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Structured online beginner lessons ?

The Hat

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Apologies, my stupid fingers pressed submit by mistake.
What I meant to say was,
I know there are a mass of lessons on YouTube for beginners but can anyone recommend someone that does structured lessons, the kind that start with lesson 1 day 1 kind of thing ?
I'm the kind of learner that prefers the structured approach. A lot of the beginner videos assume some prior knowledge but is there anything out there that assumes no prior knowledge ?

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IMO, while there are good You Tube clips out there, as you say, most of them are not structured. For twelve pounds, I think investing in the "Hal Leonard Bass Method" book (see link below) would be money well invested, as would getting a teacher (even better).


Having said the above, some good sites to check out, while not exactly structured would be :



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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1364377447' post='2025504']
IMO, while there are good You Tube clips out there, as you say, most of them are not structured. For twelve pounds, I think investing in the "Hal Leonard Bass Method" book (see link below) would be money well invested, as would getting a teacher (even better).


Having said the above, some good sites to check out, while not exactly structured would be :



+1 on the Hal Leonard book & Scott's Bass Lessons :).

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I've just started on artistworks. It's cheaper than a teacher (the 3 month subscription price is the same amount I paid for a 2 hour lesson) and the material is structured. Every so often you are required to submit a video and will get a video response from the tutor. It's probably not as valuable as one to one lessons with a tutor, but on the basis that most people make the same sort of mistakes when starting out, I thought it would be good to be able to review lessons over and over again, see what other people have done and learn from the whole lot. Early days though! Hopefully, this link will work: http://artistworks.com/bass-lessons

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