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Posts posted by Earbrass

  1. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1470671866' post='3107525']

    ... ahem

    wasn't there a little vote not long ago? ;)

    Yes, but if the EU and the US had similar rules, it seems likely that flights to or from either of those destinations would be covered. It wouldn't make much sense to have different rules at either ends of such flights.

  2. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1470651733' post='3107290']
    Well as just over half of the UK have voted out of the EU is there any point signing it anyway?

    If you think you are ever likely to want to fly with an instrument to Europe, or want to be able to see European artists perform in the UK, then yes. At present, the problem is that airlines have widely differing rules, and the rules they have are not always applied correctly or consistently. Some will not even allow passengers to buy an extra seat for their instruments. The aim as I understand it is to ensure a consistent approach which balances the needs of musicians with those of the airlines. If you are happy putting a prized instrument in the hold and leaving it to the tender mercies of the baggage-handlers, then good luck to you.

  3. Check out youtube videos of Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L. Can't link to one at the moment as I am at work and YouTube is blocked. The guitar and bass are both "cigar box" instruments. The bass is played by Nuutti Vapaavuori, I believe.

    EDIT: found a picture:


  4. [quote name='zbd1960' timestamp='1469483368' post='3098769']
    If you want to play the note that sounds middle C, then you need to go an octave higher, which I think means fret 15 on the A string.
    [quote name='Joebass' timestamp='1469484500' post='3098774']
    To play a true middle C, as it sounds in concert pitch, you'll want the 17th fret of the G-string.
    [quote name='cb1' timestamp='1469491473' post='3098801']
    A very concise, easy to understand and accurate answer to the OP's reasonable question - say no more.......

    :unsure: :huh: :blink:

  5. Here's my all-time bagpipe favourite - Swedish pipes this time, played by the wonderful Alban Faust.


    Also, bagpipes can be surprisingly good for metal:


  6. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1468937088' post='3094476']
    They were not any good for metal.
    [quote name='blue' timestamp='1469041803' post='3095354']
    If your a metal guy why would you audition for a band that wasn't into metal?

    Blue, I'm afraid we can't explain all this site's many memes to you - we simply don't have the TIM. ;)

  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1469005894' post='3094958']
    Maybe a USB MIDI breath controller ? Just the job for any VSTi wind instruments, regarding performance, expression and controlling Midi cc#'s.

    You're absolutely right, that would be a better way to go, but I've never played any wind instruments and as it is I'm struggling to achieve adequacy on the curious and varied collection of instruments I already have, so I will resist the temptation. :)

    PS apologies for the thread drift!

  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1468082578' post='3088522']
    I'm just gonna leave this here. [url="http://epipes.co.uk/products.html"]http://epipes.co.uk/products.html[/url]
    [size=4]Seriously tempted by this - not for the highland pipe sounds (definitely not my cup of tea), but for the [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Uilleann, Border and Smallpipes. I'd have to play them from a keyboard though, and that's not going to be ideal. If it was half the price, or if it included Swedish and German pipes, I'd go for it in an instant.[/font][/color][/size]

    [color=#000000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]<edited to fix random font variations>[/font][/color]

  9. I have a carbon-fibre bow for my nyckelharpa, made by the good folks at Incredibow. They do them for basses too. The hairs are synthetic and you don't "untension" them when not in use (and they don't seem to break like the natural ones do). It has a different, glassier tone compared with my traditional wooden one. I like them both, but on balance I usually find it easier to get a good tone with the wood and hair one.

  10. Bass guitar is just one instrument that I play. There have been periods in my life when I would have regarded it as my primary instrument, mostly when playing bass in a band, but these days it has slipped down the pecking order. I would probably say it was my 4th instrument, after keys, nyckelharpa and melodeon.

  11. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1465656323' post='3070006']
    Just wondered how people battle the dreaded GAS.
    For some reason I've got it in my head that I want a squier CV 50s p bass. I don't need it, don't really have the room for it can't really justify it but I'm ready to pull the trigger on the thomann website.
    Very annoying and it doesn't help when the missus says it's fine!

    My usual rule is: wait a month. If you still really want it, get it. If you're lusting after something else by then, it was never meant to be. :)

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