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Posts posted by BluRay

  1. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1357758148' post='1927993']
    Nice rig! I may go that way soon.

    You mean the 2 210s are noticeably louder than the single 410? (I guess the 410 is 8 ohm?) but not louder than the 610 arrangement?

    Yes all cabs are 8ohm. Actually the 610 arrangement seemed about the same as the 210s stacked vertically - certainly not much in it. May just have been easier to hear that way - but certainly cuts through a treat.
    The 610 set up seemed a tad louder than the 210s stacked the nomal way - but not enough to justify lugging the 410 to gigs.
    The - 2x210 is (I'd estimate) are a good 25% louder than the 410 on its own - probably due to Ohms and height. Someone mentioned may be differences in cab sensitivity - but who knows.
    Its been fun trying it all out
    Overall verdict - 2x210 rules ok.

  2. [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' timestamp='1357670920' post='1926454']
    Actually, with this resurrected, what is the latest thinking with how a 210 and 410 pairing compares to 2 vertical 210s?

    I have a ABM 410 that I use at reheasals and 2 x ABM 210s for gigs. I've tried the various combinations (410+210, 2x210 upended etc) and couldn't tell the difference really! Maybe there is a difference across a large room, but in the rehearsal space there wasn't much in it in terms of tone or volume. No idea how much of that is due to height or speaker physics. The upended 210 stack looks cool, and that counts for a lot. But to be honest its plenty loud enough stacked the normal way. The twin 210s are way louder than the 410 on its own tho.


  3. [quote name='Amazoman' timestamp='1357471251' post='1922939']
    I am going down the 2x10 route also. I can't understand why no one on the forum mentions or recommends the Genz Benz Focus range.


    I guess because they are comparitively new and not many people will have tried them. If I was looking for a rig change they'd definately be on my list to check out. They look good value, and nice and light.

  4. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1357287762' post='1920282']
    I would be inclined to say that it's not so much to do with the watts or ohms, but the cabs & their sensitivity.
    I thought it was a LOT to do with watts and Ohms!! :lol:

  5. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1357283725' post='1920252']
    I'd go for 2 x 210 cabs too. 8 ohm ones (you won't hear a difference between 8 & 4 ohm cabs).
    Getting the "full power" from your amp doesn't give you more volume.

    I think it can make quite a difference. I have both ABM 410 and 2x ABM 210 cabs. All cabs are 8 ohms and contain 150w speakers. The 2 x 210 combination (running at 4 ohms) is significantly louder than the 410 on its own.

  6. I play in a loud band with ABM rig and never had a problem (either using an abm 410 cab or 2x210 for gigs). For what its worth - this is what I do. Preshape off. Bump the left hand sliders a bit (they should be labeled OOMPH!) Everything else pretty much flat. Valve at 12.00. Maybe a teeny weeny bit of subharmonics (just because its there). Gain at as high as I can get without being into the red too much (usually about 11.00 or 12.00). Volume: the last 30% of the dial has all the volume you'll ever need. Crank it as much into that area as you need to. If you really can't cut through with all that, maybe the rest of the band is just being silly. If you want to keep up with a bigger rig don't forget the earplugs :lol:

  7. Dreadful gig last night in rotherham. The pub was freezing cold - their heating had packed in (fair enough, these things happen), but apparently no attempt to make do or take the edge of it with portable heaters that can be easily obtained/borrowed. It was just a case of "tough, lets have some blitz spirit". I'm normally happy to muck in, but conseqently punters didn't hang about - and the audience was sparse. Those that were there hung about round a corner - so we were playing to a completely empty space. Well ok, I've done worse. Also the PA that was supposed to be supplied had no functioning stands/mikes - everything was on the blink - and they hadn't got round to sorting it (or bothered to let us know). Fortunately we were prepared for that. The last straw tho was the little tit who was supposed to be doing the sound - fecked off part way through for a joint out back. The PA packed in and he was nowhere to be found. So 10 mins rather embarassing gap - watching the steam of our breath. And then he made matters worse by fiddling about with everything, with no clue what he was doing. Not exactly a high point! Played a blinder anyway - cos what else can you do!

  8. Hi
    My band has a facebook profile - but not added music to it yet. I'm wondering how best to achieve this? I've seen FB profiles with "listen" links in the navigation section, but a bit confused about the best option. Some go through Reverbnation or other player sites. Ok I thought - set up a reverb nation account, which is easy enough to do. But then - when you go on to link it to FB it requires various permissions to post on the FB page, and I chicken out at that point. Is it safe to do that without the player site posting all sorts of unrelated crap all over our FB page and marketing itself to our FB friends? Any advice?

  9. For orders placed over the phone or email, I've had good service in the past from both Academy of Sound and Dolphin. They've both been really helpful, prompt and effecient.
    I don't like going into guitar shops generally, unless I can have it all to myself (like the Queen in Harrods :lol: ). Lots of folk noodling for england puts me off! Bass Direct have been very good. Yes, you can find some of the same stuff for less if you shop around online - but you KNOW you're going to get a good product/service from them. Well worth a visit.

  10. Hi
    Apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere - but, up to this week, I used to be able to get a lo-fi version of the site for access on my Blackberry. Thats dissapeared - and now I can only get the full version of the site, and the pages are too big to load properly. Is this a site issue?

  11. [quote name='Ultima2876' timestamp='1353990454' post='1880559']
    Aaaaah, screw it!

