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FS Black Cat Octave Fuzz


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Not visited Basschat for a while cause I've been pretty happy with my set-up and I've been trying to steer clear of any potential GAS-inducing websites but I'm back with a truly awesome pedal for sale that I don't ideally want to see the back of.

I purchased the Black Cat Octave Fuzz from Analogman USA a couple of years back as I couldn't source one from a UK retailer at the time. I have seen a UK retailer pricing them at £179 a pop now though so, as the pedal is as good as new and never gigged, I'll take £125 posted.
As far as effects pedals go, it's without doubt the coolest looking and most astounding sounding stompbox i've had the pleasure of stepping on. It really is a beast. The ability to blend in as much of the clean signal as required as well as a large spectrum of fuzztastic tone options make it a real powerhouse of a pedal.
Here's the blurb from Black Cat:

The Black Cat Bass Octave Fuzz is a modern recreation of the rare and valuable Maestro Bass Brassmaster, which was used in the seventies by bass players such as John Entwhistle (The Who), Chris Squire (Yes), and Kyle Brock (Eric Johnson/Electromagnets), among others. One of the problems bass players have always faced when using a fuzz pedal is the loss of low-end. The Bass Octave Fuzz allows the player to blend the clean signal into the mix along with the fuzz. The result is a monstrous roar of fuzz with a thunderous low-end rumble. Not for the faint of heart!

Why am I selling I hear you ask? Well.... I've turned to the darkside and purchased a Mexican Strat to see if can develop my 6 string skills a little and as a big Jimi fan, I felt obliged to shell out a small fortune on a boutique fuzz face clone (as you do). I now need to recorperate some pennies before my partner lynches me and as I never use this pedal with my working bands, it's got to go!

Whoever buys won't be disappointed so feel free to save me from a severe ear bashing :)

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top pedal this....Ive used this actual pedal (cheers nell e) a few months ago...so versatile....used in conjunction with a envelope filter I got a really smooth synth type sound that Ive used for a recent recording....if I had some spare cash Id be snatching his hand off

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