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Jon Gordon

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  1. Hello. Re: feedback problem with the Batking fretless "F" hole ukulele. A good way to reduce feedback a lot without losing the hollow body double bass sound is to make "feedback suppressor plugs" out of dense foam. Use thin paper and do a pencil rubbing of the F holes. It doesn't need to be very accurate. Next cut out the paper F hole shapes and use them asa a template to draw the F hole onto the foam. I used tailors chalk to do this. Now use a craft knife to cut the "F hole plug" out of the foam. If it's a little too large don't worry because you're going to squeeze it into the F hole. A bit of trimming may be necessary but it's worth the effort. It works a treat. I got the idea from F hole plugs for hollow body jazz guitars. Try it. It costs very little and definitely works for me. Btw: I get a rattle/buzz on my A string when pressing it. I say "fretting" it but it's fretless. The open A is fine. I've tried adjusting the truss rod and putting a bit of folded card in the nut slot as I thought maybe the slot had been cut too low. It's improved but still there. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Many thanks, Jon Gordon.
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