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About Phi7

  • Birthday 08/12/1962

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  1. Ok, opened mine up this evening to see what the problem might be. Connected the line out direct to a QSC K 10.;2 to see what was coming out the 'LINE out' xlr. Took the internal speaker out, took the amp head out, pluggeg my bass in. Found the sound was very crackly when touching the "Pre/Post EQ"switch. Sprayed some SERVISOL SUPER 10 on the switch, now; No crackle, smooth signal to desk - everything sorted ! Very easy to fix !
  2. I suddenly experienced the exact same problem with mine last Friday at a gig. I normally use my 2x10 (same combo head) with a 15" extension cab but there wasn't room, so I swapped out with my mini CMD12 with 12" extension cab. Using the same settings as with my 2x10 I was getting virtually no signal to the desk. I had the line-out control full up. Pushing up the input gain on the mixer helped get some signal through but about half way through our first set my volume suddenly shot up off the scale of the desk's VU meter. I always have the 2 buttons (Earth Lift & Pre/Post Eq) in the out position. I think there must be a dry joint on the circuit board or possibly some other loose connection. When I get time, I'll open it up and have a prod around. If I find something that's easily rectified, I'll post back here.
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