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Posts posted by hogman

  1. [quote name='ARGH' post='92293' date='Nov 21 2007, 07:05 PM']yeah I met her in Farnham a few times....

    She has a close cousin in Otley[/quote]

    and rest of her family live in teesside. love the thought mind.

    Dance floor killers been along while I feel I can read a crowd quite well so kinda steer away from this might be a bad Idea. but daaddy brother mister big was a real emptier ironically when we finished a big party arrived asking for mister big tunes argh and where were you lot earlier. Twas in Pickering if memorory serves me right

  2. I use to do loads of DnB now only bits. There is some bits on me webisite I think.

    I played with a band very much like Bond did at bass day. I used an ev 21 thats a (21 inch speaker) and a studio preamp no idea what (Think it was called a basman?) but di ed into the pa. to get crazyness I used loads of old analogue gear electoharmincs stuff the old microsynth n the like. mid you i was only down to low A which is child play these days (Good country Key)

    Quite enjoyed it really not much cash in it though.

  3. [u][b]Do any of you use those low F#s etc for more dance oriented music like hip-hop or even industrial rock (like NIN etc)?[/b][/u]

    I will be doing all of the above....... when I got my first 6 string in 1990 everyone wanted a bit no idea why..... Live gigs suppose I looked flash.

    you want me to do some low stuff for ya...

  4. Twas me started all the gibering in the other thread.

    Call me a Gibbering idiot but why Not???

    Try Listening to this Bloke [url="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=62225202"]http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendid=62225202[/url] (you might have to cut n paste as I am crap till I know what I am doing...)Mega and he did not start palying till he was 7 way to old to be any good ha ha

    Do we want the same Probably, I still play in a Punk band its the bands 30th Birthday this year I have been doing it for about 14 loads of fun. I still do loads of deps, Jazz, Blues, Function even some pop stuff. I just fancy a change. I write my own dribble and enjoy doing that and even better than that, other people like it too.

    And remeber what old hooky said Bass how low can you go well it wasnt him but you know what I mean..

  5. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='91566' date='Nov 20 2007, 04:02 PM']I think this is a macho thing. Hard cases for hard blokes who eat hard food like hot curries and watch hard films with Steven Segal in and grow hard plants like cactii and drive hard cars like 4wds and have hard 9 string basses and play hard music like metal and wear hard leather and ride hard bikes like Harleys and do hard sports like snowboarding and tombstoning and stuff and beat you up for looking at them and drink hard drinks like Stella and cider and wear black.


    Most excellent I have Hard cases from when I was young and Hard!!!

    Now after 3500 gigs gig bags rock cos

    A No One thorws them about like hard cases. Customs officers have decided (Its there Law) that if it looks like a musical instrument in a box they can see who can throw it as far as they can. They do I know they get more points if it has fragile written on.

    B Roadies see above

    C They are light try going on a carbon footprint of death (Plane) with a hard case

    D loads of pockets in a bag

    E Some fit 2 bassess the space can be used for beer my record being 25 bottles of plonk


  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='92118' date='Nov 21 2007, 01:05 PM']But humans can't really hear anything below 40Hz?[/quote]

    Some one has been telling you fibs.... When you are in the studio ( A Good One) try using a shelving filter set to 40Hz n then rolll it offfff (obviously dont do that with a picollo flute ha ha)

    It is suprising what we can hear down to its upto that is the hassle and its all about the energy man the energy yeah.

    Granteeeed there aint much gear that will get you down there regualarlliyly but we can goez bass that low.

    Got me string order under scrutiny pity rotosound dont do em or elites for that matter (cos I has a Deal with Elites) I should ask really.....

  7. Setting up a fretless... Steady away bit at a time. I have never worried about setting intonation to much as I was not keen on the lines they told fibbs, when I started to actually listen my intonation seemed fine... Practcice in the dark oooo dicky dark ooooo

    It took me round the houses to find the right gauge of strings though and yes I started where I started if you see what I mean and the process cost a few beers. :)

    I have allways put a complete shim in the neck to keep the neck angle the same so i dont get a hump in it but thats just me... Also if you use cardboard you will need to have a bit extra tighten up as it squishes.

    Good fun is fretless. My other latest thread I am hunting for the fatest strings to go down to a low E below E on a normal bass I guess you could say I am going sub Normal ha ha :huh:

  8. I dont know if any bass chatters have given Yves Carbone a blast but thats where me mad Idea came from with the contra bass stuff. I have been the other way with a picollo and the was just silly all the punks could not understand why we had two bass players... Bless em.

    I could do with doing some proper research into this as the live enviroment is loads diffrent to the studio enviroment (the whole wave can get chucked out). Anywayzzzz with the nature of an anoluge signal chain we dont really loose the low bits they just kind drop down the hearing threshold however as soon as we plug in a bit of digikal clobber we stop at 20Hz you will need to find out about Harry Nyquist and his stuff to suss that out more.