    Ordered the GK. :)

    Thanks everyone! Will post and let y'all know what I think!

    Probably a good choice. I love the ABM sound - but didn't really get on with the 115. And what would worry me about the 4x8 is whether you could get a spare (matching) driver for it if you ever needed one.

  12. Yes its one of the hand made yammies. I used it at band practice last night, and (even accounting for the usual post-purchase euphoria) I honestly believe it slayed everything else I've ever played. If ever there was a "get what you pay for" justification, this is it! There's no messing - the tone is just there. Compared to my Ray, I'd say it has a much beefier and useable natural tone. With the p/j and treble up, I was getting a HUGE Stranglers-esque tone. I dare say it won't be everyone's cup of tea - but for what I do, its the dogs nads. I'm still grinning.

    Thanks for the pointer on the humm. I think it must be that I was sat next to my amp at home. In reheasals I didn't spot it.

    Back to the Sandberg - I agree about the relicing. there was a heavy relic in the shop that looked like it came out of a skip. But it was so OTT I don't think anone would mistake it for a "real" fourth-hand been-everywhere knackered bass. I've never really wanted one of those either. The nice new shiney one was much more like it. I actually really liked the pre-amp and the fact it offers something different. It sounded pretty good in passive mode too I'm sure if I'd have bought the Sandberg I'd have been really happy with it.

  13. UPDATE!
    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]following a visit to to the lovely-but-evil Bass Direct yesterday I walked out with....wait for it.... a Yamaha 2024x!!! Jet black and cool as hell.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Well as planned I tried the VM4 first, already convinced I was going to place my custom order (the candy apple red one in the store wasn't the one for me, and I'd got hooked on the custom configurator on their site). Anyhow....wow. What a superb instrument, and everything I was expecting. I was especially impressed with the neck which was so comfortable and fast, but without feeling skinny. Slightly more comfy than the neck on my Ray. Juuuust right. Kinda felt more like moulded plastic rather than wood (but in a good way, if that makes sense). Nice mid weight, felt substantial without being hefty. Amazing range of tones - but not especially MM from the bridge as might be expected. Super low action - but maybe a bit too much string rattle. Some easy adjustment would sort that out. Lovely rich P tone. I absolutely loved it. I reckon the 5 month waiting list is justified. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]But then I tried the yammy. I'd guessed Mark might spring that on me - so was sort of prepared. I've played one before, so knew it might sway me. In fairness, terms of finish and feel there really wasn't much in it. Both basses were fantastic. But after about an hour switching between them, I found I kept trying to make the sandberg sound like the yamaha. Seemed the 2024 was the sound in my head. It was a very tough call. I wanted both. Also - the Yammy is quite assertive and just knows its tone. You plug it in and there it is. Take it or leave it. The VM4 is clearly more versitile, but the downside of that is quite a lot of fiddling arround to find the sound I was looking for. Dare say I'd have it sussed given more time - so in no way a bad thing. But the yammy just grabbed me by the throat and that was that. [/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]I'd done my homework before visiting the store and think I got a fair price from Mark (I actually don't think there would have been [i]too much [/i]in it price wise between the two - by the time I'd spec-ed the sandberg and got carried away with the extras), and great buying experience all round. Mark knows his products sell themselves - and customers just need a little time to come to their on conclusions, with just a little advice and gentle guidance.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]My only slight uncertainty is around the level of buzz that the j pup introduces - very pronounced soloed, and also "there" with both pups together. That might just be my paranoia! We shall see.[/size][/font][/color]

    [color=#454545][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]Anyway so far I'm very happy. And poor. Band practice tonight!!! Pics and discription to follow at some point.[/size][/font][/color]

  14. I have the same issue via blackberry browser. It currently just loads the "full" PC view - which is way to slow and difficult to use on my phone. Does anyone know how to get back to the Lo-Fi version? Otherwise there's nowt to do on the bus.

    Also agree about the inabilty to navigate to the last post using the mobile version. It would be great if that could get fixed!


  15. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1352961101' post='1869761']
    Steady! Where would we all be if we started practising? It would take all the misery away of not knowing what one was playing and why, and you'd be able to play those fancy licks...not for me, I relish the misery of frustration :)

    Nominated for post of the year :lol:

  16. [quote name='ashevans09' timestamp='1352768114' post='1867332']
    If you're interested I recorded a kind of paramore-y/punk/rock kind of thing for one of my old bands using my sandberg VM5 if you're interested in tone. Pretty basic line wise, but in the verses (or just skip to 1:03 in the song) the bass is pretty prominent.


    Was recorded through both channels on a Mesa 400+ with a sansamp GT2 on one of them, into an Ampeg 810 and mic'd.

    Hope that's of some help :) . Personally I love these basses, think they're awesome.

    Yeah that's really helpful thanks. Sounds great. I've got the Sandberg bug!

  17. Thanks - well I've already got a Ray HH and no complaints at all about that - I love the build, feel and the sound. Especially with the two mid coils selected - which darkens the sound a little for my pick playing (pulls the tone closer to a H ray fingerstyle) I'm just finding it a little [i]too [/i]"MM" for the band I'm in. Can't help feeling that a P bass would suit better - but I'm struggling to concede that I "only" need a passive P bass! :lol: :lol: Sandberg might be the compromise....(already spent an hour today playing with the configerator on their website!!)

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