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Chris Horton

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Posts posted by Chris Horton

  1. [quote name='bassmanady' post='1266423' date='Jun 12 2011, 06:40 PM']This is one i had...fantastic bass,great neck and easy to play..it was the weight that beat me in the end,Ady[/quote]

    That's the bass !!!
    That looks awesome .

    It makes me want to trade my TRB 5p 11 maple top for a Babinga version of my 5 string :)

  2. [quote name='Chris Horton' post='1091794' date='Jan 16 2011, 09:44 PM']The latest edition to the family , Yamaha TRB 5P II :)

    [attachment=69054:IMG_1574.JPG] [attachment=69055:IMG_1579.JPG] [attachment=69057:IMG_1586.JPG][/quote]

    I wouldnt mind trying a 6 string version of my TRB 5 P11 just to see what the difference in tone is like. I like the look of the Babinga wood bass guitars.

  3. looking through all of the wal posts has gven me terrible gas for a wal :)

    I would love to get a 5 string wal .

    I played chrisb 's 5 string wal a while back , that was a beautiful bass.

    I think that i would have to sell / part x everything that i own to get my hands on a wal.

    .........one day :)

  4. [size=5]Hi all,

    Just wanted to let you know that there is a Christian Praise event being held a Home Park , Plymouth Argyle Football Stdium.

    The event is being held on the [color="#FF0000"]12th June 2011 starting at 4pm[/color].

    Hope to see you there :)


  5. Hi All,

    What a great thread.
    I started playing bass in 1996 in churches and never looked back.

    You get to meet fantastic people and play some great songs that are filled with encouragement and hope for the future.
    It has been and still is an awesome privalidge to play bass in a worship team.

    Me and the family attend Plymouth Vineyard Centre [url="http://plymouthvineyard.org.uk/"]http://plymouthvineyard.org.uk/[/url]

    On The 12th June 2011 there is a praise event being held at Plymouth Argyle Football stadium , Plymouth , Devon.

    Come along and check it out :)

    If you see me , i will be the one stood holding a bass guitar :)

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