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help with a laney RB3

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soooo, i was given a laney RB3 amp the other day it was found in somebodys garage.
heres the problem. when i plug it in to the mains and switch it on it makes a huge pop noise then just makes the normal humming noise but when i plug a bass in theres completely nothing but it cant be the connection between the head and speaker as im getting the humming ive tried differen cables to make sure its not that.
does any body have any idea what it could be?
any help will be really apprieciated


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It's a bit like surgery over the interweb this! - It could be one of several things. If you're getting noise from the speaker it could suggest that the power section is ok and the preamp is broken, or has a loose/dry connection or one of several other things! :)

There's a good amp tech in Nottingham - [url="http://www.chambonino.com/"]http://www.chambonino.com/[/url]

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[quote name='sweeneyjimbob' post='436333' date='Mar 16 2009, 05:24 PM']soooo, i was given a laney RB3 amp the other day it was found in somebodys garage.
heres the problem. when i plug it in to the mains and switch it on it makes a huge pop noise then just makes the normal humming noise but when i plug a bass in theres completely nothing but it cant be the connection between the head and speaker as im getting the humming ive tried differen cables to make sure its not that.
does any body have any idea what it could be?
any help will be really apprieciated


If you've been given an amp from a garage, did you wonder why it was there in the first place? Huge pops and humming sometimes mean the big mains smoothing capacitors have become dried out or have broken connections from the mainboard or are shorting. Take it to a good amp technician because it could be dangerous if you don't know what its background is.

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[quote name='Spartacus' post='436784' date='Mar 16 2009, 11:50 PM']If you've been given an amp from a garage, did you wonder why it was there in the first place? Huge pops and humming sometimes mean the big mains smoothing capacitors have become dried out or have broken connections from the mainboard or are shorting. Take it to a good amp technician because it could be dangerous if you don't know what its background is.[/quote]

cheers every one!!!!

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i took to it a guy i know who fixes amps today just to see if he could see any problems and he said there no dry connections. so he took the speaker out had a gander behind and we found a small bagpuss, a ty beanie toy, a stuffed rabbit and a plastic pirate figurine. so we took them out put everything back in place and bingo it worked.

what are the odds?

actually a pretty nice amp im chuffed for a freebee :)
thanks everyone that helped

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