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Posts posted by Graham56

  1. Only two that I can recall:

    Uriah Heep, Edinburgh, mid 70s. They were head-splittingly loud.. and, err... that's it. 

    Robert Cray in the 90s. Boring low-key mid-paced endless noodling, all at the same level and energy. He made the mistake of having an interval...

    • Haha 1
  2. Are you listening through headphones?

    I practice using headphones and they pick up everything. All the little finger hits etc.

    But when I play live (remember that?) none of this comes through, especially against the sound of the band and the drunks in the audience. I don't record, so there maybe more of it coming through then.

    But I do find the headphones useful, in that they force me to improve on these details of my technique. Especially as I'm playing roundwounds after about ten years of flats. You get away with LOTS with flatwounds...



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  3. Well I've been offered a gig on Saturday, entertaining the punters at an outdoor Christmas market. A mix of lowest common denominator covers with about half a dozen supermarket Christmas songs thrown in.

    Of course I do have some pride, so I told the band leader...






    Hell yes, I'll do it!

    • Haha 2
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