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Posts posted by Cyrene

  1. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1358798181' post='1945296']
    Ok, I've got to ask... what is 'Post Rock'?
    [i]'Slow melodic themes', 'Seemingly ambiguous chords'[/i], you've got me interested. I'm an old geezer who doesn't get out much :secret: - humour me... any youtube links?

    Ha. I'm going to expose my post-rock naivety now and link you to [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-rock"]Wikipedia[/url]
    Seriously though, a lot of bands have embraced it now, including Radiohead (via Tortoise etc.) and others via an assortment of [i]musique concrète [/i]influences.
    I suppose the best known exponents are Sigur Ros.

  2. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1358796562' post='1945248']
    I'm a massive post rock fan, but I don't get to play in that style very often.
    When I have played, I've tended to play little melodies, working with the space to keep the feel of the track going. Drone notes work well too.
    To me its definitely more about 'playing the song' rather than 'playing bass' if that makes sense. It's all about the space.
    Yes. I tend to do this too. To the extent when i auditioned for my first band, having only heard a rough sketch of their stuff, I was called a "very melodic" player. Can't be a bad thing.
    Maybe this explains why i have problems chugging out straight eighths through pop/rock tunes.
    Thanks, I'm not going wrong then :)

  3. How do others approach it?
    I find the space and often slow melodic themes allow for some great invention, but on the other hand the repetition and seemingly ambiguous chords can cause a bit of frustration.
    There is also the tendency to go for the 'less is more' approach, which obviously is not always the best one.

  4. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1358339899' post='1937203']

    Grado GS1000 and Earmax Pro ! I'm impressed ! That must have sounded amazing .
    It was! They say 'eargasm'. I had some Nordost Red Dawn cables connecting to the Naim source too. Never found the sound wearing, could enjoy for literally hours. The space they offered to big symphonic recordingd was immense. Also ECM recordings were captivating. It was a pricey business!

  5. Recovering headphile here.
    Grado obsessive. Owned GS1000, MS2i (Alessandro variant) SR 225, 80i and 60.
    Also Shure SE 535 & 530 (not at the same time) and SRH940.
    Powered cans thro an Earmax Pro with vintage Telefunken tubes.
    Sold nearly everything for bass related stuff :-)

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