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Brought this to experiment with, didn't do the job I wanted it to do but is an interesting effect to mess with, on bass it serves as a mid scoop with a huge high and low boost.
If you cut the high out of it, the bass boost it gives is huge!!! add a drive pedal of your choice and its huge!!!!
Its on ebay at the min for £55 + postage, but in forum tradition of passing pedals around to try and experiment with, its yours for £45 (£5 postage sound fair?, I will sort the other half of it out)
NOTE: the writings is NOT actually on the pedal, (its from me cataloguing my effects)
The pedal is in great condition, think there are 3 tiny little chips to the the paint, no box or original instructions but the manual is easly down loaded from the Boss website as you all ready probably know!
thanks for looking !


Edited by danny-79
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