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Posts posted by ColinB

  1. [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I got a Joyo JF-01 Vintage Overdrive to replace my 20year-old DIY tube-screamer which died on me. What a superb pedal with both bass and guitar! Just a touch of 'hair' for a bass and it brings the sound to life. Fantastic overdrive on guitar too. I've got a DIY EHX LPB-1 linear boost before it and it's very responsive to that. You can't source the parts and build your own for the price of the Joyo - crazy![/font][/color]

    [color=#141414][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I can't describe it better than the blurb on the box;[/font][/color]

    [b][color=#141414]The overdrive effect is mellow, mild, smooth and exquisite, And the sustain is quite good.[/color][/b]

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1421342418' post='2660184']
    I mean... seriously, Fender?

    This looked dated when you did it for Victor Bailey ten years ago. Now it just looks like an anachronism.

    Honestly, they're losing the plot.

    That's the sort of finish I'd expect on a HBenton DIY bass - at £68

  3. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420810228' post='2653719']
    Hmm, I really shouldn't be buying instruments. But it's occurred to me, I have a birthday this month, and I could totally use an acoustic bass guitar as a party jamming instrument for the times when I don't want to bring my double bass. I'm kind of tempted...

    ....and there, ladies and gentlemen, we have a master-class in justification for another bass. You, Sir, are a genius! :D

  4. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1420793971' post='2653398']
    why would anyone want an unplayable guitar as decoration? [/quote]

    They don't. Thomann have to sell them as 'decoration' because if they sold an unplayable guitar as an instrument people would be in their consumer rights to return them.

    This way Thomann get some cash for something they couldn't otherwise sell, and savvy customers get a guitar on the cheap that they can make playable. Win-Win.

  5. [quote name='Heket' timestamp='1420653378' post='2651783']
    Mine looks smart with a pearl pickguard. I think mine is parchment pearl, so off-white. Got it off ebay from someone called "[url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/guitars_electric?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2754"]guitars_electric[/url]". It required a bit of filing around the pickup and a couple of the pickguard screws had to go in a wee bit wonky, but no drilling required.

    A-ha! That's the ebay outlet of the shop that I linked to..... so it's good to know that they fit, even with a bit of filing. It certainly looks good on your Ray4. I've just given mine a fret-dress and put some faux-blocks on the neck. I'll take a photo tomorrow in the natural light.

    How does it sound with the Fender Rumble? Is that the 100 or the 200W? The Rumble 200 and the TC electronics BG250 are top of my list of 'next amp'.

  6. Something like this might do.... [url="http://www.currys.co.uk/gbuk/home-appliances/heating/heaters/status-ofh7-700w1pkb-oil-filled-radiator-10088272-pdt.html"]http://www.currys.co...088272-pdt.html[/url] at £20.

    We have similar (1.5kW) in the conservatory and its very good.

  7. That's very kind of you, sir! I have seen a piccie of a SUB Ray4 with an aged-pearl p/guard on.... and unless he paid £56 for it from WD (i.e. 1/5[sup]th[/sup] the cost of the bass!!!!) than I'm going to presume he got it from my linked place at £12. I'll take a punt.

  8. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1420629909' post='2651429']
    It is, IMO the worst thing about the BG250 - if it had an extension cab out (and matching 1x15) then I'd still be using one.[/quote]

    I agree.

    [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1420629909' post='2651429']
    Instead and until my BH500 is repaired, my rig will be a BG250 (2x8) into my newly acquired (tomorrow, god willing) Barefaced cab!

    ooooo - I really want to know how the 2x8 sounds, please. Bizarrely, the BG250 2x8 combo is cheaper than the BH250 head in some places! Seems like a no-brainer to me.... especially as you can drop the head out with minimal effort!

  9. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1420583955' post='2651060']
    i just blew my furry caterpillar slush fund on Kev's Darkglass VMT deluxe.... it was a tough call, but i thought i'd get more from the FX pedal!

