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  1. How can you safeguard against scams on Fb Marketplace?
    There's a bass for sale on there I really would like, but I don't know how to safeguard against getting scammed. 😟

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    2. LowB_FTW


      If I end up buying it (and I really want to buy it hahaha) I'll be posting pics.

    3. DaytonaRik


      I always pay the goods and services fees to protect when buying stuff on Market Place - the seller doesn't even have to know/realise if you add it to the amount you're paying and it's a worth the piece of mind.


    4. AinsleyWalker


      Just never pay by Bank Transfer or Friends and Family. Mindboggling people still take the risk despite daily reports of people being scammed through those routes in FB trade/sale groups. 
      Anyone bothered about £2 fees isn't worth dealing with.
      I've sold/bought on Facebook groups/marketplace more than I've bought/sold on here tbh (not much point paying fees to list something when things usually sell quicker on FB and free to list) and I've never once had any issues as I just avoid the routes that get people scammed.

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