    Basically the funamental will be there but not reproduced at a decent enough volume cos it would cost loads (cash again). This is why our friendly Americans and Mister Gabriel have started retuning there 20Hz studio control rooms musch to the disgust of one Tom Hidley who extoles the values of making you cak yer pants....... Cos its just not nice to work at that kinda freq.

  9. many thanks to all of ewes and I will now be searching for some Kanga's as this kind of 20Hz lownessness will make me poo myself.

    Intresting fact the pitch of this low E is 20.60Hz

    Sad fact of the day the wavelength of 20.60Hz is 54.6276 Ft or for the younguns 16.6505 Meters Thats one big wave

  10. Now then bass warriors...

    With the move done and a few of my old regulars off to Uni I have a few gaps in my teaching slots.

    Have a mosey along to www.stevehoggart.com to read more info..

    I know have enough room to swing a couple of big cats in my new teaching studio wohooo

    I will do a discount rate to people from Bass Chat.co.uk
    aint I nice.....

    All the best Steve H

  11. Intresting one this....

    When I threw the towel in with my first original band it was cos we did not gig enough 30 giggs in 6 years we did have an album out that did okay and were hailed quite highly by the press. The next band did at least 100 gigs a year with all that gigging I ended up getting loads of offers from other band deping and stuff. Next thing I am making a living out of playing bass.....

    I have gone full circle now and am still giging but only about 80 a year. But I am teaching (Got some spaces by the way!!!) Now my gear rocks and I love the playing its the trwaling to and from the gig i am sick of.

    I think we all get this fed upness. I just seem to be lucky emough to have been gigging all the time. However I had a real wake up call in 2002 I had a real serious accident anyway the surgeons both of them for an arm each both said forget about playing again..... masive wake up call.. I did however start palying again and quick too.

    Just get on with it an see what comes along. As jaco said give me a gig.

  12. [quote name='gilmour' post='55205' date='Sep 4 2007, 12:39 PM']Thinking about it Billy Gould from Faith No More had a crazy heavy pick sound - but he used it to emulate slapping, which begs the question "why not just slap?"[/quote]

    I do it the other way round drop my pick and slap so it sounds like a pick.....

    The pick up my pick ha ha... and Pick again

    Then use me fingers for a deeeeper sound.....

    Then the drummer plays my bass with his sticks unless ive got my shuker on then I ask him nicley please dont.....

  13. Hi I owned one of these beasts years ago....

    They can be a touch finky but are damn loud they were introduced by Marshal to take on the ampeg SVT do a good job as well

    Mine set on fire at a gig .. I thought the crowd were giving me the bass hero bit but they were cheering the amp :)

    Great when they work though dont know if I would take one on tour again though.

    But as stated a mighty tone.....

  14. Thinks this had a big spread started by a mister S lawson on the old site.

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/stevehoggart"]This will be a link to My Myspace......[/url]

    Just put a remixed version of an newsih tune that I had some nice feedback for tas v much...

  15. [font="Comic Sans MS"]Hi gang :)

    Just uploaded A Gap In Time I had this on my myspace before and had some real nice comments.. It was a rough recording however....

    I have now mixed it all down in Nuendo was a chew on too do asit was my first experiment with abelton live and I hade fart about(techno Speak) for ages to get all tracks in stereo. Just got myself a Focusrite liquid mix a rocking bit of kit!!!!!!

    I could not resist tweaking a bit.

    anywayz let me know what yer think there were a few people requesting MP3s dont be shy if you want one email me

    its at

    [url="http://www.myspace.com/stevehoggart"]My Myspace[/url]

    All the best


  16. [quote name='acidbass' post='50032' date='Aug 24 2007, 11:35 AM'][url="http://www.roqsolid.co.uk/phpNuke/index.php"]RoqSolid[/url] do a large selection of quality padded vinyl covers, I had a couple for my Ampeg cabinets. They also do custom orders if you send them the dimensions.

    Hope this helps :)[/quote]

    cheers mate

  17. [font="Comic Sans MS"]Hi Gang Back to work...... :)

    Just decided that my nemmisis eden cabs need a bit of looking after anyone recomend a company that makes good soft covers I need some for a pair of powered speakers as well

    Any one wannna but a flight case... I best put a list of clobber for sale before it gets ebayed for 2p
    he he[/font]

  18. Bought one of those ritter double bags that you put your bass in from the bottom most excellent probabbly done in the region of 500 gigs with it. Weighs a ton with two basses but there you go. Have a Warick case that came with my warick its okay and does the trick but is abit flimsy. I like the idea of a leather case any one any experiences?

    My flight case is great but never gets used so I supose I should sell it...

    Any one want to buy a flight case ha ha

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