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Posts posted by Thurbs

  1. Played at a dive on Saturday night for the first time, the sort of place where the bogs are full of people doing lines of coke etc.

    Didn't get stabbed, or the van nicked, or a drunkard falling over expensive gear so all is well.

    Managed to miss a verse from Sultans of Swing though, but knowone else noticed!

  2. Hi folks.

    I have some pretty good gear these days, but have some money burning a whole in my pocket and am thinking about upgrading. I play all sorts of music from folk, jazz, rock and blues so am looking for a "once size fits all" setup rather than a "ultimate thrash metal" stack. I am never going to play the O2, or Glastonberry, more like the Dog & Duck, Working Mens Club, Weddings etc.

    Part of me always thinks that money should be spent at the "root" of the signal chain (ie my brain), so I am already spending sh*t loads of time and money on practice & lessions.

    The next logical step would then be a nice guitar. I use a Ibinez BTB 575 and a Honer Defretted 6 stringer with active EQ. I am sure as with everything there is a law of diminishing returns, so is a 1k guitar going to sound that much better than the BTB (which set me back £700)?

    Cab wise, I use a Ashdown Little Giant (2 x 500w) and a Midget T or a Ashdown LB and a LB212 cab. So if a guitar isn't going to gain me that much, how about adding a Compact to the cab setup to give a awsome 1Kw rig which would fit every occation? On the other side, I have never felt the need for a Compact (the midget is simply awsome) and when gigging on a big stage, I always just DI to the PA and forget about it. So what's the point?

    PA wise, I use a old 400w 8 channel Peavey 400w with some old 15" subs and 15" tops. This set me back a whole £150 from a DJ and it has had plenty of use. The speakers are old, but don't fart or anything and work just fine for the 100-400 sized audiances I use it for and often put a bit of bass through it for some re-enforcement. Anything bigger and I am just part of a line up and it's someone elses problem. The thing I always think about a good PA is, it makes the whole band sound good. From the singer to the drummer (we regularly mic up the kick), it adds to the overall sound.

    Lighting wise, we have 4 spots on a T bar, it's been around since the dinasors but has a sound chaiser feature. Functional, but hardly current or curring edge.

    So, where would your (max £1k of) money go?

  3. The best route for stereo is to put it through the pa but it will need to be a good one, with big subs and lots of power. Make sure the guy with the PA knows you want stereo and which is left & right (coloured tape is your friend here).

    Regarding your stage amp, low volumes would be the key to getting the effects you desire and just pick one channel to stick through it.

  4. Interesting thread... I couldn't imagine waiting 3 years to join a band!

    I was in a band within 6 months and giged within 12 months. Shortly after I left that band (they were not improving and I was) and they replaced me with someone who was worse than me?!

    Did the same with the DB. Bought it and was gigging on it within weeks. Best jump in the deep end I think.

  5. Thanks for the feedback.

    We have had 3 separate vocal sessions and recorded dozens of takes, this I think is as good as it gets! I have tried suggesting key changes but this is another band which doesn't seem to be open to this strategy.

    Your comment is Interesting about Like a Hurricane. The whole strategy for the band is to shy away from the well trodden road of Mustang Sally & Sex on Fire but play hits and songs know one remembers. They seem to have made the strategy work so far, I only joined them recently so we shall have to see how it goes.

  6. Hi Guys.

    I have been putting together a LP for one of the bands I am in to try and help get gigs. Nothing special, just local pubs & clubs.

    I would really appreciate your thoughts on these numbers, good and bad.



    The other songs on my account are still work in progress but you are welcome to comment on these also.


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