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Posts posted by ThomBassmonkey

  1. [quote name='krysh' timestamp='1352111726' post='1858720']
    two 1x12":
    plus: weight, flexibility
    minus: can't see

    one 2x12":
    minus: weight, unflexibility
    plus: can't see


    2 112s weighs more total and if you ever need more volume you'll need to start again with cabs (assuming they're 8Ohm and your head only goes to 4Ohm) thus providing less flexibility.

    1 212 is 1 trip to the car and gives you the option of taking another cab.

  2. There's loads of chance to take photos. Almost every modern phone has a camera, most people have digital cameras and if the seller doesn't, they're garuanteed to know someone that does.

    If they won't take a photo, they obviously either are hiding something or don't really want to sell that badly. Either way, I wouldn't buy personally.

  3. I find bass a truley dull instrument to play solo. I know there's some people out there that make good music on a solo bass but I just don't enjoy it so no, I don't practice between gigs/band practices.

    In a band though there's nothing like it. Sitting in the groove and being the link between all the instruments in a band is what gives me my passion.

  4. My 2c on the GKs. I have an MB Fusion and 2001RB-II and previously owned a 700RB-II.

    The MB Fusion CAN sound very bright and clean, it can also sound deep and dirty. Very flexible amp, it is naturally voiced more towards the bright end of the scale but it's done everything I've ever asked of it. I got to hear it out front on Sunday for the first time and it sounded monsterous.

    The RB series give a much beefier tone with the knobs flat. Also very versatile amps, there's really not a lot to say about them, they can do whatever you want from them, you get the bi-amping option with them and they're rock solid.

    About GKs in general, if I'd tried them first in a shop on my own, I don't know if I would've gone for the 700RB-II I started with. They just don't have the wow factor solo for me. In a band situation though, I can't imagine having better amps. They cut through the mix perfectly, you don't lose any definition or bottom end with the rest of the band going full pelt and they're extremely solid peieces of kit. I also can't imagine any kind of music I couldn't get a decent tone out of them for. Obviously I have an MB Fusion and 2001RB so that gives me a variation of "flat" sounds as well as the EQ, but I'd happily take either into any band and feel confident that it could do it's job. I can't remember if I've ever even changed the EQ from flat on either, I've been so happy with how they've performed.

    If you have any questions about either or any other GK stuff, just ask either here or PM, I'm an endorsee and GK nerd so if there's anything I can't answer, I'll shoot the question off to the AR guy at GK and report back. Or fire Polar Audio or GK a question direct, they're always happy to help in my experience. :)

  5. I rarely put on CDs I've played on. I helped write the songs, then sat there for hours (cumulatively) getting them right, then hours (often at once) recording them. I know the songs inside out and do enjoy listening to them for a day or two after the final mix is done, after that, I don't go out of my way to listen to them unless i'm feeling nostalgic/proud, am showing someone my music or am in the mood to listen to that particular music.

    I get far more of a kick from doing gigs, that's what it's all about for me. CDs are more of a promotional tool than what I work for.

  6. It obviously depends on the price, but they're really not great cabs. The best thing to do would be to try it for yourself but in my experience the SBX range is not up to GK's general high standard.

    They're not terrible by any means, but I really couldn't honestly recommend them. If it's the right price though, there's no reason to avoid it.

  7. To sum up an answer, the wattage of th head is theoretically split evenly between cabs.

    Real world though, a 1000w head could blow a 1200w cab or a 1000w head could be run happily for years into a 600w cab, it all depends on the user.

    Just buy what you like then make sure you're using it properly.

  8. I don't listen to either. I can do, I don't detest them or anything but I don't own many, if any, albums and none have made their way onto my iPod.

    There's songs in all genres that have amazing basslines, I don't see why just because we all play bass, we'd all listen to the same genres of music. It's more likely that someone listened to their preferred genre, then picked up bass after rather than started playing bass and then picked a genre to listen to based on their instrument.

  9. If you think it sounds good, that's all that matters. If you don't know what the benefits of having a seperate head and cab are, you won't miss them either. :)

    The rumble is a decent amp, especially at that price. Enjoy it, then if you eventually think something's missing, you can look at alternatives.

  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1347309055' post='1799246']
    This may be a silly question....

    Drummers are loud, put a screen round them and mic them up. they can play like Keith Moon and not drown out everyone else

    Valve bass amps sound better louder, run them somewhere with screens at the front (and back?) and mic them to get the fully saturated valve guitar sounds.

    A bass amp... in most cases not so volume dependent.... why not just turn it down?

    If you turn down the bass amp and you're micing it up, then that mic can catch bleed from other things. Ideally you want the amp loud for a few inches surrounding the cab to drown out bleed from other places, then silent beyond that (assuming proper monitoring).

  11. If you buy an instrument, it's likely to be something that the artist has had with them, maybe written songs on, been inspired by. That's not to mention that pictures may have it in, it could be in CD sleeves, it's been sweated on by the artist etc.

    An amp is something they might not even have seen. It's probably set up during soundcheck by a roadie, then packed down by a roadie. It might not even live with the artist, there's no reason for there to be a strong connection there. If someone swapped my amp for an identical one, I probably wouldn't notice. If they swapped my bass, I'd instantly know because I spend hours each week (when I don't have a broken knuckle..) holding and playing it.

  12. I can understand that class Ds don't suit some people. Even if it's just psycological that you feel a small amp doesn't give you the tone you want, it's only up to you whether you go for a light amp or a heavy one, so just get what suits you best.

    I have an MB Fusion and a 2001RB-II, very different sounding amps even though they both have that lovely inherant GK tone. I put a lot of that down to the power amp. Obviously they have very different preamp sections too, but they're made by the same people with the same design aims in mind. A lot of the GK tone is in how the power amp works anyway apparently so that makes sense to me.

    I've always found GKs to be very versatile, but if you don't like the sound (like BRX), there's nothing you can do to them that will make you like it. If you do like the sound, then you'll never need another amp, whatever you end up playing.

  13. If you want a project, it could be good.

    If you want a good bass, there's no point. You might as well spend the money on parts on a decent bass to begin with. It sounds like you're going to end up changing everything on the bass with the exception of the body (and you might even respray that). With the bass so cheap in the first place, its really not worth it.

  14. I think the GK sound has always been quite a bit part of Flea's sound and a big factor in GK's sound is their power amp. You're probably right, it's probably a mix of DI from the head and the mic.

  15. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1343919692' post='1757353']
    I only have one ear left, does this mean I am not affected? (no it doesn't, I notice it a lot) :)

    Unless your lack of an ear affects your height, I'd assume you and your remaining ear are roughly at the same height as other ears present in the room. Even allowing for people sitting down, the vertical range of ears is much narrower than the horizontal range.

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