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Everything posted by TDL

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  2. [size=3]Thanks[/size]
  3. Sorry guys, didn't see your replies. Thanks for the advice. I have now tried things out but I'm a little bit hesitant. I'm using this set up: bass --> Markbass Distorsore pedal --> Ampeg SVP Pro --> FX return of Markbass SA450 I haven't tried it yet but I might also want to use my GT-6B somewhere in the chain. What I'm worried about is when I tried this last night for about an hour there was a kind of burnt plastic smell. It might just be the Markbass pedal as it's new, however in the Markbass SA450 manual it said maximum voltage for the FX return is 12Vpp. I don't really know what this means but as there's a lot of gain on the distortion pedal followed by loads of gain on the Ampeg preamp (I also don't understand why the Ampeg pre also has a gain and a master volume when it's a preamp, I thought it should only have gain?) I just didn't want to overload the FX return and fry anything. Also, the Markbass FX loop is in parallel so both preamps EQ work at the same time - this actually sounds great but again, I don't want any damage. I'm probably just being stupid but it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks
  4. hmm, I see where you're coming from, might see how I get on without switching first. Thanks for all your help, it's much appreciated.
  5. I'd probably be switching between. Thanks
  6. [size=3]Hi, I want to use an Ampeg SVP preamp for drive, in combination with either my Markbass head (for gigs) or my swr combo (for practise). How exactly would I go about doing this as I don't want to fry anything. They both have effect loops if this helps. Thanks [/size]
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  18. Hi, if you post some pics, how does £130 posted sound? Thanks
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