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Set of Pirastro flat-chromes for sale - SOLD


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Complete set of Pirastro flat chromesteel (E string, not C extension). On my bass for three weeks or so and like new. The cheapest you will find these for are £204 from Stringzone. I'll let them go for £80.

These strings are real pot luck. On some basses they sound absolutely terrific, on others complete crap. Alas, on mine it was the latter. They are probably the toughest strings out there though so if they work for you, you'll never need a new set! Not really suitable for jazz but more orchestral bruisers.

Hope you're all well!


Edited by Damo200
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They're great strings. As you know I've got through quite a few different sets :) but always eventually put back on the old flatchromes. I really fancy trying these on my other bass but unfortunately the tax man has wiped me out, you don't fancy a swap for a set of Evahs (C ext) by any chance?

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