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Posts posted by Finbar

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1185453' date='Apr 2 2011, 12:28 AM']Basically, I've always been advised power conditioners do you no actual favours except being a sort of sacrificial item that can stop your amp being exploded.[/quote]
    I always understood the same, but in terms of using them here. I've heard people say they're much more useful in places like the US etc. It's all a bit of an unexplored avenue for me really though. I have a surge protected 4-way >.>

  2. Selling my whole pedalboard pretty much. Again. Due to me rearranging my rig quite heavily, I've got a few things up for sale. Might regret this, but I'm definitely changing the way I'm using effects and I need to raise some money to fund future rig plans, so maybe there'll be something here somebody wants :) SOrry the photos are so bad. I'm no photographer at the best of times, but I'm only using a Sony Ericsson K700i for photos still!

    [b]Monacor MMX-4 4 channel mixer[/b] - I bought this off Mr Foxen I think? Quite a while ago. Again, never ended using it. Simple 4 channel mixer, using 1/4" jacks. Use your imagination for applications :) Just selling for what I bought it for. [b]£12[/b]

    [b]Loop Master true bypass strip[/b] - This is really well built, and served me well in a previous pedalboard setup. I no longer have the sheer volume of pedals that made this useful though, so I'll see if anyone wants it! It has 6 loops in it, but differs in function from a traditional true bypass strip slightly. Only the highest numbered loop will be active, regardless of how many of the loops are engaged. So if you have Loop 4 engaged, and switch on Loop 6, then you will only hear the sounds of the pedals in Loop 6. If you switch off Loop 6, you will return to Loop 4. Unless you switched on Loop 5 while Loop 6 was active, in which case you will revert to Loop 5 as the next highest active loop. So it can be used as a kind of 'pre-select' function, especially with the bypass switch. Does that make sense? I find it hard to explain! It's more for switching between sounds made up of multiple pedal combos than for putting single pedals in loops to take them out of your signal path. A loop can also be left with nothing in it, for use as a mute switch, or a tuner can be inserted for a tuner mute. The final switch is a Bypass switch. The LEDs are all different colours, and are powered by 9v daisychain. No idea what to charge for this frankly, buy I'm going to stick in a £70 tag for now. Might reconsider this!

    Everything is in what I would consider pretty great condition unless otherwise noted. At most, there might be a couple of minor paint scratches or dings or a tiny bit of cosmetic oxidisation on switches - these are (mostly) gigged pedals and are in full working order. Most but not all of these pedals have velcro attached, but it can be removed. Where screw in feet have been removed, I'll include them in the sale too :lol: These prices are all postage inclusive, and they're all firm. I'm not looking to barter. Payment through bank transfer or cash on collection (Sheffield). No paypal or cheques please. There's a possibility I'll be letting go of an ISP Decimator G-string and an Ernie Ball Vp-Jr too, just as a heads up.

  3. Might be worth investing in a small pillar drill G? I'm sure you can get ones that are pretty much table top ones and you can move them about? Then you can drill to your heart's content, and charge people to drill their enclosures too :)

  4. I'll have a think about the strategy and get back to you ste!

    Did matamp ever finish working on the GT200 standalone pre, out of interest? You seem to be in the know about these kinds of things ;p

  5. Just running through a few ideas for some new rig options, and one of them is involving using an HD500 at my feet as a selection of preamps, pushing a power amp. Ideally I'd like a valve power section though, and I'm not really sure what I'm looking at in terms of the choice of what's out there. There seems to be a plethora of stuff about for guitar, but I'm under the impression that stuff you want to run bass through should have better/bigger transformers and stuff?

    I'll be using it for super clean stuff, dirty crunchy stuff, and probably some more subby stuff too. So I guess the only criteria are it has to be good quality and loud enough to gig with. Price is negotiable, but I'm looking for something in a reasonable price bracket. The Aguilar DB728 is probably too much for me, for instance, while a second hand Mesa Strategy would be justifiable probably. Don't want to break the bank! I'll probably only ever be using it with one channel, so I'm not bothered about the capability to push out kW of power at 2 ohms or anything ;p

    I know about the Strategy, but not too much else. Anyone got any idea what else is available?

