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Posts posted by Finbar

  1. [quote name='reggaemaster' post='1224601' date='May 8 2011, 10:24 PM']I just listened to some sound clips and i am kind of set on the M80 now :-/ I just really like the distortion, mainly due to the dry/distorted blend knob. Sorry and good luck with your sale![/quote]
    Don't worry about it :)

  2. [quote name='reggaemaster' post='1224378' date='May 8 2011, 07:10 PM']Yeah, the EBS looks awesome but it's very pricey. Maybe i could use my Boss limiter enhancer just as a volume boost if it's not that loud... but then it would probably just hiss a lot :-/ cheers for the reply[/quote]
    At the risk of being cheeky, I've got one up for sale at the moment in the For Sale section. It'd save you a few bob on the new price if you're interested in actually buying one :)

  3. I've got one and it's pretty beast. Can't go wrong for the money to be honest. It's a little unwieldy, as it only has two side handles, and no skids or wheels, but you could retrofit those if you wanted.

  4. No, I understand the point of reverb and delay etc in the effects loop, but only really if you have a very high gain sound. 99% of bass amps probably aren't dirty enough to justify it.

  5. Yeah, I'm pretty much forced to download the latest drivers for it - it doesn't come with vista drivers, so I have to go to the Tascam for the latest ones any time I want to use it on a new machine. Think the Saffire is probably what I'll plump for. Just had a sale fall through that would have paid for it, so I'll have to wait until some dosh comes my way!

  6. I own a Tascam US-122 at the moment, and while it works fairly well, I'd like to upgrade. My computer has decent specs and my monitors are fairly good for what I need. But the Tascam is letting me down I think. I picked it up for about £30 I think, so I can't really complain, but it has some problems.

    I can't shut down or restart the computer while the Tascam is plugged in. If I attempt that, then the computer gets stuck at the 'windows is shutting down, do not turn off your computer screen' for all eternity. Not a massive issue as long as I unplug it and plug it back in when needed, but still - I shouldn't have to be doing that, surely?

    Also, it will sometimes just cause my PC to BSOD at random times. Changing my audio drivers seemed to fix that a bit, but again, I don't really trust it.

    Researching the unit online throws up numerous results for people having the same problems, as well as a popping/clicking while working with audio in a DAW, which I have also experienced.

    Other than that though, I'm pretty happy with the features it has, and I'd be more than happy to replace it with something that had the same features, just with better reliability.

    So I'm after the following...

    USB powered
    2 XLR / 1/4" inputs
    MIDI I/O
    Internal direct monitoring
    Headphone out
    RCA line outs (my monitors are RCA only)
    Can be left plugged in permanently!

    And around the £100 mark? I'm happy to go used.

    Cheers :)

  7. Yeah, my GT200 nails that sound with a Precision and a pick, with the gain cranked up. So I guess something like the VT bass should do it well, from what I've heard. The sound is about the saturation, so if you get the right OD, you shouldn't need a blend, as dannybuoy says.

  8. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1201812' date='Apr 16 2011, 01:53 PM']That is weird, Matamp is most stoner/doom players amp of choice so I'm surprised it didn't cope with de-tuning.[/quote]

    [quote]Finbars 7 string is active.[/quote]

    Though I've heard active basses through it that do sound good. Some basses just don't go with some amps I suppose.

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