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Local Bass Heroes


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I was sitting and thinking about my debut into the music scene all them years ago and what really got me started.Like most of us we watched the stars of the time on the TV and listened on the radio to the music desperately wanting to emulate our heroes whilst mostly just playing air bass or guitar.At some point it hits us maybe we could do that.Talking to a friend at school who could play some keyboards as I found out whilst sneaking in to the music room. He informed that he could play guitar too and was part of a trio playing at a local pub.Fortunately although under age I was tall and could carry an 18 yr old look off.That night changed my music life. I watched  my friend and the 2 adults he was with one being his brother in law give a great performance. Yes I had seen pro bands and watched many week end warriors in the local working men’s club but this was different .Some how the guy on the bass played with an ease that looked like he was really enjoying it, the notes he played as well as sounding great just appeared to steer the music as if it was on rails.From that point on I wanted to be a bass player. It has to be said that it was an up hill battle but I received encouragement from my friend and when going to his gigs advice from the bass player in the band who later became a friend..All through my journey this guy always had time to talk and was always pleasant with no musical heirs and graces despite as I learned later had been a pro player in the 60,70s.I still see him today unfortunately to often at sad events ,I mentioned to him when I last saw him that he was really  the main inspiration in me taking up the bass and I thanked him for it. He appeared taken aback as always he was very humble in hearing this but I never really thought to let him know before.He probably doesn’t realise how many local bass players looked up to him back in the day. Needless to say in our local are bass players referred to the John Askey sound when trying to describe the sound they were after. If he gets to see this post I’m sure he would be very embarrassed but as someone who has had many years of enjoyment and still do from playing bass because of his inspiration. Thanks John and I’m sure many of us have had similar experiences in the area’s we live in but it’s just nice when our inspiration  is a little closer to hand than the tv ,radio,or these days social media.although of corse anything that keeps music live and evolving is good.

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