    You can't take an FX pedal to bed with you, or cuddle it while watching a sad film! :)

  10. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1420574195' post='2650850']
    Nice, where did you get the pick up from? Those pickguards look nice too, tempted for the aged pearl white also.
    The Stinger arrived today but it'll probably be tomorrow or the weekend before I fit it. :)

    I got the p/up from [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-MM-Pro-Plus-Alnico-Music-Man-style-pickup-INCREDIBLE-tone_p_323.html"]http://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-MM-Pro-Plus-Alnico-Music-Man-style-pickup-INCREDIBLE-tone_p_323.html[/url]. Very quick and efficient service, too. I ordered it on the 1[sup]st[/sup] Feb and it arrived on the 6[sup]th[/sup] after being flown half-way round the world for £37.46 inc. p&p.

  11. The GFS MM pro plus p/up arrived today..... and after various messings around with series-parallel switching I decided that it sounded [u]so[/u] good in parallel (even though it comes with the red and white wires soldered together for series) that I wired it in parallel and put the pre-amp back in - but with the 25k volume pot mod.

    I think it sounds absolutely fantastic; just the sound I've been looking - listening? - for. I am a very happy bunny indeed. I'm still interested in how the stinger pre-amp sounds, tho'. The OEM pre is made of tiny, tiny componants and does have a bit of a background hiss. The stinger has 'proper' componants and may be hissless.

  12. ooooo - let us know how the stinger pre-amp works out please. I've got a GFS MM pro plus on order...... so I'll make some comment about that when it's arrived and installed.

    Does it look as good as the photo?

    I'm tempted by one of these..... from here... [url="http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/product/music_man_stingray_bass_4_scratch_plate"]http://www.guitarselectric.co.uk/product/music_man_stingray_bass_4_scratch_plate[/url]

  13. What a great idea. I've always hated the way Fender put their side dots half in the rosewood and half in the maple - it makes them very difficult to see with my poor eyesight. I've drilled out the side dots 'oversize' and put new dots in surrounded by dark titebond liquid hide glue so they stand out more, but these seem like an even better idea.

  14. I throw myself at the mercy of the amp tech gurus who frequent this esteemed establishment.

    I have an Ashdown MAG-300 head which is 7 years old, and so out of warrenty, and it has lately developed a strange 'fast ticking' noise. I've swapped amp and cab around in all combinations and the noise follows the amp around. I've engaged and disengaged all the buttons and even used the effects loop to send a signal to a different power amp, and to return a signal from a different pre-amp, but the ticking is still there. I'm mightily confused

    The sound is a bit like the fan ticking against it's cage, except the noise only occurs while the note is sounding, and the speed of the ticking follows the frequency of the note. I also dropped the chassis out and hoovered out the fluff and disconnected the fan - just in case! If I turn the amp up then the ticking doesn't get any louder, but playing quietly in the 'music room' (as we refer to the spare bedroom) it's plainly obvious and I believe it's getting worse.

    It isn't noticable at stage volumes (yet?), but I'm worried in case it's indicative of an imminent failure, and it's getting to be all I hear while I practice!!

    If anyone has any ideas then I'd be very grateful. I'm happy replacing componants - I've built and repaired valve amps and various pedals - if it's an obvious repair.

    If not, then I suppose I either return it to Ashdown for them to fix (if they do out of warrent repairs) or take it to a local repair shop. I'm near Aylesbury, Bucks if anyone knows or can recommend one.

    ......or is this time to convince MrsB that it's time for a nice, new micro head. Can't gig with unreliable stuff..... need a back-up etc etc.

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice/sympathy/cups of tea offered.


  15. The Carpenters are great! We play 'Close To You' in our set and we've often heard the audience go "yeah" and sing along.

    'Goodbye To Love' was one of the first guitar solos I learnt note-for-note when I was learning to play in the 70s. It's still one of my favourite songs.

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