  6. Not sure if there's one available for sale commercially, but it sounds like it could be possible to mod (or find someone who can mod) the footswitch in a pedal this way? I'm no expert though.

  7. The M9 does have some good DnB sounds hidden in it somewhere, after a lot of tinkering. First time I've got synthy sounds that I like out of it tbh. Only problem is it takes up all 3 effects to make a decent sound, and then you have nowhere left to go for adding more flavour to it with delays and stuff. I've not given up on this yet though :)

  8. Well my new band is going to be with the guitarist from my old band, and our ex-drummer pretty much. So I have some kind of idea where it's going to be coming from. But with new songs, I don't have to use effects (it's nice not to have to worry about them sometimes!), or I could ditch what I'm using for some new setup. I'm feeling the tried and tested OC-2/WM/Moog LPF setup, but I can't see it having much use with the kind of material we're likely to write.

    So I'm kind of in a similar situation to you really! I don't think I could give enough variation to a DnB project though (I have no love at all for Dubstep). As much of it as I listen to - and I listen to a lot, I just can't write stuff that sits well in that style. And it's REALLY hard to incorporate into a rock crossover without sounding really cheesy and forced, which leaves me not wanting to do it.

  9. [quote]I pretty much think that as well Fin - I'm always in the middle of the depth with full drive. Treble at 1 o'clock and bass at 11 o'clock with presence at about 2 o'clock. I play with a plec. What about your settings?[/quote]
    Depends on a couple of things really. If I'm using my Schroeder 1212L, I'll have the depth on the middle setting, but with my Matamp 6x10, I'll usually only have it on the rightmost setting, or the middle one if I'm feeling I need a little more. It's a really bassy cab. But yeah, I'll normally have the drive on the 3rd notch, the bass, treble and presence controls about 9 o clock. And the master about 11 o clock (or less if I have to turn down). That's with a pick as well. If I'm playing with my precision, I'll usually try and shove the drive up to full as well though. Just sounds epic.

    [quote]Does the GAIN have a big effect on the amount of bass in the amp?
    Does the presence affect the bass a lot too?
    If you were going for a nice clean setting - does the amp still offer too much bass for you guys?[/quote]
    It has an effect, but not a massive effect, and nothing you can't sort out with the amp's EQ and the depth knob.

    The presence doesn't really affect the bass that much. It's hard to describe. It kind of changes the 'girth' of the sound rather than the actual bass being stronger. Somebody else can describe it better, and probably actually tell you what it physically does as well!

    I don't really go for a nice clean setting so I'm not sure I could really say with any authority, and I wouldn't buy a GT200 if that's what you're looking for. Some massive headroom solid state amp is probably the way to go for that. It does clean up quite nicely if you don't pick as hard though. I don't normally dial too much bass in anyway though - that's not the sound I like in a clean or a dirty tone.

  10. I don't think it has a specific low pass effect, but it has a lot of EQs which can all be operated with the expression pedal. Gonna have me an experiment! :) The M9 is missing a gated/spluttery fuzz as far as I remember. Hmm.

  11. Yeah, I've seen that. But most folks seem to use it as part of a bigger ensemble. I'm not sure it can do the core sounds on its own. I know it's got all the reverb, delay and modulation stuff just fine. I realised I'm going to have a lot more time from now on so I'm definitely going to experiment! :)

  12. Anyone tried making some of these fat sounds with an M9? I'm not looking to go and spend loads of money buying pedals for this kind of stuff - I don't really like dub that much, but it'd be neat to see if what I already have can make anything like this.

    I've got an OC-2 I'd probably run into the front of the M9, so I guess it's really a question of whether there are any decent LPFs, oscillator/tremolos and maybe something a bit fuzzy in there too. I don't get much time to play with mine really, so if anyone's found any cool effects in there, I'll be checking them out when I can get to mess with it :)

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