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Posts posted by ben604

  1. We've played both the Cavern Pub and Club in the past, I think they find it hard to strike a balance in both. I've seen both venues packed out with hundreds of people all singing along to one man and his guitar playing the Beatles and I've also been whinged at by punters because we don't play a single Beatles song when we play either venue too.

    You can't please everyone, and not only that, I bet it's hard to find decent live bands in packed venues in most Cities that aren't London during the week.

  2. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1341405204' post='1718385']
    I don't see the logic in buying a quality cab for just 6 months, so I’d suggest you stick with what you’ve got. But it sounds like you’ve already sold that cab, so, as ordering a Barefaced is going to take some of your 6 months, and if you need a cab by Sunday, you’ve got to go with the HS410.

    I haven’t used one but the HS410 gets very good reviews and player experiences over on Talkbass. Apparently it can go as loud as you like and has great tone. I don’t think you’ll miss either of your other choices.

    I know what you're saying, it's one of those irrational gear things. I like swapping gear at the best of times, but as I've only got 6 months left, I might as well go a bit over indulgent!

  3. I've got an Ampeg SVT6Pro. I've only just got it, but I've had the gain just clipping and the master on 7-8 to get enough volume out of my Matamp 4x10 (8-ohm) playing medium sized pubs, to maybe 100 people.

    They're notoriously underpowered apparently. I figured a 6x10 will resolve most of my issues and I've always liked them in the past.

  4. I'm looking for a new big silly cab and I've liked the two 6x10s I've had (a Genz and a Markbass) so I thought I'd try another, namely the Berg NV610 as they seem to be the best regarded.

    For the price of a used Berg, which is unlikely to surface any time soon, I could buy a new Barefaced cab.

    How would they compare? Will a Super12 give me the power and bottom end of an NV610 or am I comparing apples to oranges.

    I know there's a lot of love for Barefaced cabs on here, but I want a really objective, real world opinion if I could!


  5. Ok, had a bash this weekend with them as both wireless IEMs and with my bass. Mixed feelings so far, ace with the bass, nice clean, strong signal, from anywhere in the room, never mind the stage.

    As IEMs they're not as good. I'd read that they were quiet and that's exactly what they were. I found I had to turn my aux output up to get the volume required, but that was distorting the input on the transmitting box. So much so that I had to take them out.

    Physically, they're fairly robust. They're plastic, but come with a silicone cover which has the belt clip, which is fine around my belt, but might be too weak on just jeans if that makes sense? They come with short jack leads too, which was nice, so youre ready to go out of the box. I'm a pretty careful person, so I can't see me breaking them, but they might not handly being stamped on! I'd say they'd handle gigs no problems, but time will tell.

    I'm going to take the advice of other users and get a small aa battery powered preamp to put in my pocket between the receiver and earphones and give them another go. I'll report back next Sunday!

  6. [b]Ampeg PF-500 [color=#ff0000]SOLD PENDING[/color][/b]

    Bought this literally 2 weeks ago from Andertons, craving that Ampeg tone. Just not quite there for me, so I'm trying to find one of the heavier Ampegs.

    It's been used for 2 gigs and a practice, so absolutely mint. I have both boxes, the manual, a sealed kettle lead.

    £275 delivered to the UK or £270 collected from the Wirral. Or trade for a small and lightish 15" cab.

    [b]MATAMP 4x10 - 1200w Neo loaded, 8ohms. [color=#ff0000]SOLD PENDING[/color][/b]

    I traded the cab a few weeks ago too, but the Ampeg SVT6Pro I replaced the above amp with is notoriously under powered, so I'm having to push the amp quite hard to get heard (it sounds bloody wonderful when you can hear it!)

    Aaaaanyways, I think it's due to the cab being an 8ohm cab, so I'm [i]only [/i]getting 750watts...either way, I want a 4ohm 6x10 or £425 on collection from the Wirral.

    One day, I'll find that combination of tone, power and weight.


  7. We played to this crowd:

    from this lorry:

    At the weekend. Our gear:

    2 x 900w 14" tops
    1 x 500w Mackie SWA1501
    1 x Marshall DSL2000 through an Orange 2x12
    1 x Peavey 6550 through an Orange 4x12
    1 x Ampeg PF-500 through an 8Ohm Matamp 4x10
    1 x JBL Eon15 monitor

    Everything through the PA (all drum shells), but most of the guitar came from the backline. I needed a little bass DI'd to get enough bottom end.

    Everyone commented on how good and full we sounded, I think the lorry and walls at the back helped keep the sound in somewhat, but it was windy.

    If you've got the backline and decent enough tops, I think you can get away with quite a modest setup outdoors in the right circumstances.

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