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Keyboards/Noise over ability if that makes sense.


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I have a new project on the go and have been asked whether I know any keyboard players.  It's an interesting remit in that we're looking for someone who is more Richard Barbieri than Rick Wakeman, if that makes sense.  Musical ability is an asset, but this more about pads and noise than sitting down and playing Rhapsody In Blue.


We rehearse at Pirate, Wandsworth - erratic 3-4 hour sessions, weekends.  We all have lives and late evenings will be for gigs, we're uninterested in staying out late on a school night.  Wandsworth is equidistant for all members (Reading/Guildford/Lewisham/Central Landaan), but we may switch to Guildford occasionally.  While we've all been on it for years, singer and guitarist both have a more prominent exposure level (if you are in that circle of players, you'd probably know the bands or them).  We're looking at gigs two or three months, possibly Rebellion Festival.  Would suit a more mature lady or gentleman (50s).



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