laid at my feet) decided to put in something I believe the yoofs refer to as a 'mash-it-up' or some such colloquialism, and as much as we like playing it, this song is currently on it's last warning. We did this a while ago to a room full of nothing short of utter f***ing bewilderment, which quickly lead to the downing of pints and the zipping of coats. Not to worry, though, SoF rescued the day to loud 'huzzahs' all round! Makes you wanna f***ing weep. sometimes!

    The offending article: https://soundcloud.com/vince-peters/double-vision-stand-by-every-breath-you-take

  2. My vote goes here, I always thought it should have been used for a more 'Starsky & Hutch'-type show. I might as well confess to cobbling up an extended version for the car with a DAW!


    A very close second...


  3. This seems like a good time to calm the nerves of the multitudes rendered insensible at the sight of a gentleman [s]playing with his pink wood in [/s][s]public[/s] owning a bass in very pale red, by posting a picture of the legendary Shrinking Violet being used in anger.

    Any excuse!


  4. A flange of Yamahas (assuming that's the correct collective noun!)

    Loving the 415 at the mo, it makes noises no passive bass has a right to make, and the RBX170 punches so far above it's weight you have to wonder how so many other entry-level makers are still in business. The TRBX though, however well made, is obviously slightly less desirable than halitosis judging by my attempts to sell it!

  5. Also, if as it sounds you've reached the 'kill or cure' stage, you can knock a slightly oversized torx bit into the end as it will drive the corners of the hex, not the walls. This is usually a trick just to remove and bin stripped allen heads, though.

  6. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1428253519' post='2739631']
    If it helps, here are some pics of my TRBX which is the same colour. I think it is quite representative of what they look like in the flesh: [url="https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulnattress/sets/72157644753317561/"]https://www.flickr.c...57644753317561/[/url]

    That's a bit more like it - every time I try it either comes out an odd brown in the sun or a lightless void indoors.

    Its a 'Big-Up Mornats' bump! :)

  7. The first four minutes are my very favouritest thing to play ever. If I fancy beasting my fingers I have a crack at the last 7 mins of side 1. Makes the back of my left hand BURN! (when I make it right through, that is)

    Though the original has a couple of bits of wafty tape and some 'tuning indescretions' I still feel it has a life and energy that the re-record just doesn't muster. IMO, YMMV, etc...

    A phenomenal bit of music anyroadup.

  8. [quote name='Vinny' timestamp='1413889616' post='2583108']
    I actually quite like these


    although 'B' in the 5 string set is usually a bit too long for my Peavey

    I take this back, the last 3 sets I've used have been completely naff.

  9. Yamaha TRBX 504 TBL still with less than 4 hours on the clock. Had this up for sale before but decided to keep it after a while, and have played nothing but 5-stringers ever since!

    I ended up using it for one rehearsal and one gig before singers and guitarists decided to start moving songs down the neck a bit, hence the 5ers.

    I have just now taken this out of the case for the first time in over 6 months, which I'm sure you'll agree is bordering on the criminal.

    It'll come in a very used Warwick case (generally scratched and bashed 'cos that's what its for)

    It looks brown in the pictures, (which were taken way back when there was a strange bright light in the sky :blink: , but nothing's changed) but is actually more like a stealth matte black.

    £250 posted or delivered.

    Sale preferred, but will give trade offers a thoughtful goatee-stroke.

  10. When I played a few gigs with my 24" version for a lark, absolutely no-one noticed. The one exception was a strummist who was used to me playing an orange 5-string Peavey said "Did you paint that?"

    Only with the legendary pink daisy do any heads actually turn.

    Play it, its black with a black plate and dark fingerboard, so therefore has an aura of intrigue and mystery (and is therefore officially kewl) which can only be improved with a matching headstock!

  11. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1422557700' post='2674130']
    The start of Sex on Fire.....we have been playing it for six years now and the drummer and guitarist still cannot agree with the timings....that leaves muggins here stuck in the middle....I tend to go with the drummer....as the lessor of two evils!

    I thought this was just our lot! Several line up changes have all been punctuated by the inevitable full hour of them trying to get this intro right. Thing is, never having attempted to play either instrument, I've never seen where the problem actually is with it!

  12. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1421435184' post='2661282']
    Hmm, turns out I didn't quite get one of the frets level. It's the 17th or 18th fret. So, my options are to strip it down and do the fret levelling all over again or try and spot-level one fret. Any recommendations on which way to go? It's a 3-4 hour job to do the whole thing and I don't want to file the frets down too many times but neither do I want to mess up by doing a half-arsed job and trying to do just one fret!

    Haven't got a VM, but have a look if the neck bolts are behind the fret in question. I had a cheapy P copy a few years ago with a similar-sounding problem, one of the neck bolts was distorting the fretboard from behind. I just filed one of the threads off and it was fine after.

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