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Posts posted by greentext

  1. This is the second such post ive seen on this forum related to pedals and cheating the other being about compressors, and it baffles me! I mean 100% there are arguments for against each, like the loss of dynamics blah blah but if the end result to the people listening/paying to see me is more consistent and means on the night and focus on the show, surely its a win win haha if its cheating im happy to be a cheating son of a gun till I drop dead, feel free to join me, ill be the dude with a noise gate and a compressor always on seeya there 🤘

  2. Oh dude these are both AWESOME! 

    I love the Purple Chilli, can we get specs? Maybe some sound clips! Mike Walsh built right?

    Also can I be in line to be the next owner when your back goes, cheers haha 🥴 (seriously I wanna buy it when you are done ahha)

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, NickA said:


    Especially if you have a signature sound dialed in by expert sound people using specific plug-ins / effects etc.  I guess there's no point having controls on the bass if you have "a sound".  I think Joe's sound is great; but I don't really think it's straight out the bass or entirely due to his fingers.  I'll bet there was a lot of "tweaking" going on to get there.

    100% agree with that. He has had years to hone his tone live with his engineers he has likely got it to a place where he can dial in a bass whatever. And eliminating anything that isn't required/sucking tone just makes it easier.

  4. 47 minutes ago, fretmeister said:

    Lovely flame on that neck!


    The Spec sheet shows they come with a custom set of EB Group flats 45-105 (The normal Group iii are 45-100) and he used ancient Rotosound rounds on his jazz.


    The silks on your photo are from the Group flats - I have them on most of my basses. They are much brighter than an old thuddy flat, although not as bright as the cobalt flats. EB don't make a halfwound.


    I've never read anything about JD using halfwounds - was it from an interview somewhere?


    yh it was a great looking bass! 


    Hmmm tbh, i'm unsure, from memory there was a tag on the bass saying that they where a new set of new EB strings, I really can't remember for the life of me what they where but they where halfrounds, wether or not its what Joe used or if it was just a promotional thing by Musicman to promote something new I have no idea. In the original promo video he mentions about the strings being somewhere between a flatwound and a roundwound strings (between the jokes) but its in there, maybe be referencing the halfwounds and the grit they provide over a flatwound i dont know. Maybe it was something he was into for a short period and moved on but thats how I got it and I recall halfwounds but equally I could be wrong, it was a while ago now. Will have to invest in those string you mentioned and give them ago! 🤘



  5. Sorry I meant to write about my experience with the bass after posting but just pulled into something else. 


    So I ordered the bass, through Vulf in the first run on the second day they came out, had to sell a few basses to make up the scratch but I made it work. Being a massive Vulf fan at the time, I just jumped at it with no real consideration as they where only for sale for the month of March that year. They where also sold directly through Vulf via Gumroad, so any questions where handled by Vulf, and I exchanged a few emails with Jack about spec and questions I had about the instrument, so that was cool. I had originally contacted Musicman with my questions and had pointed me at them directly. The bass was shipped from Musicman in the middle of August so I got it in the UK around the start of September. It cost me about £1700 plus £100 for shipping. Naively, I never looked at how much this bass would cost on import tax, this is my first time buying a bass direct form the US the only way you could get them. So when the postman arrived at my house, I had a £600 import tax bill..... I was very shocked but again its on me for not doing my homework. So I was already in the hole for £2500ish just getting the bass to my house.


    The bass was really really cool, it came strung with half rounds, which is what Joe uses, i'd never played them so really enjoyed the thump of them being half wounds they also had a little sparkly on the top end when you slapped, I have since used them a few times. It was built to an exceptional quality and I could not find a single fault with it. I loved that is was also the Sterling body shape and not the Stringray, slightly smaller overall and lighter. Now in reality the idea of having just a volume knob, was really refreshing, no getting lost in tweaking, just plug in and off you go, i think that was the beauty of it. But yh forgetting how much of the tone is in the fingers, I couldn't get it sound anything like Joe Dart haha again likely on me. Also having to use the EQ on my head to tweak really was a bummer as usually I can afford to leave it pretty flat and just use the onboard to add what i needed which obviously you cant do on the Joe Dart bass. So meant I had to keep adjusting it back for my other basses, again not a massive issue but just something I had to think about where I didn't before. Also worth noting, I was playing in hardcore and metal bands at the time, so the Joe Dart bass was for me at home, I didn't dare risk someone stage diving into it and breaking it. 


    In the end, after owning the bass for a little under a month, I decided it wasn't worth the £2500 I had sunk into it for the amount of use it was likely to get. My band at the time was also about to embark on our first European tour, and I my head had decided to die which needed replacing so that also forced my hand a bit. Being a fickle bass player, by the time I received the bass, i'd moved on to GASing for something else haha.  I ended up selling it and recouping all of the charges and sold within 24 hours. It was actually purchased by Scott Devine of Scott's Bass Lessons and gifted away in one of his bass competitions so  was cool to see it being played on his channel and he was professional and dealt with me direct through out the whole purchase. I hadn't even removed the tags and still had the original box with only a few hours of play so it was still a brand new bass by the time it got to him. 


    A few more photos of it, I didn't get many 







    • Like 4
  6. 22 hours ago, Hellzero said:

    So the guy never played a fretless, decided to have one built by the deliriously expensive Warwick Custom Shop AND, that's where it's totally weird, without anything (dots, lines, ...) to help him being accurate, because he also decided to trust his ears, which aren't the best ones, that said.

    haha yh this was going to be my point exactly, clearly has more money then sense to order TWO seven string basses that he clearly cant play either of them very well at all. Now i'm not one for burning people down on ability BUT why are Warwick and other channels giving this guy such a platform when he just isnt a good player. 


    I appreciate him admitting he is learning fretless on a 7 string with no line (god why) but why if you really dont have a clue whats up are you showcasing the bass on Youtube, let someone else play it so show what it can do... I dont know very very odd interview. I watched some of his other videos of him playing, seems to be consistently poor and looks like he owns the basses just for the extra clout he can get online. 

  7. In chronological order from memory...


    Hartke HA250* & 410 cab 

    SWR Working Pro 400 & Ampeg 410 HLF

    Ampeg SVT Pro 3 & Zilla 410 in snake skin tolex

    Orange Terror Bass 500 combo 

    Teca Amp Bona Fide 

    Fender Super Bassman*

    Traynor TS120B with matching 1x15 cab (both 1980)*

    Mesa Boogie 400+*

    GK MB800 & Agulair 2x12*


    * = still own them 


    I realised about 3 year back I'd never explored owning amps properly, so I sold a few basses and have really enjoyed collecting and owning some cool amps and still own a handful of really awesome ones. Its just trading GAS for basses for amps, still just as bad haha 


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