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Posts posted by asingardenof

  1. 1 hour ago, Lw. said:

    Gosh they're cheap. I feel like even if the electrics aren't great, if you've got the tools you should be able to sort them as the fundamental build seems decent. Really don't need another bass though, hmmm.

    Indeed, after spending the equivalent sum as for a Squier they'd be an excellent mod platform. £150 for the VTC preamp, £10 for a proper headstock decal, £20 for a Hipshot string retainer, £250 for noise-cancelling pickups, and for less than £800 you'd have a banging bass.

    • Like 1
  2. If they've let you down in the past they'll let you down in the future, is a good rule of thumb I reckon. If they had good reasons to quit last time and didn't really have a choice I'd give them a second chance, but if they either ghosted you or were a bad bandmate before they quit then they can do one.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, neepheid said:


    Not even the original artists play their lines live note-for-note perfect vis-a-vis the recordings, so what's is there to worry about?  We're musicians, not a bloody jukebox!

    Exactly! I have this argument with our keyboardist every time we start learning a new song and he complains about it being too complicated or "produced". I just show him a live performance of it being different to the recording (Club Foot by Kasabian being a good example) and then he settles down.

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  4. 14 hours ago, MiltyG565 said:

    I could spend hours trial and erroring my way to something that sounds good when actually somebody already did the trial and error years ago and somebody is able to explain why the result of that works well, and had I just applied that technical knowledge sooner, I could save my self several hours. That is not cheating, it's not incorrect, and it is not less musical.

    I really wish someone could beat this argument into Jeff Berlin so he'd finally shut up.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, tinyd said:

    I agree with the sentiment that playing it "your way" is usually the way to go. But it's still an education when, as @KingPrawn says, you thought you _were_ playing them just like the original (but weren't)!

    I remember doing exactly this with Cissy Strut (not just a bass line - it's played on guitar as well). In this case, the original has less notes that my version which helps....

    If it's any consolation there a lot of famous bassists that don't get it right either...



    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, casapete said:

    The function band I was in many years ago played a lot of weddings. Over the years we’d met a lot

    of famous people who were guests, although my guitarist pal in the band was most wowed when

    he found out that Gary Moore was attending a local wedding in the early 90’s. It was in a marquee

    in a posh suburb, a flash do with plenty of guests and a free bar etc.
    Tension was high on the day as Gary Moore was my pal’s guitar hero, and he was understandably 

    nervous about playing in front of him. Subsequently he had quite a few drinks to take the edge

    off a bit. Someone suggested Gary could guest with the band, and with that he went to his car and

    brought out a Fender combo which was set up on the stage. My pal was so excited by this time,

    and had a few more drinks for a bit of dutch courage. 

    The gig went great, Gary Moore was a top bloke, very friendly and unassuming. My pal ( who is

    a wonderful player himself) traded solos with Gary, although by this time he was a touch unsteady

    and stood on Gary’s pedals a few times by mistake! Gary didn’t seem too bothered by this, and my pal

    was very apologetic.

    Anyway, the audience loved it and my pal was in seventh heaven afterwards. It was only when

    he’d been driven home after the gig that he realised he had played with his hero all evening whilst

    wearing odd shoes. 

    I wonder if he normally kept a combo amp in his car or if he was just expecting to be called into service that day.

  7. 10 minutes ago, bassace said:

    We had a half decent trad band in Cheltenham in the sixties. It wasn’t really our thing but it was commercial. We organised a tour of Cornwall in 63: RN Culdrose, Newlyn Fishmarket, that sort of thing. Our final gig was at the Flamingo Ballroom at Redruth. When we arrived we were met by the owner, Joy Hone, who told us that Georgie Fame was staying at her adjoining hotel recovering from sunburn. As we were setting up he came up on the stage, sat at the piano and played Dat Dere with me on bass and our alto sax player. Not many trad bands would play that. We returned the compliment by booking him and the Blue Flames into Cheltenham a few weeks later. For £50, as I recall. Happy days.

    The Flamingo ballroom is now a Morrisons. The local nostalgia groups are very grumpy about that turn of events. 

  8. 18 hours ago, Woodinblack said:


    Paypal has a qr code that you scan if you pick up in person, proving your received it. And for a bank transfer, then it doesn't matter what they say, you have the money and they can't do anything about it (or paypal friends and family - same thing)

    I know that works with eBay purchases because I've done it, but does it work with Reverb as well?

  9. 13 minutes ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    It seems that a lot of people seems to be of the assumption that technical playing is the opposite negation of serving the song or soulful playing, which is just nonsense. 


    Of course it can be, but so can just turning out root notes, or any other type/style of playing for that matter, but it all depends on the context.


    From what many people are writing here it sounds like some of you are automatically dismissing everything as soon as it gets a bit too technical as bad, without actually listening.


    Context, context people.


    Also, do some people have an aversion against solo pieces, or is it just bass solo pieces, if then why is this, and if not, how can a solo piece serve the song, it is the song?


    Also I love the sound of bass as an instrument, one of the main reasons why i chose it as my main instrument.


    Why chose it as your main instrument of choice, if you don't like the sound of it?


    Speaking personally I can appreciate the technicality where someone's playing a blizzards of notes, but quite often it just seems really out of place or just showing off for the sake of it. Pretty much every time I feel like that is when players are playing fast slap and all you can hear is the clackityclackityclackity of the string on the frets but there's no time for any kind of timbre of note to be heard because the next fret clank is only a tiny fraction of a second behind it. The problem isn't that I don't like the sound of it - I love the sound of it but would actually like to hear it!

    • Like 3
  10. 6 minutes ago, Newfoundfreedom said:

    I couldn't do iTunes.


    My loathing of all things Apple runs so deep I wouldn't even eat an apple pie. 🤣

    I got put off iTunes and iPhones when I had one back in about 2009, and I loathed iTunes with a fiery passion. I had a work iPhone in 2017-2019 but feel no desire to have one again as a personal phone, and iTunes is definitely a part of that.

    • Like 2
  11. 3 hours ago, woodyratm said:

    Verf-revrb.com doesn’t seem legit. I wouldn’t proceed. 

    Are you selling items? Take a look on your dashboard on https://reverb.com and see what is there. I would imagine it won’t be there, and in the event it’s showing your account needing verification; I’d follow that route rather than a link. 

    The domain is currently unregistered

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  12. 15 minutes ago, markbunney said:

    I have an audition tonight. They sent me the setlist, and said to learn three specific ones off it for the audition. I have learnt those, and am pretty comfortable with them, but Ive had a good go at learning another 17 of them just in case! 

    Break a leg!

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