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  1. How can you safeguard against scams on Fb Marketplace?
    There's a bass for sale on there I really would like, but I don't know how to safeguard against getting scammed. 😟

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    2. prowla


      Never pay people who aren't your friend or family using PayPal Friends & Family (the clue is in the name!) or any other unsecured method.

      You can try searching for comments regarding the seller; a lot of groups post warnings about scammers.

      You can try joining a group which focuses on the particular item/brand to see if it's listed there.

      Personal collection is best, because then you can see the thing and confirm its condition.
      I've bought and sold many items via FB, though mainly via groups rather than plain marketplace.

    3. LowB_FTW


      Had a chat with the seller and he has a PayPal account and is willing to provide PayPal invoice, so it looks like this is gonna happen. 😄

    4. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      The vast majority of sellers on Basschat I would have no hesitation in buying from.

      Scammers don't fair too well here as the community looks after itself. That said, it can happen, so you're right to be cautious.

      Unlike eBay feedback, it's use here usually gives a fair idea of the type of person you're dealing with.

      Another option is get another BC member to have a look at it for you.

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